Học tại trường Chưa có thông tin
Đến từ Hà Tĩnh , Chưa có thông tin
Số lượng câu hỏi 11
Số lượng câu trả lời 3
Điểm GP 0
Điểm SP 0

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Đang theo dõi (5)

Ngọc Hnue
Trần Giang
Trần Giang

Chủ đề:

Luyện tập tổng hợp

Câu hỏi:

Question II , choose the best answer to complete …….

1, he (using/use/used/uses) to write to me one a week but he does not write any more.

2, what were you doing when the mail (carrier coming/ came/come/comes) to your house

3, My mother wishes she (can/could be/could/can) be beautiful and young forever

4, I come from VietNam ,so I am not used to ( drive/driving/be driving/be drive) on the left

5, the headmaster and the teacher wanted to know which grade (was I in/was I on/I was in/I was on)

6, He went camping (in/on/at/for) a sunny morning with his classmate

7, She persuaded her self that life was worth (live/lving/to live/to living), not some thing boring

8,He has so (few/little/many/much) money that he can not affort to buy food

9, I had no difficuty (listen/to listening/listening/to listen) to her English

10, Look at these two pieces of material I have just bought. Which do you like (best/more than/better/most)

11, Go on .finish the food .it needs (eating/eat/to eat/eaten) up because it will not stay fresh untill tomorrow

12, All the houses in the area (has to rebuit/had to rebuilt/ have to be rebuilt/have to rebuilt) immediately

13, Many people read newspaper (during/if/as they/while) waiting for the bus

14, She lives next to me and I often speak to her on my (way/street/travel/road) to work

15, Lan is very (althought/so/therefore/however) She has to finish her assigment before going to bed

Question III: Put the verbs ….

1, where are the chairs? I remembed (bring)………………them in here

2, I’d prefer you (not/smoke)…………………in here ,if you don’t mind

3, His teacher requested that he(be)……………..in class on time

4, this time tomorrow I (watch)…………………my favouriste programme on TV

5, your computer (can/attack)………………….at any time by viruses