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VI. Read the text below and decide which answer (A, B, C or D) best fits each question;

Brazil, the largest country in South America and the fifth largest country in the world, is located in the eastern half of South America. The people of Brazil are famous for their outgoing, friendly, and fun-loving nature. Brazilian women are considered to be among the best dressed in the world. Brazil is a federal republic with 23 states. The capital city is Brasilia. Portuguese is the official language and it is spoken with a distinct Brazilian accent. Brazil has population of over 138 million, which is made of people of many different races and ethnic groups. A number of industrial products are produced in Brazil, including cars, chemicals, ships, machines, and military weapons. Mining is also an important industry. Agriculture is another important industry. Many crops are exported including coffee (Brazil is the largest coffee grower in the world), cotton, soybeans, sugar, cocoa, rice, corn and fruit.

1. Who are considered to be among the best dressed in the world?

A. Brazilian men                     B. Brazilians                C. Americans              D. Brazilian women

2. How are the people of Brazil?

A. Outgoing, famous, and natural.                 B. Outgoing, friendly, and natural.

C. Outgoing, friendly, and fun-loving.           D. Famous, friendly, and fun-loving.

3. The word “rice” in line 11 is closest in meaning to            .

A. a kind of vegetables           B. a kind of grains      C. a kind of meat          D. a kind of drinks

4. What is the most significant agricultural product in Brazil?

A. cocoa                                  B. coffee                     C. corn                        D. cotton

VII. Choose one suitable word which best fits each gap of the passage.(3 points)

            Music is an art that puts sounds together in a way that people like or find (1) …….. Most music includes people (2) …….. their voice or (3) …… musical instruments, such as a piano, a guitar, or drums. People can enjoy music by (4) ……. to it. They can go to the (5) …….to hear musicians perform. Classical music is usually (6) ………in concert halls, but sometimes huge ( 7) ……… are organized in which it is performed outside, in a field or a stadium, like pop festivals. People can listen to music on CDs, computers, Ipods, televisions, radios, cassettes/recordplayers and even (8) …… People can learn to play a musical instrument such as the piano, the guitar, the bass, the trumpet, the drums, or the flute. Anyone can make up his or her own (9) ….. of music. It is not difficult to (10) …… simple  songs  or melodies, but it is easier for those who can play an instrument themselves.

1.      A. interest                  B. interesting               C.interested                D. interests

2.      A. saying                   B. thinking                  C. singing                    D. telling

3.      A. playing                  B. singing                    C. doing                      D. making

4.      A. writing                  B. typing                     C. listening                  D. chatting

5.      A. concerts                B. plays                       C. dramas                    D. movies

6.      A. done                      B. performed               C. read                                    D. made

7.      A. songs                     B. meetings                 C. festivals                  D. classes

8.      A. books                    B. mobiles                   C. songs                      D. poems

9.      A. piece                     B. unit                         C. part                         D. lesson

10.  A. do                                     B. compose                 C. say                          D. make          

VIII. Fill in each numbered blank with ONE suitable word. (3 points)

                                                CHRISTMAS IN ENGLAND

            In England, children get their presents (1) ............ Christmas Eve, the 24th of December. Father Christmas comes at (2) ........when everyone is asleep. His (3) ........... can fly and takeshim from house to house to ( 4) ........all the gifts. They land on the roofs of the houses and then Father Christmas (5) .......down the chimney to leave the presents (6) .........the Christmas tree. In the morning of Christmas Day, the 25th of December, children usually get up very early to unwrap their (7) .......... Then they have plenty of time to play with their new toys. Christmas dinner is served (8) ......... the early afternoon. Most people eat turkey, sprouts and loads of other vegetables, not forgetting Christmas(9) .......... The 26th of December is called Boxing Day. It has not always been a holiday. People used to go back to work on that day where their bosses gave them little Christmas presents in small boxes. That is (10) .......... the day is called Boxing Day.

Write your answers here:

1 ………….





6 ………….






I.Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the rest in each group.

