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Số lượng câu hỏi 41
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Chủ đề:

Luyện tập tổng hợp

Câu hỏi:

1. How far _______ it from Ha Noi to Ho Chi Minh City?

A. is B. are C. was D. were

2. In the future, machines _______ all the work for us.

A. are doing B. will do C. were doing D. do

3. Every day Mr. Tuan _______ in the fields from 6 am to 4 pm.

A. worked B. work C. is working D. works

4. I _______ pleased that you and your family are well.

A. am B. do C. was D. will be

5. When _______ Vietnamese people celebrate the New Year?

A. will B. are C. do D. is

6. Ba is in his room. He _______ the guitar now.

A. was playing B. played C. is playing D. will play

7. I _______ at Ly Thuong Kiet School last year.

A. study B. studied C. will study D. am studying

8. Next month is Lien’s birthday. She _______ some of her friends to her birthday party.

A. invite B. invites C. is going to invite D. invited

9. John Robinson is an English teacher from England. He _______ for an apartment in Ha Noi for his family now.

A. looks B. is looking C. looked D. will look

10. We _______ soccer after school yesterday.

A. aren’t playing B. won’t play C. don’t play D. didn’t play

11. School in the USA are a little different ..... school in Viet Nam.

A. from B. in C. with D. and

12.One..... the world’s largest libraries is the United States’ Library of Congress.

A. with B. of C. from D. in

13. ..... her Geography class, she studies maps and learns about different countries.

A. At B.On C.In D. With

14. How ..... do you study in the library a fter school?

A. always B. usually C. often D.sometimes

15. Why ..... you come along?

A. don’t B. doesn’t C.do D. does

Chủ đề:

Luyện tập tổng hợp

Câu hỏi:

1.It is an eight minute test

The test……………………………………………………………………………….

2.Lan is the youngest of the three sisters

Lan has……………………………………………………………….

3.Of all the subjects I like English best


4.You have a fiend.She is very helpful


5.We live quite near the park

We don’t………………………………………………………………………………………….

6.Hoa makes a dress.It was very nice


7.Why isn’t this TV working now


8.I advise you to wear these gloves

You ‘d…………………………………………………………………………….

9.Trung didn’t go to school last Tuesday

Trung was……………………………………………………………………………….

10.Having a “balanced diet” is very important


11.No one in our class speaks Eg more fluently than Lan (most)

12.Last year Mr Bill sang smoothy(was)

13.Who is the owner of this book

Who does…………………………………………………………………………….

14.He likes eating out more than cooking at home.

He ‘d rather………………………………………………………………………….

15.My brother and I went to that school.

I went to that school and so………………………………………………………………………….

16.Getting a good job doesn’t interest him

He isn’t………………………………………………………………………….

17.She went to school late(early)

16.His bike is differen from mine

His bike………………………………………………………………………….

18.She is not a quick runner

She does………………………………………………………………………….

His brother is………………………………………………………………………….

19.He couldn’t go to school because of this illness

Because he………………………………………………………………………….

20.My brother is more good looking than I

I am not ………………………………………………………………………….

21.One of my fiends,Peter is a fast runner

One of my fiends,Peter………………………………………………………………………….

22.She will make a SaPa tour that lasts four days

We will make a………………………………………………………………………….

23.Hoa hates the sound and the busy road in the city

Hoa doesn’t………………………………………………………………………….

Giúp mình với.Mai mình thi rồi

Chủ đề:

Bài viết số 1 - Văn lớp 7

Câu hỏi:

