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Chủ đề:

Ôn thi vào 10

Câu hỏi:

1.         Do you think you have the …………………… to pass the exam ? (able)

2.         Do you believe in …………………. between men and women ? (equal)

3.         Earthquakes often come together with volcanic …………………… (erupt)

4.         The lava in the ………………  ……………… as it cools. (volcanic / solid)

5.         …………………… are trying their best to prevent air ………………. (environment / pollute)   

6.         Even if you have dark skin, you still need ………………… from the sun. (protect)

7.         The planet of our ……………… system are Mercury, Venus, Earth and so on. (sun)

8.         Teenagers are now ……………………… dressed. (fashion)

9.         Mr. Brown will need all the support and …………………… present for me. (courage)

10.    He had an accident because he was driving ……………………. (care)

11.    He is known for his ……………………. to his classmates. (generous)

12.    Toys are ………………… for the mental ………………. of children. (necessity / grow)

13.    He …………………. participated in the fight against air pollution. (active)

14.    Fresh food must be ……………………… carefully. (preserve)

15.    My colleague always helps everyone ………………………. (habit)

16.    My friend has been the BBC’s political …………………… for many years. (correspond)

17.    He has explained that matter ……………………… (collective)

18.    All the information was …………………… unclear, we can’t see it. (surprise)

19.    She started writing ……………………… at the age of 19. (poetic) 

20.    Tuoi Tre Newspaper is a …………………… one. (day)

21.    He turned off the …………………… when he went out of the house. (electric)

22.    He was one of the most talented …………………… in our nation when he was young. (music)

23.    He is always guided by religious …………………. (believe)

24.    Her proposals met with an enthusiastic ……………………… (respond)

25.    Her success is our great ………………………. (happy)

26.    Here is his …………………… place at the table. (habit)

27.    His school is being ………………….. at the moment. (beautiful)

28.    John’s …………………… has ………………… a lot since last year. (behave / improvement)

29.    I bought a good …………………… at Nguyen Kim supermarket yesterday. (cook)

30.    I will be waiting for you at the ………………… of the pagoda. (enter)

31.    Watching TV is my favorite ……………………. in free time. (act)

32.    I don’t like wearing ……………………… jeans. (embroider)

33.    I didn’t ask them to help me. They did it ………………………. (volunteer)

34.    I couldn’t see anything clearly thought that …………………. window. (steam)

35.    I am one of his ………………………… (acquaint)

36.    I can complete a Vietnamese ……………… test if necessary. (speak)

37.    I am thankful to my teacher who gives me a lot of ………………………. (encourage)

38.    Hong Loan’s listen is ………………………… (excellence)

39.    How can we ……………………… people from throwing cans away ? (prevention)

40.    You can listen to pop music on the ……………………. TV stations. (commerce)

41.    Nowadays, parents have little time to …………………. with the children. (interactive)

42.    He has had treatment for 2 months now without any …………………… (improve)

43.    Nothing ……………………. him. He is always……………………. (satisfy / complaint)

44.    My younger brother has a fine ………………… of stamp. (collect)

45.    Thousands of …………………… will take part in this activity. (picnic)

46.    The boy ………………….. brings the newspaper to my house at 7 o’clock. (usual)

47.    …………………., school uniforms make students feel more mature. (add)

48.    Attention, please ! Here is a special ……………………. (announce)

49.    The ……………. regions will experience temperatures between 250C and 300C. (center)

50.    They have ……………………… their problems since yesterday. (bad)

51.    Smoking does ………………………… to your health. (repair)

Chủ đề:

Ôn thi vào 10

Câu hỏi:

1.         The talk ended ___________ when one of the delegations walked out in protest. (abruptness)

2.         He has always demanded the highest standard of ____________ from his children. (behave)

3.         She is an _____________ teacher who graduated from the university last year. (experience)

4.         The exact _______________ of universe remains a _________________. (mysterious)

5.         I think UFOs are just the ___________________ of some people. (imagine)

6.         Is there any _______________ for the existence of life in other planet ? (evident)

7.         I find the story about UFOs hardly ___________________. (believe)

8.         She needed one stamp to finish her stamp ________________. (collect)

9.         Great works of arts like Mona Lisa are _________________. (precious)


1.         A ……………… storm is the one which reaches 120 kilometers per hour. (tropic)

2.         ……………………, the marriages of the women were praised by their parents. (tradition)

3.         ……………………… ! You passed the exam …………………… (congratulate / success)

4.         “Dang Thuy Tram Diary” is known to everyone. It is ……………. read. (wide)

5.         ……………………., the storm didn’t damage much to the villages. (fortune)

6.         7. 30 am is a rather …………………. time for an ………………… (convenience / appoint)

7.         That ………………… faucet can waste 500 liters of water a month. (drip)

8.         A …………………. eruption occurred here last night. (disaster)

9.         ……………………., my parents used to be classmates. (interest)

