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Đỗ Thanh Hải

Chủ đề:

Luyện tập tổng hợp

Câu hỏi:

You met Anna at my dinner party on Friday, don’t you remember? MEETING Don’t      at my dinner party on Friday?

1.      I’m sure it needed a lot of hard work to get the cottage looking that good. MUST    It      a lot of hard work to get the cottage looking that good.

2.      ‘   don’t  you  make  some  changes  in  your  life,  starting  from  today?’  the  instructor  told  me. SUGGESTED

The instructor                                        in my life, starting from that day.

3.      Ray is trying to persuade me to go with him to the beach. GET Ray   to go with him to the beach.

4.      A few years ago, I did the gardening every weekend. USED

A few years ago, I                                       the gardening every weekend.

5.      I would look for a job in Latin America but I don’t speak Spanish. SPOKE If I look for a job in Latin America.

6.      Germany is not as hot as Italy during August. MUCH Italy                                             Germany during August.

7.      The Bristol Hotel is cheaper than the Intercontinental. NOT

The Intercontinental is                                        the Bristol Hotel.

8.      Fiona left the house, but didn’t take her mobile phone with her WITHOUT

 Fiona left the house                                                                      with her.

9.      ‘I am sorry I forgot your birthday,’ said Marcus. FORGETTING Marcus                                                    my birthday.

Chủ đề:

Luyện tập tổng hợp

Câu hỏi:


Sheila Keating meets the Ferrari team chef at a Formula One race.

It’s Grand Prix weekend, and as the stars of Formula One race against the clock to give themselves the best starting position for the big event tomorrow, a different race against time is under way. In miniature makeshift kitchens alongside the track, the team chefs are busy preparing lunch for the mechanics and drivers.

Claudio Degli Esposti is in charge of the cooking for all 60 Ferrari team members, plus their personal weekend guests, who could bring the numbers up to 80. ‘It’s a huge honour to be chef of the Ferrari team,’ he says. ‘I get on really well with the guys, and they make me feel part of things. Also you have the chance to travel all over the world. I don’t see a great deal of the racing,’ he says, laughing, ‘but the TV monitor is on just outside the kitchen, so I know what’s going on.’

The food he prepares for the team is typical of his region in Italy, Emilia Romagna, where the team is based: lasagne, tortelloni, tortellini, ravioli. ‘There are usually two different pastas, two or three kinds of meat, plenty of side dishes,’ he explains. It is left to others to say that the food at Ferrari is the envy of other teams. Degli Esposti simply shrugs his shoulders and smiles.  ‘Italians enjoy eating good food.  It is a way  of life, so even if your focus is on winning the world championship, you must still have good food.’

The drivers, of course, have their own long-term food agenda, tailored to the stresses of competition.

WWith temperatures in the cockpit of a Formula One car sometimes 15 degrees hotter than that outside, it is not unusual for a driver to lose three kilos in fluid during a race, unless he has the right balance of fluid and carbohydrate. Driver Michael Schumacher, with his reputation for formidable fitness, is attended at all  times by Balbir Singh, who looks after his diet and exercise. ‘Before qualifying and racing,  Michael  eats the food prepared by Singh,’ says Degli Esposti, ‘usually something very light, but afterwards he eats the same food as the rest of the team.’

Unlike many of the team kitchens, which contain stacks of tins and jars, Degli Esposti’s has a large fridge filled with different types of cheese, ham, sausages, vegetables and fruit. The emphasis is on simple food prepared carefully. ‘In the beginning it was very difficult, working in a very small kitchen, without a lot of the things a chef is used to. And finding ingredients was a  problem. Now I know the places to shop   at near every track, and I know I can get anything I need. I love to cook fish and meat, but unless I can get the best, I don’t touch it.’

Lunch is spread out as a buffet. On a table at one end of the eating area there are salads of mozzarella and tomatoes, carpaccio topped with truffles, Italian sausages and courgettes, a chicken dish with rosemary


potatoes, and tortellini tossed in a sauce of cheese and cream. ‘I always try to get as much as possible prepared early, so I have only the hot dishes to do at the last minute,’ explains Degli Esposti. The mechanics come in first, followed closely by the drivers. Eddie Irvine heads straight for the truffles, while Schumacher wanders into the kitchen to see what’s cooking.

Lunch over, everyone disperses, full of praise for the chef. Degli Esposti gives a small wave of appreciation and immediately starts clearing away. ‘I have many friends in Italy,’ he says quietly, ‘who think I have the best job in the world.’

1.      WWhat  does Degli Esposti enjoy about his job?

A He can see motor racing all over the world.      B He can travel around the countries he visits.   C He likes being a member of a team.                                                                            D He is a fan of Formula One racing.

2.      WWhich word is closest in meaning to the word   make shift in paragraph 1?

A temporary                   B lasting                        C permanent                                      D durable

3.      WWhat does the writer mean when she says that the drivers ‘have their own long-term food agenda’ in Paragraph 4?

A They spend a lot of time eating.                        B They follow a carefully planned diet. C They go for long periods  without eating.                                                     D They eat the same things all season.

