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Every year, April Fools’ Day is celebrated in many countries. On this day, people play tricks on their friends and family. Newspapers and magazines also print fake articles and try to fool their readers. Companies often make special announcements on April Fools’ Day as a prank on their customers.

There have been many famous April Fools’ Day hoaxes. In 1989, for example, many drivers noticed a UFO that floated above a field near London. Many of the drivers phoned the police and reported that aliens were visiting Earth. The police came to investigate the UFO as it landed in the field. As one police officer walked toward the UFO, a small door opened and a man walked out. The man was not an alien but instead it was Richard Branson, the chairman of Virgin Records, a big company. The UFO was actually a hot air balloon. It was painted to resemble a UFO.

In 1997, there was a famous prank about the Internet. According to a famous e-mail, it was going to be cleaned from March 31st to April 2nd. The e-mail said that powerful Japanese computers would clean out old e-mail and websites. Everyone was warned not to use the Internet during the cleaning time. Although most people understood that the e-mail was simply an April Fools’ joke, there were many people who believed it and disconnected their computers during that day

Question 30: According to the article, what do many people do on April Fools’ Day?

A. they eat dinner with their friends and family

B.  they play pratical jokes on their friends and family

C.  they celebrate by reading newspapers and magazines

D.  they write fake articles and try to fool their friends and family

Question 31: The word “that” in paragraph 2 refers to _______.

A. a driver                   B. a field                     C. a. police officer      D. a UFO

Question 32: The word “investigate” in paragraph 2 is closest in meaning to______.

A. arrest                      B. check                      C. create                      D. report

Question 33: According to the passage, which of the followings are NOT TRUE?

            A. The famous April Fools’ Day hoaxes is about  TV programme in 1997.

            B. Companies often make special announcements on April Fools’ Day as a prank on their customers.

C. On April Fools’ Day Newspapers and magazines print fake articles to fool the readers

D. On April Fools’ Day, people play practical jokes on their friends and family.

Question 34: What is the main topic of the passage?

A. Pranks on the Internet                                B. Famous April Fools’ hoaxes

C. April Fools’ Day around the world            D. The History of April Fools’ Day