1.A. excited

B. exclamation

C. excellent

D. explanation

2.A. climb

B. doubt

C. comb

D. suburb

3.A. foundation 

B. action

C. question 

D. dictation 

4.A. sincere

B. recycle

C. precise

D. racial

5. A. wicked

B. coughed

C. learned

D. beloved

II. Choose the word that has the stress pattern different from that of the other words. (1,0pt)

1. A. application                      B. undergraduate                    C. inhabitant                          D. intervention

2. A. curriculum                      B. kindergarten                       C. contractual                          D. technology

3. A. ability                             B. certificate                           C. engineering                         D. amazing

4. A. acceptance                      B. opportunity                         C. creativity                            D. possibility

5. A. challenging                     B. university                            C. college                                D. reference


III. Choose the best answer to complete the following sentences. (4,0 pts)

1. He was very upset by the .............. of his English examination.

A. result                   B. failure                  C. effect        D. success

2. I regret going to bed so late last night.

A. I wish I didn’t go to bed so late last night.           B. I wish I went to bed early last night.

C. I wish I hadn’t gone to bed so late last night.       D. I wish I hadn’t gone to bed early last night.

3. They spent a lot of time ....... about what they would do if they had a lot money.

A. talking                    B. talked                     C. talk             D. to talk

4. Many people would be out of work if that factory ....... down.

A. closes                      B. closed                     C. had closed              D. would close

5. Happiness is something ....... money cannot buy.

A. who                        B. whose                     C. where                      D. that

6. Alice didn’t expect ....... to Bill’s party.

A. asking                     B. being asked            C. to ask                      D. to be asked

7. Neither Dick nor Tom …….. how to speak German.

A. knows                  B. knew                     C. are knowing        D. know

8. No sooner ....... than he left.

A. he had arrive          C. would he arrive      B. he has arrived         D. had he arrived

9. Most people were …………. that she won the championship.

A. surprising                   B. surprised                 C. surprise                   D. surprisingly

10. Our teacher always …………… us to speak English frequently.

A. makes                         B. takes                       C. begs                         D. encourages

11. They worked hard ……….. they might be well prepared for the exams.

A. then                       B. so that                    C. because              D. since

12. Why don't you have your car …………… ?

A. wash                      B. to wash                  C. washed                D. washing

13. He used to ………….. to school by his mother.

A. take                       B. took                        C. taking                 D. be taken

14. I telephoned the station to make ……….. of the time of the train.

A. sure                       B. true                         C. real                     D. right

15. Would you mind keeping a (n) ………. on our house while were away ?

            A. hand                      B. look                        C. eye                      D. view

16. The boys was made ……………… his homework every night.

            A. to do                      B. do                           C. doing                  D. to doing

17. He arrived at the airport with only ………….. luggage.

            A. a little                    B. a few                      C. any                      D. a lot of

18. He took great pride …………….. his success.

            A. of                           B. about                      C. in                         D. for

19. Do you mind …………. your own ?

            A. living with             B. living on                 C. to live on              D. living in

20. It isnt worth ……… in that river as it is so polluted.

A. fishing                   B. go fishing                C. to fish                  D. fish

IV.  Identify the mistake in each sentence:

1. The children prefer playing with sand on the beach more than swimming in the sea.

                                          A               B                               C                               D

2. Each of us should do everything possible to keep our environment cleanly.

       A                                              B                  C                                    D

3. Collecting stamps from foreign countries are one of my father's interests.

                                     A                                 B    C             D

4. Would you like if I opened the window? It's too hot here.

               A                       B                                  C          D

5. I tried to do everything to contact John two weeks ago but so far I don't receive his reply.

            A                                  B                                                    C               D

6. She was waiting nervous in the waiting room for the interview.

             A                        B                     C                 D

7. The sooner you leave, the earliest you will arrive at your destination.

          A                    B              C                     D

8. I never have anything to write with because I’m always lose my pens.

         A                  B                                 C                           D

9. My brother together with his friends often jog in the park.

           A                          B                                C      D

10. I will lend you this money if you will promise to pay it back.

           A                      B         C                  D

V. Give the correct forms of the words given  (2,0pts)

1. This is really difficult to understand. Why dont we ………… it a little?             (SIMPLE)

2Taxi drivers have to have a very good …………..on the street names.                   (KNOW)

3. Alice was …….. when she suddenly heard footsteps behind her.                         (FRIGHT)

4. Its ……………! Ive won the lottery!                                                                     (BELIEVE)

5. The dentist said that it wouldnt hurt, and she was right- it was completely……!  (PAIN)

6. The phone doesn’t work. It’s been _________.                                                     (CONNECT)

7. It was a complete _________ due to poor planning.                                              (FAIL)

8. I am afraid you have _________ me because that is not what I meant.                (UNDERSTAND)

9. Hoa brought a dictionary  in her .........…. ..............for her English lesson.           (PACK)

10. He fell off the bike, but his .................................. were not serious.                     (INJURE)

Write your answers here:

