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Choose the best answer to complete the following sentences                                 1. He shouldn’t put so much salt in it, ______? (shouldn’t he / would he / should he / wouldn’t he)                                                                                      2. I spent most of the time ______ in Internet when I was a boy. (to wander / wandered / wandering / wander)                                                                        3. If he ______ hard today, can he have a holiday tomorrow? (works / will work / worked / would worked)                                                                          4. Because there ______ no buses, we had to take a taxi. (are / is / was / were)                                                                                                                  5. You ______ anything tonight, are you? (do / aren’t doing / are doing / isn’t doing)                                                                                                                6. We plan to ______ this Saturday. (go hiked / go hiking / go to hike / go hike)                                                                                                                  7. I’ll have to buy a map ______ I don’t know this area. (if / because / when / because of)                                                                                                        8. It is recommended that he ______ this course. (took / takes / take / taking)
9. He’s running so fast. I ______ catch up with him. (cannot hardly / can hardly / not hardly / could hardly)                                                                    10. It is important that he ______ take the final examination. (has to / have to / had to / having to)                                                                                           11. If you are busy, we ______ this by ourselves. (will do / did / would do / doing)                                                                                                              12. When he was in university, he wasted much time ______ by Internet. (to chat / chat / chatting / chatted)
13. He denied ______ the shop. (breaking into / break into / breaking on / to break into)                                                                                                       14. She suggested ______ for a swim. (going / go / to go / gone)                    15. You don’t know French, ______? (does you / don’t you / do you / didn’t you)                                                                                                                  16. I don’t ______ the action films. I prefer documentaries. (likes watching / like watching / hardly to watch / hardly watching)                                               17. ______ we were tired, we sat down beside the stream. (Because of / As / If / And)                                                                                                           18. Tom doesn’t have to go to lecture, ______? (does Tom / did he / doesn’t Tom / does he)
19. He finished ______ and sat down. (to speak / speaking / speak / spoken) 20. I’ll write in Spanish finished ______ understand English. (because he don’t / because he doesn’t / because of he doesn’t / because of he don’t)    21. Sue ______. She never seems to stop. (work continuously / works continuously / works continuous / continuously works)                                   22. She ______ when she heard the news. (can’t help crying / can’t helped crying / couldn’t help cry / couldn’t help crying)                                                23. The children ______ surprised, were they? (weren’t / was / haven’t been / hasn’t been)
24. Did you go to Jane’s party last night? Of course, I did. But now I regret ______ there. (go / gone / going / went)                                                         25. ______ the meat was cooked, I took it out of the oven. (Because of / Because / If / And)                                                                                          26. He looked me ______ when I interrupted him. (angry / angrily / hungry / thirsty)
27. It’s essential that ______ here on time. (you are / you is / you were / you be)                                                                                                                    28. Bill puts money in the bank, ______? (didn’t he / did he / doesn’t he / does he)                                                                                                                   29. I’m leaving next week. And I think I’ll never forget ______ with you. (worked / work / to work / working)                                                                 30. He ______ to find a job, but he had no luck. (tried hard / hardly tried / tried hardly / try hardly)                                                                                    31. It is necessary that the mother ______ by breast milk. (feed her baby up / feeds her baby up / bed her baby up / feeds up her baby)                                  32. Maria is studying laws, ______?(isn’t Maria / is Maria / isn’t she / wasn’t she)                                                                                                                 33. Would you mind ______ your pet snake somewhere else? (put / putting / to put / puts)                                                                                                    34. ______ the manager is out today, I’ll sign the letter. (Because / If / Because of / But)                                                                                             35. My leg was hurting me. I ______ walk. (could hardly / can hardly / could hard / can hard)                                                                                               36. The driver was ______. (serious injured / injure seriously / seriously injured / injured seriously)
37. You haven’t written to her ______, have you? (recently / never / late / recent)                                                                                                             38. The boy likes ______ games but hates ______ his lessons. (play – study / playing – study / play – studying / playing – studying)                                  39. I’ve given your old jacket away ______ it was too tight for you. (because of / if / because / and)                                                                                     40. Our holiday was too short. The time ______. (passed quick / quick passed / passed quickly / quickly passes)                                                      41. You can’t stop me ______ what I want. (doing / to do / do / that I do)          42. Help me, ______? (will you / won’t you / do you / don’t you)                    43. I like Cathy. She ______. (works very fastly / works very fast / work very fastly / working very fast)                                                                                44. I’m absolutely sure I locked the door. I clearly remember ______ it. (to lock / locking / lock / locked)                                                                            45. If you press that button, the alarm ______. (will ring / ring / ringing / would ring)                                                                                                                 46. When I arrived, he was trying ______ it, but there was something wrong with the engine. (to start / stated / starting / start)
47. Bin ______ a novel, hasn’t he? (write / has written / wrote / will write)     48. If he likes the house, ______ buy it? (would he / will he / did he / does he) 49. If he ______ all that, he will be ill. (ate / will eat / has eaten / eat)            50. It is very important that everybody ______ very carefully. (should listen / to listen / listens / will listen)