Con tàu tốc hành đưa tôi từ Hưng Yên vào thăm thành phố mang tên Bác đang vun vút lao trên tuyến đường sắt xuyên Việt. Phong cảnh hai bên đường thật tuyệt vời! Việt Nam quả là một giang sơn gấm vóc! Hướng dẫn viên thông báo tàu chuẩn bị vượt đèo Hải Vân, đèo dài nhất trên lộ trình Bắc Nam – một cảnh quan nổi tiếng của nước ta.Kia rồi! Đèo Hải Vân đã hiện ra trước mắt. Dãy Trường Sơn sừng sững chắn ngang. Từ xa, tôi đã nhìn thấy con đường ngoằn ngoèo uốn khúc vắt từ sườn núi này sang sườn núi nọ.Đã đến chân đèo. Con tàu giảm tốc độ, ì ạch kéo các toa đầy hành khách từ từ leo dốc. Dù đã được lắp thêm một đầu máy đẩy phía sau, nó vẫn trườn đi một cách nặng nhọc. Có lúc, đoàn tàu chui vào đoạn đường hầm hun hút, tối om xuyên qua lòng núi. Có lúc, nó bám cheo leo vào sườn núi, hoặc lượn vòng như con rắn khổng lồ. Không gian tĩnh mịch và thoáng đãng. Thỉnh thoảng, có tiếng chim rừng lảnh lót trong nắng sớm.Xa xa, biển Đông bao lao tít tắp nối liền với chân trời. Những chỗ biển ăn sâu vào chân núi tạo thành những vũng, những vịnh xinh xinh, nước xanh ngăn ngắt. Thỉnh thoảng hiện ra trong tầm mắt du khách du khách những cồn cát trắng có, rặng dừa xanh viền quanh làng chài ven biển. Dăm ba chiếc thuyền sau một đêm ra khơi đang từ từ về bến. Đoàn tàu lướt đi trong mây gió bồng bềnh. Xuống đến chân đèo, ta thấy biện xanh hiện ra gần gũi lạ thường. Hành khách có thể nhìn rõ từng cánh chim hải âu chao mình trên sóng rồi bay vút lên cao. Từng đợt sóng dào dạt vỗ bờ, bọt tung trắng xóa. Gió biển mát lộng mang lại sự sảng khoái lạ thường cho du khách. Đèo Hải Vân phân chia rõ rệt khí hậu hai miền Bắc Nam. Hình như mọi cơn gió lạnh, mọi trận mưa phùn đều dừng lại phía Bắc đèo. Tạo hóa sắp đặt mới khéo làm sao! Ở đây có đủ trời mây, non nước hữu tình. Đèo Hải Vân là một cảnh quan hùng vĩ hiếm có của nước ta. Ai đã qua đây một lần, ắt không thể nào quên.

Xác định câu rút gọn,cụm C-V để mở rộng câu,câu bị động bằng cách gạch chân

Chủ đề:

Unit 1 : Back to school

Câu hỏi:

1. Tom is (slow) ________________. He works ________________.

2. Sue is a (careful) ________________girl. She climbed up the ladder ________________.

3. The dog is (angry) ________________. It barks ________________.

4. He acted (excellent) ________________. He's an ________________actor.

5. They learn English (easy) ________________. They think English is an ________________language.

6. Max is a (good) ________________singer. He sings ________________.

7. It's (awful) ________________cold today. The cold wind is ________________.

8. Dogs rely on their noses as they can smell (extreme / good) ________________. If that is true, why does dog food smell so (terrible) ________________?

9. The little boy looked (sad) ________________. I went over to comfort him and he looked at me ________________.

10.I tasted the soup (careful) ________________but it tasted (wonderful) ________________.

11.Niagara Falls form a ________________ border between the United States and Canada. (natural/naturally)

12.Tourists visit this place ________________ (frequently/ frequent) .

13.The Falls are very________________ (noisy/ noisily)

14.So you must speak ________________ or nobody can understand you. (loudly/loud)

15.Many years ago, the Iroquois tribe lived here________________ (peacefully/ peaceful)

16.He is a ________________boy. (clever)

17.He is tired because he has worked ________________. (hard)

18.He isn’t tired because he has ________________worked. (hard)

19.She is a ________________girl. (quiet)

20.She went to bed ________________. (quiet)

21.He is not a good student but he writes ________________. (good)

22.You should speak more ________________. (soft)

23.The children behaved ________________. (bad)

24.The brave men fought ________________. (brave)

25.They lived together ________________. (happy)

26.She looks ________________. (pretty)

27.That milk tastes ________________. (sour)

28.I don’t know ________________where they live. (exact)

29.She turned ________________. (pale)

30.This brown fur feels ________________. (soft)

31.These children are ________________at English. (good)

32.Your brother ________________works at all. (hard)

33.Ann ________________had an accident last Sunday. (near)

34.Have you been to the cinema ________________. (late)

35.Mary always dresses ________________. (beautiful)

36.Yes, it was raining ________________for two hours. (heavy)

37.He has painted it ________________. (nice)

38.What a vworker he is! (quick)

39.He is always very ________________. (polite)

40.He is often ________________. (nervous)

41.Arthur ________________rode back to the inn. (quick)