10.    A …………………… should be ended ………………… (complain / polite)

11.    If you are a good student, you must know how to study ……………………. (effective)

12.    Some ………………….. had an accident yesterday. (mountain)

13.    A school outfits will no longer be ………………………… (compel)

14.    A stay in the country will be …………………. to his health. (benefit)

15.    Acting has brought me enormous ……………………… (enjoy)

16.    After the hit summer, there was a ………………….. of water. (short)

17.    Air …………………… is a big problem in big cities. (pollute)

18.    A lot of ……………… to New York are delayed because of the fog. (fly)

19.    People in the whole town are ……………he victory of their football team now. (celebration)

20.    All cigarettes packets carry a government health …………………. (warn)

21.    Those who ……………… in the meeting yesterday had an opportunity to speak. (participant)

22.    Although I ………………… you whistling, I have to admit you do it very well. (like)

23.    Ambulances took the ……………… to a nearby hospital. (injure)

24.    America ………………… more cars this year than last year. (productive)

25.    Japan was rapidly ……………………… in the early 20th century. (industry)

26.    My uncle is an ……………………… . He works for the Ministry of Finances. (economize)

27.    Angkor Watt used to be a ………………. center. (religion)

28.    At this time, ice cream couldn’t be …………………. bought in the store. (convenience)

29.    Are you ………………… with these …………………….. ? (satisfaction / decorate)

30.    My friend ate some …………………. mushrooms, so he had to go to the hospital. (poison)

31.    Banyan trees ……………………. the Vietnamese country. (symbol)

32.    Bell demonstrated his ……………… at a lot of …………………… (invent / exhibit)

33.    Buses run ………………… between country and city. (frequent)

34.    By learning English, we can catch the world’s ……………………… (develop)

35.    At the age of 18, he was ……………………. his family. (depend)

36.    The ………………. of the speech is enjoyed by all the people in this town. (free)

37.    ………………………, the ghost isn’t existed. (science)

38.    Despite the ………………… weather, thousands of soldiers helped protect this area. (storm)

39.    Do you …………………….. meet each other after leaving school ? (occasion)

40.    Easter is a ………………… festival which is celebrated in many countries. (joy)

41.    Do you often check your ………………… before travelling abroad ? (arrange)

Chủ đề:

Ôn thi vào 10

Câu hỏi:

1.         We are looking forward to the latest ______________ in the computer technology. (innovate)

2.         ___________________ are concerned about the rising level of air pollution. (environment)

3.         The tablets work more ________________ if you take a hot drink after them. (efficiency)

4.         His parents seem to be ________________ that he hasn’t tried his best to study. (disappoint)

5.         Smoking can cause ___________________ diseases. (respire)

6.         In order to keep our environment _________________, we shouldn’t drop litter in public places. (pollutant)

7.         I’ve made a _________________ to the police about the noise. (complain)

8.         Your electricity bill can be greatly _______________ by using low-energy heaters. (reduction)

9.         I’m very ________________ because they use electricity to catch fish. (worry)

10.    I am __________ disappointed to know my children haven’t cleaned up all the trash. (extreme)

11.    _______________ are interested in the protection of the environment. (conserve)

12.    Speaking in the public seems to come quite ________________ to her. (nature)

13.    __________________ encourage people to use products which are _________________ friendly. (governmental / environment)

14.    Consumers don’t want products that will save money but work ________________ (affect)

15.    The boy behaves so __________________ that we don’t like him. (politeness)

16.    Sulfur dioxide is one of several_______ that can be found in coal-fired power station. (pollute)

17.    If ________________ continues, there will be more a lot of forests ten years from now. (forest)

18.    The report is _________________, so I can hardly find anything informative. (sense)

19.    Your ______________ have to be taken into consideration. (suggest)

20.    ________________, our environment must be protected. (ultimate)

21.    The ___________ to our advertisement has been somewhat ____________. (respond / appoint)

22.    In Sweden, most of the houses will be _____________ by __________ energy soon. (hot / sun)

23.    Snow in April is an unusual _________________ in this area. (occur)

24.    Good __________________ were the key to success. (prepare)

25.    People sang Auld Lang Syne ________________ on New Year’s Eve. (joy)

26.    We love our grandma for her _________________. (generous)

27.    Mary is ________________ to be the most famous girl in our school. (considerate)

28.    You should ________________ yourself with the new environment. (family)

29.    We think that Mother’s Day should be celebrated __________________ (nation)

30.    We are very busy ___________________ the Lunar New Year holiday. (celebration)

31.    I worry about the _____________ effect that violent films may have on children. (destroy)

32.    He’s been one of the most effective ____________ in the campaign. (act)

33.    My opinion is that ghosts are ______________. There are no ghosts in the world. (exist)

34.    What is the UFO, Dad ? – Well, it is an ______________ flying object. (identical)

35.    Maldini is _______________ in AC Milan. He is the key to success. (replace)

36.     Life ________________ has increased a lot in modern life. (expect)

37.    Children will have a time to __________________ tradition. (enhancement)

38.    She is going downtown to buy some ________________ ornaments. (decoration)

39.    He is just a business ________________. (acquaint)

40.    All guests arrived bringing ______________. (give)

41.    These hills were formed by _________________ eruption. (volcano)

42.    Students have a tendency to _______________ themselves at exam time. (behavior)

43.    Her parents are _______________ that she had won the first prize. (joy)

44.    The school was completely ________________ by fire. (destruction)

45.    When there is a volcanic _______________, hundreds of people may lose their life. (erupt)

46.    The ______________ resorts are empty in winter. (coast)

47.    The building was _______________ damaged in the war. (extend)

48.    _______________, the typhoon caused severe damage to the village. (luck)