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Chủ đề:

Luyện tập tổng hợp

Câu hỏi:

ill in the gap with a suitable phrase by using the word given without changing its form.

I tried to talk to Jack about the problem but he was too busy. WORD
I tried to ………………………………………….about the problem but he was too busy.

"I don't mind which film we see," I said. MATTER
I said that ………………………………………….me which film we saw.

If you don't take care of those shoes, they won't last for long. LOOK
Unless …………………………………………., those shoes won't last for long.

You've already lied to me once today. LIE
This is not the first ………………………………………….me today.

Did you enjoy the party? GOOD
Did you ………………………………………….at the party?

Whenever I hear this song, I remember the time when I was in Paris. REMINDS
Whenever I hear this song, …………………………………….the time when I was in Paris.

I can't describe people as well as you can. BETTER
You're ………………………………………….I am.

You didn't think carefully enough before you decided. OUGHT
You ………………………………………….more carefully before you decided.

The authorities have improved the public transport system here recently. IMPROVEMENTS
The authorities ………………………………………….the public transport system here recently.

I was too scared to tell him what I really thought. COURAGE
I ………………………………………….to tell him what I really thought.

Chủ đề:

Luyện tập tổng hợp

Câu hỏi:

Read the passage and then choose the best answer.

The British ship H.M.S Breadalbane sank in the Canadian Arctic on August 21 1853, after being crushed by encroaching ice while on a rescue mission. The 31 crewmen aboard escaped over the ice to a companion vessel as the Breadalbane went down in 15 minutes.

Canadian scientists now report that after a three-year search of records about the ship, they have located it sitting upright in 110 meters of water. Using a robot camera device, they said they have taken remarkably clear pictures of the Breadalbane, which has been well preserved by the ice and the supercold water "What we have is a treasure trove of 19th century Arctic exploration." reported one scientist. Located 1000 kilometers above the Arctic Circle, the Breadalbane is the world's northernmost known shipwreck.

According to the passage, the Breadalbane was sailing where it was on August 21, 1853, mainly to
A. explore the area in which it sank. B. defend that area for the British government.
C. find a northwest passage to the Orient. D. save the lives of other people.

What happened to the Breadalbane's crew?
A. Some survived but most perished. B. Most survived but a few perished.
C. All perished in the accident. D. All were rescued by another ship.

The scientists can prove they have found the exact location of the Breadalbane because they
A. have taken underwater photos of the ship.
B. dived down to the wreck to explore it
C. managed to refloat the boat using modern engineering techniques.

D. retrieved some objects from the wreck with the ship's name on them.

The reason that the scientists called the wreck a "treasure trove" is that they expect it to yield a lot of

A. precious metals. B. valuable foreign goods. C. precious stones. D. valuable information.

The main reason that they can be sure to expect to learn a great deal about 19th century Arctic exploration from the wreck is that
A. no other ship ever sank in waters so far north.
B. water currents are gentle there so the ship was not moved.
C. the camera they are using is a robot.
D. the ship has been extremely well preserved by the severe cold.

The principal historical distinction of this wreck when compared with other is that
A. it has lain underwater for so long.
B. the scientists expect to become wealthy from its discovery.
C. no other has been found so far north.
D. until now it has been impossible to take pictures in such icy waters.

Chủ đề:

Luyện tập tổng hợp

Câu hỏi:

Complete the second sentence to have the same meaning as the first one.

Because she behaves well, everybody loves her.
Because of ………………………………………………………………... .

As he has behaved badly, he must be punished.
Because of ………………………………………………………………... .

Since I can’t read Italian, I’ve had to have the book translated into English.
Because of ………………………………………………………………… .

He couldn’t come because of his serious illness.
Because………………………………………………………………….… .

My father retired last month because of his illness.
Because…………………………………………………………………...... .

Tom eats very little so as not to put on weight.
Tom eats very little because………………………………………….....……

Because his mother was there, I said nothing about it.
Because of…………………………………………........................................

My sister gets high pay because she works well.
..……………….. because of …………………………………………..…….

Since we had nothing else to do, we decided to go for a walk.

10. I’ve laid the table, so you can sit down now.
As the table.......................................................................