4.      Schumacher eats food prepared by Balbir Singh because A he prefers it to Degli Esposti’s.

B it has an excellent reputation.

C it forms an important part of his preparation for a race.

D it contains more fluids and carbohydrates than Degli Esposti’s.

5.      The food in Degli Esposti’s kitchen, compared to that in other teams’ kitchens, is

A less fattening.             B easier to cook.            C more varied.                                      D fresher.

6.        WWhich of the following statement is not true?

A Degli Esposti knows where to get ingredients. B The mechanics have lunch after the drivers.

C Degli Esposti cooks for up to 80 people.

D The members of the Ferrari team do not have to eat tinned food.

7.      WWhat does Degli Esposti insist on when he is cooking for the Ferrari team?

A the highest quality food    B a big kitchen          C nearby shops                                           D a large fridge

8.      WWhen the members of the Ferrari team have lunch

A they go into the kitchen to get  their food.          B they serve themselves.

C they all eat at the same table.                            D they each eat a number of different dishes.

9.      WWhich word  is closest in meaning to the word clearing away in paragraph 7?

A leaving the kitchen                                           B going away in different directions

C making the kitchen tidy                                    D closing the kitchen

10.   WWhich adjective would the writer use to describe Degli Esposti?

A moody                        B shy                             C arrogant                                      D modest



Chủ đề:

Luyện tập tổng hợp

Câu hỏi:

Use the following sets of words and phrases to write full sentences about the advantages of the Internet. Make all the changes and additions if necessary.

Dear John,

1.    Thank/ much/ invitation/ spend/ this weekend/ you / family/ country house.



2.    I/ love/ come/ unfortunately/ I/ be unable/ accept.



3.    My aunts/ live/ England/ going/ stay/ us/ November 13th/ this Sunday.



4.    As/ it be/ first visit/ country/ I plan/ show/ them/ round.



5.    I like/ take/ them/ visit/ Ho Chi Minh’s mausoleum/ One-Pillar pagoda.



6.    We also/ go to visit/ General Vo Nguyen Giap’s tomb in Quang Binh/ if / have/ time.



7.    It be/ possible/ visit you/ December instead?



8.    I/ be/ you/ few days/ after/ aunts/ go back/ Singapore.



9.    Please tell/ following weekend/ be convenient.



10. I / look / see / you/ all again. Give/ regards/ family


Yours love, Doan Trang

Chủ đề:

Luyện tập tổng hợp

Câu hỏi:

VII. Word form: (10 points)

Write the correct form of the word to fill in the blanks in the following sentences.

1. Police asked ______ if they had seen the accident.                                                        Pass

2. Two top athletes have been _______from the championship after positive drug tests.        QUALIFY

3. That criminal’s  _______   shaped his whole life.                                                             BRING

4. The wind moved __________________ through the trees all the night.                          rest

5. Mr. Henry is said to be a weak and ______________ man.                                              Decide


Write your answers here:

1 ……………..






VIII. Verb form: (10 points)

Give the correct form or tense of the verbs in brackets.

1.    You had better have your house (repaint) _____________ right now.

2.    I can’ bear that terrible music any longer . The radio (play) _____________  since 5 pm. I wish someone (turn) _____________ it off.

3.    (Write) _____________ the letter, Jane put it carefully in a beautiful envelop.

4.    She’d rather ( not spend)__________ the money  on  that terrible  holiday. It was so boring.

5.     Not for a moment   she ( think) that she ( offer ) that job, so she was amazed when she ( get ) it .   ___________________________________________________

6.    I opened the door and there Michael ( stand ) , all  ( cover)  in mud.



Chủ đề:

Luyện tập tổng hợp

Câu hỏi:

Long ago, people did not think about conservation. There were very (1)… people. Then, people learned to use natural resources, which are all the things on the Earth to (2)… life. Plants, animals, air and water and natural resources. They learned that (3)… woods, forests, and other natural resources could make their lives easier. People began to live longer. The (4)… of people living on the earth grew and grew.

          Today, billions of people (5)… on the Earth. All these people use more and more natural resources. People are using (6)… fossil fuels and other natural resources faster than the planet can replace them. People cut down forests and destroy the (7)… of many plants and animals. Conservationists look for ways to (8)… natural resources. They try to manage natural resources so that people will have (9)… timber, fossil fuels, water and food. They look for ways to save (10)… plants and animals. With conservations’ help and encouragement, everyone now can do something to conserve natural resources.

1. A. few                           B. little                              C. a few                  D. a little

2. A. feed                          B. raise                              C. support               D. grow

3. A. use                            B. using                             C. uses                    D. used

4. A. amount                     B. deal                              C. variety                D. number

5. A. inhabit                      B. settle                             C. live                     D. stay

6. A. on                             B. up                                 C. in                       D. away

7. A. buildings                   B. flats                              C. houses                D. homes

8. A. spend                        B. save                              C. hold                    D. waste

9. A. some                         B. any                               C. enough               D. still

10. A. endangered             B. dangerous                     C. danger                D. dangered