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Read the following passage carefully and complete the sentences that follow by circling letter A, B, C or D as the correct answers and then mark your choice on the answer sheet.

     In many modern countries, people think of a family as a mother, a father and their children. But this is not the only kind of the family group. In some parts of the world, a family group has many other members. This kind of large family is called an "extended family" or a "joint family".

     The joint family includes all living relatives on either the mother's or the father's side of the family. It is made up of grandparents, parents, brothers, sisters, uncles, aunts and cousins. They live together in a large house or in huts built close together.

     Early people probably live in joint families. They had to be part of a large in order to survey. The members of the group help each other hunt. They work together to protect themselves from dangerous animals and other enemies.

     In China, people lived in joint families. When a son married, he and his wife lived at his parents' home. Unmarried daughters remained at home until they married. Chinese children felt very loyal to their parents. Younger members of the joint family always took care of the old ones.

     India and Africa, some people still live in joint families. The members of a joint family share their earnings and property. If one member of the group becomes ill or has bad luck, the others help the person. As in the past, the members of the joint family offer each other help and protection.

In India and Africa, people in joint families help a person when ______

A. he has good luck 

B. he has bad luck  

C. he gets rid of illness   

D. he shares them his earnings

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions from 35 to 42.

        A mansion is a very large home. McDonald's is the name of a fast food hamburger chain. What do you get when you put the two together? You get McMansion, the recently created name for a type of large suburban, two storied home that originated in the United States. Many people love McMansions for their low price, abundant space and impressive styling, but the news is not all gooD. In fact, McMansions may now be a threatened species.

        McMansion became very popular in the United States during the 1990s, and this popularity continued for almost 20 years. During those years the economy was relatively strong, and banks were willing to lend large sums of money to people who wanted to buy a home. The result was an increase in the average home size. In 1988, the average new American home was 170 square meters, but by 2008 this had risen to 244 square meters, a 44% increase.

        To offset the greater costs of these large homes, land developers built many homes that all used a similar basic design and identical construction methods. Framing and interior fittings were constructed in

factories, instead of on site, and the materials used were often of a lower quality. Finally, the sections of land used for each house were much smaller than before.

        The result was suburban developments full of huge homes, often over 280 square meters in floor area, that all looked similar to each other. Their standardization and lowest possible-cost construction reminded people of McDonald's hamburgers, hence the term McMansion. For many people a McMansion was their dream home, but that dream is now rapidly turning sour.

        There are two main problems with McMansions. One problem is that their huge size means that they cost a lot to heat or cool. Energy is becoming more expensive, so owners are faced with huge bills if they try to heat or cool their home. The other problem is that McMansion owners are often in a lot of debt. They borrowed a lot of money to pay for their impressive home, but during the 2000s, with struggling economy and high unemployment, they couldn't afford to repay their loan.

        McMansion are still popular in some area, but no one is sure how long it will last. Will energy become even more expensive and force owners to downsize? Will the economy grow and banks become more willing to end again? Will the drop-in house prices allow larger, less affluent families to afford a McMansion? These questions are weighing heavily on the future of one of the most popular housing styles of the late 20th century.

(Source: Reading planet)

The word “it” in the last paragraph refers to _____.

A. the popularity of McMansions in some areas 

B. the fact that few people can afford a McMansion 

C. the struggling economy and high unemployment 

D. the dream of owning an impressive McMansion