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Số lượng câu hỏi 1
Số lượng câu trả lời 0
Điểm GP 0
Điểm SP 0

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tu anh hoang

Exercise 1: Put "was“ or "were” in the gap.
1. The teacher …… ……………… nice.
2. The students ……  ………………. very clever.
3. But one student   ……………….. in trouble.
4. We …  …………….. sorry for him.
5. He …  ……………. nice .
6. I … …………….. happy.
7. You ……  ………….. angry.
8. She …  ……………… in London last week 9. He ……  …………… on holiday.
10. It ……  ……………. cold.
11. We …… ……………. at school.
12. You ……  ……………… at the cinema.
13. They ………  ………… at home.
14. The cat ………….. on the roof.
15. The children …… ………….. in the garden
Exercise 2: Write the correct past simple tense of To be. 
1. Mom and Dad …………….(not be) at home yesterday. They …………..(be) at the hospital.
2. The weather………was……… (be) nice. It ……………..(not be) windy and rainy.
3. …… (be) he free all day yesterday?
4. When ……………….. (be) you born?
5. He………… (not be) at school. He was at home.
6. Were you busy yesterday?               Yes, I……………
7. ……. It cold last night?  No, it……………. It was hot.
8. Where…………… they on Sunday?  They…………. at the store.
9. …………Nina and Sam strong this morning? No, they……weren’t…………
10. ………….Sam ill last night? Yes, …he was………………
Chi động từ BE ở thì quá khứ đơn
I , he, she. It, các ngôi số ít  ; was / wasn’t
You, we, they, các ngôi số nhiều : were / weren’t
Exercise 3: Change these sentences into negative and interrogative form.
1. She was tired last night. => ………………………………………………………………………………………………
(-) She wasn’t tired last night.
(?) Was she tired last night?
2. I was in London last month.=> ………………………………………………………………………………………………
3. They were at Nina’s house yesterday.=> ……………………………………………………………………………………………
4. She was with him yesterday. => ………………………………………………………………………………………………
5. Tom was at school last Monday.=> ………………………………………………………………………………………………
6. Exercise 4:  Supply the correct past simple tense of verbs in brackets. (Affirmative form)
1. I _________ ( stay) at home all weekend. 
2. Angela _________ (go)to the cinema last night. 
3. My friends _________(have)a great time in Nha Trang last year. 
4. My vacation in Hue _____________ (be) wonderful. 
5. Last summer I ______________(visit) Ngoc Son Temple in Ha Noi. 
6. My parents _______________( be) very tired after the trip. 
7. I ______________(buy) a lot of gifts for my little sister. 
8. Lan and Mai _____________ (see) sharks, dolphins and turtles at Tri Nguyen aquarium.
9. Trung _______________ (eat) chicken and rice for dinner.