1 …………





6 …………





VI. Give the correct forms of the verbs given in brackets. (1,0pt)

1. We ( not tell) ..................................................... to go out at nights recently.

2. It is crucial that Calisto ( stop)......................................... using Van Quyen.

3. People always (blame)  …………...............…………….their circumstances for what they are.

4. The car needs ( repair)……………..............…………. It was bought two years ago.

5. I was just about ( leave) ………..........……………...………the office when the phone rang.


VII. Choose the best answer to complete the passage.(2,0 pts)

            The earth is part of a system of planet and their moons, as well as numerous asteroids and comets which (1) ...... around a huge star we call the Sun. The Sun itself (2) ...... of gas. Nuclear reactions  inside its core (3) .......... the heat and light that make life on the Earth (4) ...... . The earth is the third of four small terrestrial (Earth-life) planets that orbit close to the (5) ...... . Futher out in our Solar System are four huge gas planets, while distant Pluto, (6) ..... planet, is made (7) .... rock and ice. Our Earth is one of the ten planets that orbit the sun – a huge, burning-hot stars in the center of our Solar System. The Solar System and all the stars in the (8) ..... are part of our galaxy the Milky Way, which (9) ..... as many as 200 billion stars. Beyon our galaxy (10) ...... millions more galaxies. They all add together to make up the Universe.

            1.A. run                       B. orbit                        C. turn                         D. walk

            2.A. consists                B. remains                   C. includes                  D. maintains

            3.A. product                B. produce                  C. prodiction               D. productive

            4.A. able                      B. possibility               C. possible                   D. ability

            5.A. Earth                   B. Mars                       C. Mercury                  D. Sun

            6.A. the smaller           B. smallest                   C. the most smallest    D. the smallest

            7.A. from                    B. of                            C. for                           D. in

            8.A. sky                       B. Universe                 C. Moon                      D. space

            9.A. consists                B. makes from             C. stays                       D. contains

            10.A. is                        B. are                           C. to be                       D. get

VIII.  Read the following passage and then choose the correct answer A, B, C or D. (1,0 pts)

 According to the World Health Organization (WHO) research, the emission from car exhausts causes more deaths than road accidents. The research found that one third of all harmful air pollution was caused by road transport, and that long term exposure to pollution caused estimated 21,000 premature deaths a year across the three countries, France, Austria and Switzerland. This is much higher than the 9,947 who died that year as a result of road accidents. In addition, the researchers calculated that the car fumes caused 300,000 extra cases of bronchitis in children, and 15,000 extra hospital admissions for heart disease made worse by the pollution. They calculated that the cost of dealing with all this was 27 billion Euros per year. A lot of money goes into making cars safer, but not as much is spent solving air pollution.

1.What is the main idea of the text?

A. Pollution and road accidents                     B. Bad effects of car exhausts

C. the necessity of making cars safer              D. The toll of road accidents

2.According to the passage,

      A. air pollution causes more deaths than road accidents.  B. road accidents cause more deaths than car fumes.

     C. long term exposure to pollution is harmless.           D. car fumes cause one third of premature deaths.

3.Which of the following is not true?

A. Car exhausts cause bronchitis and heart disease.

B. Car fumes cause one third of all harmful air pollution.

C. Each year road accidents cause 9,947 deaths.

D. More people died as a result of air pollution than road accidents.

4.The money spent solving air pollution is

A. 27 billion Euros per year                            B. not able to calculate

C. more than making cars safer                       D. less than to make car safer

5.Which of the following is not mentioned as the bad effect of air pollution?

