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Unit 8 : Country life and City life

Câu hỏi:

\( Choose the word which has a different stress pattern from the others. II. Complete the sentences, using the correct form of the words in brackets. 1. ________ Charlie Chaplin was born in London, England. (legend) 2. In Canada, there are a lot of________ from various countries.(refuge) 3. Lake Wanaka is a ________ scenery in New Zealand.(spectacle) 4. The Sydney Opera House is an________ monument of Australia.(icon) 5. The________ originates in Ireland and its associated islands. (Ireland) 6. The Canadians are native________ of English.(speak) 7. English is an________ language of France. (official) 8. Thuy________ loves the koala in Australia.(absolute) 9. The violation of that company was________ yesterday.(exposure) 10. Do storm water and the atmosphere bring non- point source ? (pollution) III.Complete the sentences with the appropriate present tense of the verbs in brackets. 1. Since its beginning more than a century ago, the slouch hat________ one of the most distinctive items of Australian clothing.(become) 2. For over 130 years, Akubra hats________ its legendary stories in Australia.(make) 3. Aberdeen in Scotland________ an important centre for the oil industrysince the finding of oil in the North Sea. (become) 4. Canada________ the longest land border in the world with the United States.(share) 5. Ireland________ the Eurovision Song Contest seven times.(win) 6. In Canada you should maintain eye contact while you________ hands.(shake) 7. In Canada, New Year’s Day________ a long tradition of celebration.(have) 8. First names________ used more frequently in Australia than in other countries. (be) 9. Recently, many places in New Zealand________ called with two names – one English, and one Maori. (be) 10. Maori people________ the hongi – touching noses – to greet peoplethey safe and familiar with. (use – feel)\)