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Ôn thi vào 10

Câu hỏi:

5. They are _______ on reading English books.

A. fond                               B. excited                          C. interested                                           D. keen

6. The meeting wasn’t very crowded. There were______ people than we expected.

A. many                             B. few                                C. more                                           D. fewer

7. He said he ______there the next month.

A. had gone                       B. will go                           C. went                                           D. would go

8. ______ the weather was cold, he went out of the room.

A. Therefore                      B. Although                       C. So                                            D. Because

9. Would you like _______ a cup of coffee?

A. have                              B. to have                          C. having                                           D. had

10. Huynh Hieu Minh is one of the most famous______ in China.

A. actor                              B. actors                            C. actress                                           D. actresses

11. Nam warned Ba ______ games too much.

A. play                               B. to play                           C. not play                                           D. not to play

12. They tried their best ______ win the race.

A. so that to                       B. so to                              C. in order to                                           D. but to

13. The film ______ on television every day from 6. 00 pm to 6. 45 pm.

A. shows                            B. is shown                        C. is showing                                           D. is being shown

14. They find it ______ to study Maths.

A. easy                               B. easily                            C. ease                                           D. easiliness