A. Causing illness in children                         B. Causing premature deaths

C. Causing road accidents                              D. Causing heart diseases

IX. Read the text below and think of the word which best fits each space. Use only ONE word in each space.  (2,0 pts)

          Man has always depended on plants (1)……….. food and many other useful products. For this reason, farming is one of the world's most important industries. At first, (2)……….. man did not know how to plant seeds and raise crops. He (3)……….. wild fruits and vegetables where he found them. Then man discovered how to grow his own food. He (4)……….. seeds and waited for the crop to grow. For the first time, he could be reasonably sure of his food supply. He could settle down and set up shelters in the places (5)……. he grew food. As populations began to increase, the (6)……….. for food became greater. Old-fashioned tools and farming methods were insufficient in (7)………..  the demand, so man cultivated more and more land and invented complicated machines to make his work easier. Tractors replaced horses and other farm animals. Scientists studied and (8)…….. with plants. They told farmers how to control plant diseases, and how to grow bigger and better crops. Now one man, (9)……….. a wide knowledge of plants and the help of machines, can cultivate hundreds of acres. He can raise plants which did not originally grow in the soil or (10)…….. of his community.

Write your answers here:

1 …………..





6 …………..






X. Complete each of the following sentences in such a way that it means exactly the same as the sentence printed before it. (1,0 pt)

1. Your brother is the most punctual person I’ve ever met.

à I’ve ………………………………………………..………………….…………...…

2. You remembered to post the letter, didn’t you?

à You didn’t …………………………………………………………………………..?

3. I would do any thing for you.

à There is nothing ……..........................................................................................................

4. “ Where are you working now, Tom?” Anna said.

à Anna wanted…………………………………………………………………..……...

5. She’ll never forget seeing her boy friend at the first time.

à Seeing her boy friend at the first time will always…………………………………..

XI. Using the word given in each bracket and other words to complete the second sentence so that it has the same meaning as the first. You must use between three or five words. DO NOT CHANGE THE WORD GIVEN IN BOLD. (1,0 pt)

 1. Could you lend some money to me until the weekend?         from

->Could .................................………………………… …..you until the weekend?

2. I dont agree with your opinion of the new shopping centre.     wrong

-> I think you............................………………….………. the new shopping centre.

3. John and I had a game of tennis.                                              against

-> I had ……………………………………………… June.

4. Jack really likes football and never misses a match.                crazy

-> Jack ……………………………………….. football and never misses a match.

5. I think we should build a new theatre in town.                         favor

-> Im …………………………………… building a new theatre in town.                        

Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the rest in each group.

1. A. writes                             B. makes                     C. takes                       D. drives

2. A. surround                         B. counting                 C. country                   D. about

3. A. looked                            B. cooked                    C. crooked                  D. stopped

4. A. hear                                B. near                         C. fear                         D. pear

5. A. hourly                             B. honest                     C. heir                         D. homeland

II. Choose the word that has the stress pattern different from that of the other words:

1. A. piano                              B. policeman             C. museum                 D. souvenir

2. A. guarantee                        B. recommend           C. represent               D. illustrate

3. A. agency                            B. memory                  C. encounter               D. influence

4. A. well-being                      B. reality                   C. Internet                 D. demanding

5. A. understand                     B. grandparents          C. family                   D. wonderful


III. Choose the best answer to complete the following sentences. (4,0 pts)

1. You will know the result ………………… two weeks.

         A. on

B. about

C. in

D. during

2. Owing to the bad weather, the garden party was ……………….. .

         A. called off

B. shouted out

C. spoken against

D. cried down

3. If you want to ………………… success in life, you have to work hard.

         A. achieve

B. receive

C. award

D. earn

4. Tell me …………………….. .

     A. what do you want?

B. you want what

     C. what you want

D. that what you want

5. I  …………… to Singapore three times.

A. have gone       B. have been                 C. went                           D. visited

6. The three Rs............... for Reduce, Reuse and Recycle.

            A. stand              B. sit                           C. make                        D. explain

7.   …………….. to a native speaker of English, Phuong?

