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1. ___________ from John, all the students said they would go.

A. Except

B. Only

C. Apart

D. Separate

2. If you work for us, you’ll get somewhere to live _____ free.

A. for

B. at

C. out

D. of

3. The new manager explained to the staff that she hoped to _____ new procedures to save

time and money.

A. manufacture

B. establish

C. control

D. restore

4. They took pride _______ being the best players of the school.

A. in

B. with

C. on

D. for

5. She’d prefer to go out ________ home.

A. than to stay

B. than staying

C. rather than staying

D. rather than stay

6. They received _______ advice from their parents that they became successful.

A. so good

B. such a good

C. so good an

D. such good

7. Have you got a car ________ ?

A. of your own

B. of yourself

C. of you

D. of your

8. There is a fault at our television station. Please do not ______ your television set.

A. change

B. adjust

C. repair

D. switch

9. If you want to attend the course, you must pass the ................... examination.

A. write

B. written

C. wrote

D. writing

10. Either Peter and his brothers _______ the keys to the car.

A. has been taken

B. has taken

C. have taken

D. have been taken

11. We can tell you that we often have a friendly _______ in our class.

A. atmosphere

B. air

C. matter

D. impression

12. These clothes are fashionable and _______ . Do you agree with me?

A. only

B. merely

C. unique

D. uniquely


13. He _______ to have a very big fortune and a beautiful wife.

A. rumors

B. rumored

C. has rumored

D. was rumored

14. Did you use to do a _______ when you were at the university.

A. full-time job

B. part-time

C. full-time

D. part-time job

15. My house is just _______ . I live in the nearby neighborhood.

A. near here

B. near to

C. near by

D. near from

II. Complete the passage below using the correct forms of the words in brackets.

People are becoming more security conscious these days. Crimes like burglary and

(1.THIEF)_________ are definitely on the increase. One of the most (2. PAIN) _________

experiences a home (3.OWN) _________ can have is to arrive home and find that his or her

(4. VALUE) _________ have disappeared, because a window had (5. ACCIDENT)

_________been left open. What can we do to protect ourselves? The most important piece of

(6. ADVISORY) _________ is to make sure that your (7. INSURE)________ coverage is

up to date. Another (8. SENSE) ________ thing to do is to go along to your local police

station, where they will be more than willing to make (9. SUGGEST) _________ on (10.

RELY)_________ ways of safeguarding your property.

III. Identify the errors in the following sentences and correct them.

1/ We won't mind your (A) being late – (B) beside, it's (C) hardly your (D) mistake.

2/ (A) The whole report is (B) badly typed. (C) Moreover, it's (D) imaccurate.

3/ I'm not (A) astonish she (B) shouted at us! (C) How would we like (D) to be pushed into a


4/ Nguyen is (A) everything we'd ever (B) want (C) in a man - brilliant, (D) fun and


5/ They just hope (A) that the money (B) goes to those (C) who are mainly in (D) needs.

6/ A doctor (A) with profession, this is his first (B) pleasure trip (C) into writing (D) for

the theatre.

7/ She (A) views her life (B) like a spiritual (C) voyage towards a superior (D) understanding

of her confidence.

8/ Trung was a (A) youthful sailor (B) on his first (C) sea (D) excursion