42.They saw a ________________butterfly on a rose. (beautiful)

43.When the teacher heard about the missing book he said ________________:"You should be more careful." (angry)

44.When he told him the truth, he was ________________. (quiet)

45."This wound looks ________________", the doctor said. (bad)

46.The boys played so ________________that they won the tournament. (good)

47.He was so busy with his new computer that he ____________had time to help his mother. (hard)

48."Go and have a rest. You shouldn’t work so ________________." (hard)

49.From the top of the mountain he could see ________________across the countryside. (far)

50.What a ________________picture! (beautiful)

51.Arthur fought ________________and they won the battle. (good)

52."I love you", Camilla said in a ________________voice. (soft)

53.The maid shut the door ________________. (quiet)

54.They could hear a ________________cry. (terrible)

55.Suddenly he woke up because the phone rang ________________. (loud)

56.Jane opened the door ________________. (careful)

57.I like driving ________________. (fast)

58.She spoke to me very ________________. (soft)

59.Paul lay in bed ________________. (quiet)

60.He tasted the various kinds of tea ________________. (careful)

61.Jane opened the box ________________. (careful)

62.Jim turned the book upside down ________________. (quick)

63.It is raining ________________. (heavy)

64.She dresses ________________. (beautiful)

65.Tom looked at my lunch ________________. (hungry)

66.Please, drive ________________. (careful)

67.He didn’t sleep ________________. (good)

68.We didn't hurry. So we walked ________________. (slow)

69.New York is a ________________city. (big)

70.He won the race because he drove ________________. (good)

71.It was ________________for me to come. (impossible)

72.Mary jumped up ________________. (happy)

73.She worked all the day. She feels ________________. (tired)

74.She dresses ________________. (pretty)

75.She came home ________________. (late)

76.He didn't have an accident because he's an ________________driver. (excellent)

77.Sam is good at sports. He always runs ________________. (fast)

78.His father is a manager. He works very ________________. (hard)

79.He won a prize. He is very ________________. (happy)

80.She felt ________________. So she stayed at home. (ill)

81.The weather was ________________. It was cold all the time. (bad)

82.The exercise wasn't difficult. So we did it ________________. (easy)

83.The soup is great. It tastes ________________. (wonderful)

84.He always greets ________________. (friendly)

85.Today she skates ________________. (good)

86.The party was ________________. (wonderful)

87.The house seems to be so ________________without you. (empty)

88.Fish and chips taste ________________. (fantastic)

89.She drives ________________. (careful)

90.She is a nice girl. She always answers ________________. (polite)

91.I am ________________tired. (terrible)

92.The man drove too ________________. (fast)

93.She sings ________________. (good)

94.Mr Jones wrote the letter ________________. (quick)

95.The ________________film was over at o'clock. (boring)

96.We ran to school ________________yesterday. (quick)

97.I have learned very ________________to pass the exam. (hard)

98.Five cars were ________________damaged. (heavy)

99.Please read the instructions ________________. (careful)

100. The bus driver was ________________. (angry)

101. His answer came ________________. (surprising)

102. Tom looked at my dinner ________________. (hungry)

103. Nobody is ________________. (perfect)

104. We played some ________________games. (exciting)

105. They talked to him ________________. (friendly)

106. She always works ________________. (careful)

107. Ann often behaves ________________in school. (bad)

108. He is often very ________________. (nervous)

109. He works very ________________. (good)

110. This steak tastes ________________. (great)

111. She looked at me ________________. (angry)

112. She looks ________________. (pretty)

113. They skate ________________. (good)

114. He was very ________________that he won the race. (happy)

115. That sounds ________________. (great)

116. The doctor felt his leg ________________. (gentle)

117. There was a ________________storm yesterday night . (heavy)

118. I like roses. They smell ________________. (good)

119. Their son is ________________. (silly)

120. The cat's fur felt ________________and ________________. (soft / warm)

121. This lady has a ________________voice (loud).

122. 2. Jack always speaks ________________ (loud).

123. 3. Mary waits ________________in the doctor's waiting room (patient).

124. 4. Dad was quite ________________yesterday (sleepy).