A.  Have you ever talked                          B. Do you ever talk          

C. Did you ever talk                                 D. Are you ever talking

8.  Fish were among the earliest forms of life. Fish ………….. on earth for ages and ages.

A.  will exist         B.  are existing             C.  existed           D. have existed

9. There are two churches in the town and   ………………of them are extremely old.

A. each

B. all

C. both

                    D. most

10. Mr. Robinson speaks Vietnamese very……………………..

A. skillfully

      B. good

C. fluently

D. best

11. The weather was fine. …………….., we didn’t go on a picnic.

     A. however

B. but

C. because

D. so

12. It took us an hour .............................to Nha Trang last year.

A. drive

            B. driving

     C.  to drive

D. drove

13. On the table were vegetables, bread and two large ................................

A. bowl of soup

B. bowl of soups

C. bowls of soups

D. bowls of soup

14. My brother never goes to school late and..................................

A. so do I.

B. Neither don’t I.

C. I don’t, either

D. I don’t, too

15. There’s a lot of interesting things ………………. in the city.

       A. do                          B. does                                C. doing                             D. to do

16. He was only thirteen, but he ate ..............................his father did.

A. as much as

B. as many as

C. much than

D. more much than

17. The noise in the streets usually ……………me awake at night.

A. keeps

B. is keeping

C. kept

D. has kept

18. Robots make man’s work …………………………..

A. most easy

B. easier

C. more easy

D. easily

19. Aldults as well as children…………………….quarrel during Tet.

A. can’t

B. needn’t

C. shouldn’t

D. mayn’t

20. I would rather you ………………… me the story. 

     A. tell

B. told

C. to tell

D. telling

IV. Identify the mistake in each sentence(2,0 pts)

1. I don’t know how explain all these things to you now.

              A                   B                C                      D

2. There is fewer work in the evening than there is in the morning.

              A    B                                       C      D

3. My Dad always  has  a  three-weeks vacation.

                      A       B    C        D

4. Mr. Ba soon got used to travel  to work  by bicycle.

                     A                      B          C        D

5. The doctor says you should spend a little time to play video game.

                        A              B                   C                 D

6. The public library in the city has thousand of good books.

                                  A               B       C                        D

7 What does the new student like?         - Oh, she is tall and beautiful.

      A      B            C                 D

8. Ba is in class 6A and he enjoys the school very much.

         A                     B                    C                   D

9. My father always has a lot of houseworks to do.

                        A       B                      C             D

10. The doctor measured her temperature and said that it was normal

                               A                           B                C      D

V. Give the correct forms of the words given in brackets. (2,0 pts)

1. You must remember to eat ............................                                                         ( SENSE )

2. Catching the common cold is……………… for everybody.                                 (PLEASE)

3. These pairs of shoes look very nice but they are .........................                           (COMFORT)

4. When being a child, she received a good …………….                                           (EDUCATE)

5. The students of class 7A enjoy  …………  activities after school hours.               (DIFFER)

6. You must be careful when playing video games because they can be ……….      (ADDICT)

7. I have ....................time to play than my friends                                                    (LITTLE)

8. He always gets bad marks because he is a …………. student.                               ( CARE)

9. Ba reads short stories in English every day to ………….. his vocabulary.            ( RICH)

10. No one knows the exact …………………..  of this river.                                    ( DEEP)

Write your answers here:

1 …………….










VI. Give the correct forms of the verbs given in brackets. (1,0 pt):

1. My parents(1- take) us to the theater last week.

2. He (2- know) how (3-do) this work now.

3. The house is clean and clear now. He(4- tidy) it carefully.

4. Mary never(5-see) High School Musical before.                           

Write your answers here:

1 …………….






VII.  Choose the best answer to complete the passage.(2,0 pts)

Energy resources.

There is now increasing concern about the world’s energy resources, particularly about those involving fossil (1) __________. In less than a hundred years we shall probably (2) __________ all the present (3) ________ of oil and gas. The world’s coal (4) ______ should last longer, but, once used, these cannot be (5) ________. It is important, therefore, that we should develop such (6) _________ sources of energy as solar energy and nuclear energy as well as water and wind (7) ______ classed as (8) _________ energy. Until these energy (9) ________ are widely used, it is important for the developed countries to reduce energy (10) ______ as much as possible.

1. A. fuels                                     B. powers                    C. forms                      D. energies

2. A. end                           B. complete                 C. total                        D. run out of

3. A. findings                    B. productions            C. amounts                  D. sources

4. A. reserves                    B. stores                      C. mines                      D. contents

5. A. update                      B. repeated                  C. renewed                  D. produced

6. A. traditional                 B. alternative               C. revolutionary          D. surprising

7. A. force                         B. strength                  C. power                     D. motion

8. A. repeatable                 B. continual                 C. renewable               D. continuous

9. A. goods                       B. supplies                   C. provisions               D. materials

10 A. exhaustion               B. destruction                         C. waste                      D. consumption

VIII.  Read the following passage and then choose the correct answer A, B, C or D. (1,0 pt)

  In Viet Nam, there is great excitement built up well before Tet Nguyen Dan. First, every family organizes a trip to the cemetery to visit the graves of their ancestor. After that, to create an air of prosperity, wealth and fun for the first three days of the Lunar New Year, people are kept busy cooking traditional foods, buying gifts, and making other preparations. Certain items deemed to be bought or made are banh chung, dried watermelon seeds, tea, dried sausages, fruit (fresh and candied), ornamental plants and flowers. Red and yellow flowers are ideal as they make the house more welcoming. On the New Year's days, only good comments and wishes can be expressed. Children receive their Ii xi (or red envelopes with lucky money inside). People make a visit to family members, neighbors, and close friends. And people who live apart from their family try to get together on these days. Clearly enough, games and various forms of entertainment are staged and these often last a week. Varying traditional specialties including wrestling, buffalo fighting, dragon dancing take place in different regions.

1. Before Tet, people usually _________.

      A. are very busy with the preparations           B. have great excitement and fun

      C. rebuild their ancestral graves                      D. spend time on traveling

2. Which of the following, according to the passage, is not usually eaten during Tet?

      A. candied fruit          B. sausages                  C. watermelon             D. beef stew

3. Why are red and yellow flowers popular in decorating the house at Tet?

   A. Because they are pleasant and cheap.     B. Because they make the house look comfortable to be in.

   C. Because they represent good luck.         D. Because they are attractive and not very expensive.

4. On the New Year's days, _________.

   A. people are busy cooking traditional foods    B. everybody receives their “lucky money”

   C. only good comments can be made                 D. houses are cleaned and decorated with trees and flowers

5. Which of the following is not mentioned in the passage?

      A. Tet is period of concord and hope.            B. Tet is an occasion for a family to get together.

      C. Tet is a good time to visit others.               D. Tet is a great season of joy and of entertainment.

IX. Read the text below and think of the word which best fits each space. Use only ONE word in each space:

It (1)___ estimated that about 500 million people who use the Internet computer network around the world. Most people use the Internet to (2)____ information or (3) ____entertainment. A new study, however, says that almost 10% of internet users are using it so often (4) ___ it is seriously harming (5) ___ lives.  The study says these people may find it difficult to stop using the Internet (6) ___ they have become addicted. Someone (7) ___ is addicted finds it extremely difficult to stop an activity. According to Mr. Green, a psychologist, 30% internet users say that they use the internet to escape (8) ___ problems or emotions. The study (9) ___ shows that having discussions (10) ___ strangers in internet areas called “chat room” is one of the most addictive activities.

Write your answers here:

1 …………..





6 …………..








X. Complete each of the following sentences in such a way that it means exactly the same as the sentence printed before it. (1,0 pt)

1. Students don’t  have to wear forage-caps on Monday mornings.

-> It isn’t ...................................................................................................................................................

2. It is nearly ten years since I last saw her.

-> I have……………………………………………………............................…………………………..

3. If we don’t save natural resouses, they will run out soon.

-> Unless we……………………………………………............................………………………………

4. Minh didn’t go to school last Saturday.

-> Minh was ………………………………..….…..........................................................................….…

5. My mother spends two hours cooking a day.

-> It takes…………………………………………………….............................…………………………

6. Our grandparents visited Halong Bay last summer.

à Our grandparents paid.............................................................................................................

7. It took Mr. Hoang half an hour to walk to work yesterday.

à Mr. Hoang spent........................................................................................................................

8. Finding an apartment in a big city is not easy.

à It is …………………………………....………………….......................................................

9. Because of the bad weather, we couldn’t go to the beach.

à The bad weather prevented..…………………………............................................................

10. Our summer vacation lasts two months.

à We have a ……………………………………………..........................................................

XI. Complete the second sentence, using the word given in bold. Do not change the word given. You must use between three and six words, including the word given. (1,0 pt)

1. I think he can drive very carefully.                                                                         ABLE

-> I think he…………………………………………………..very carefully.

2. It’s a long time since our last conversation.                                                            SPOKEN

-> We haven’t …………………………………………………..a long time.

3. Lien’s favorite subject at school is Physics.                                                            INTERESTED

-> Lien………………………………………………at school.                                            

4. The teacher gave us a very careful instruction.                                                       INSTRUCTED

-> The teacher………………………………….carefully.

5. It would be a good idea for you to go to a pagoda.                                                           SHOULD

-> I think…………………………………………a pagoda.