125. Jim picked up the phone and spoke ________________ (quiet).

126. Mary works ________________ (careful).

127. Jack is often ________________ (happy).

128. Nelly walked around ________________ (nervous).

129. That man is a ________________person (nervous).

130. Susan and George work ________________ (slow).

131. Jill runs to school ________________ (fast).

132. Tom runs home ________________ (quick).

133. His story sounds ________________ (strange).

134. Paul is a policeman. He has a ________________job (dangerous).

135. The dog is always ________________ (hungry).

136. The boys play tennis ________________ (good).

137. They are ________________tennis players (good).

138. Frank sings ________________ (good).

139. Sandra speaks French ________________ (perfect).

140. This pullover was ________________ (expensive).

141. She looked for the purse ________________ (careful).

142. Paul walked home ________________ (sad).

143. Father spoke ________________ (angry).

144. She doesn't like sports. So she ________________does any sports (hard).

145. He is never ________________ (late).

146. She phoned me once a week. But ________________she didn't (late).

147. They did their homework ________________ (bad).

148. I must work ________________ (hard).

149. I don't like her pictures. She paints ________________ (terrible).

150. She likes the dress. It looks ________________ (modern).

151. Lucy is shy, so she cannot make friends ________________ (easy)

152. The dog looked ________________, so we gave him some food. (hungry)

153. There was long applause because she sang ________________. (beautiful)

154. I asked her why she was ________________but she didn’t tell me. (sad)

155. They spoke ________________because the baby was asleep. (quiet)

156. My aunt is a ________________driver. (slow)

157. Was the exercise ________________? (easy)

158. He could swim ________________across the river. (easy)

159. You don’t look very ________________. Are you ill? (good)

160. He drives too ________________. (dangerous)

161. This is my ________________car. (new)

162. The soup tastes really ________________. (good)

163. Take an umbrella. It’s raining ________________. (heavy)

164. What a ________________day! (beautiful)

165. She is a ________________tennis player but her brother plays ________________. (bad / good)

Giúp mình với

Chủ đề:


Câu hỏi:

1.She is good at playing soccer

She play………………………………………………………………………………….

2.She works as a journalist


3.The lessons we have are very long


4.Ba speaks english very well

Ba is…………………………………………………………………………….

5.It is an eight minute test

The test……………………………………………………………………………….

6.Lan is the youngest of the three sisters

Lan has……………………………………………………………….

7.Of all the subjects I like English best


8.Where is the past office?


9.You have a fiend.She is very helpful


10.We live quite near the park

We don’t………………………………………………………………………………………….

11.It is a six hour drive from london to edinburing

It takes…………………………………………………………………………….

12.Hoa makes a dress.It was very nice


13.Why isn’t this TV working now


14.I advise you to wear these gloves

You ‘d…………………………………………………………………………….

15.Trung didn’t go to school last Tuesday

Trung was……………………………………………………………………………….

16.Having a “balanced diet” is very important


17.Peter is a very good soccer player(well)

18.Mrs Hoa is a careful and safe cyclist(cycles)

19.My brother runs faster than me(slowly)

20.No one in our class speaks Eg more fluently than Lan (most)

21.Last year Mr Bill sang smoothy(was)

22.She is good at Eg


23.Who is the owner of this book

Who does…………………………………………………………………………….

24.He likes eating out more than cooking at home.

He ‘d rather………………………………………………………………………….

25.It takes an hour to drive from HN to HY.

It is………………………………………………………………………….

26.My brother and I went to that school.

I went to that school and so………………………………………………………………………….

27.Getting a good job doesn’t interest him

He isn’t………………………………………………………………………….

28.He is the youngest in group


29.She went to school late(early)

30.His bike is differen from mine

His bike………………………………………………………………………….

31.She is not a quick runner

She does………………………………………………………………………….

32.His brother cycles safely

His brother is………………………………………………………………………….

33.He couldn’t go to school because of this illness

Because he………………………………………………………………………….

34.My brother is more good looking than I

I am not ………………………………………………………………………….

35.My sister plays badminton skillfully

My sister is………………………………………………………………………….

36.One of my fiends,Peter is a fast runner

One of my fiends,Peter………………………………………………………………………….

37.You should wash your hand

You ought………………………………………………………………………….

38.Michael is a skillful basketball player

Michael plays………………………………………………………………………….

39.She will make a SaPa tour that lasts four days

We will make a………………………………………………………………………….

40.My father is a carefully driver

My father………………………………………………………………………….

41.Hoa hates the sound and the busy road in the city

Hoa doesn’t………………………………………………………………………….

Giúp mình với

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