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Số lượng câu hỏi 22
Số lượng câu trả lời 11
Điểm GP 0
Điểm SP 1

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Đang theo dõi (4)

Chủ đề:

Luyện tập tổng hợp

Câu hỏi:

Ex 1, Write the sentences in the passvie
1, (The politician/ interview/ now) ..........................
2, (The Mona Lisa/ paint/ Leonardo da Vinci) ..........................
3, (My flat/ buger/ last night) ..........................
4, (All the tickets/ sell/ before we got there) ..........................
5, (The dog/ not feed/ yet) ..........................
6, (The prizes/ award/ president/ tomorrow ..........................
7, (Tea/ grow/ India) ..........................
Ex 2, Rewrite the sentences in the passvie voice
1, She cleans the office every evening at 5:00


2, Volunteers are planting trees in the forest

3, They hold the Summer Olympics every four years

4, did they discover America in 1942?
5, They have closed the road due to an oil spill

6, He sent the party invitations yesterday afternoon

7, They will arward him a Nobel prize


8, Has she watered the plants?
9, They saw a dolphin sWimming in the sea


10, You should handle this package carefull

11, They include tax in the bill

Ex 3, Complete the sentences
1, It is said the children were the cause of the damage

The children ..........................
2, He is considered to be the best football player in the country
It ..........................
3, They believe that he attened the weeding
He ..........................
4, The news presenter reported that the criminal has escaped
The criminal ..........................
5, People think that he stole the paintings
He ..........................
6, He is said to have lived in France last year
It ..........................
7, The company is thought to be losing a lot of money
It ..........................
Ex 4, Put the verbs in brackets into the correct passive tense
The remains of an Anglo-Saxon ship were discovered by archaeologists digging on the Kent coast last week. As was common in Anglo-Saxon England, it 2, .......................... (think) that the ship 3, .......................... (bury) alongside a great warrior. Although none of the original wood from the ship remains, many items, including weapons and helmets 4, .......................... (find). These finds 5, .......................... (now/examine) by the experts at the University of Kent. Afterwards the items 6, .......................... (clean) so that they car 7, .......................... (dispaly) in the British Museum in London.
Cácc cậu ơi giúp tớ với tớ cần gấpp lắm lắm

Chủ đề:

Luyện tập tổng hợp

Câu hỏi:

Ex 1, Write the sentences in the passvie
1, (The politician/ interview/ now) ..........................
2, (The Mona Lisa/ paint/ Leonardo da Vinci) ..........................
3, (My flat/ buger/ last night) ..........................
4, (All the tickets/ sell/ before we got there) ..........................
5, (The dog/ not feed/ yet) ..........................
6, (The prizes/ award/ president/ tomorrow ..........................
7, (Tea/ grow/ India) ..........................
Ex 2, Rewrite the sentences in the passvie voice
1, She cleans the office every evening at 5:00


2, Volunteers are planting trees in the forest

3, They hold the Summer Olympics every four years

4, did they discover America in 1942?
5, They have closed the road due to an oil spill

6, He sent the party invitations yesterday afternoon

7, They will arward him a Nobel prize


8, Has she watered the plants?
9, They saw a dolphin sWimming in the sea


10, You should handle this package carefull

11, They include tax in the bill

Ex 3, Complete the sentences
1, It is said the children were the cause of the damage

The children ..........................
2, He is considered to be the best football player in the country
It ..........................
3, They believe that he attened the weeding
He ..........................
4, The news presenter reported that the criminal has escaped
The criminal ..........................
5, People think that he stole the paintings
He ..........................
6, He is said to have lived in France last year
It ..........................
7, The company is thought to be losing a lot of money
It ..........................
Ex 11, Put the verbs in brackets into the correct passive tense
The remains of an Anglo-Saxon ship were discovered by archaeologists digging on the Kent coast last week. As was common in Anglo-Saxon England, it 2, .......................... (think) that the ship 3, .......................... (bury) alongside a great warrior. Although none of the original wood from the ship remains, many items, including weapons and helmets 4, .......................... (find). These finds 5, .......................... (now/examine) by the experts at the University of Kent. Afterwards the items 6, .......................... (clean) so that they car 7, .......................... (dispaly) in the British Museum in London.
Cácc cậu ơi giúp tớ với tớ cần gấpp lắm lắm

Chủ đề:

Luyện tập tổng hợp

Câu hỏi:

Rewrite the sentences in the passive

1, Somebody stole his bicycle last week


2, They have redesigned the website


3, They are going to paint the office


4, They had already delivered the parcel


5, You should wear a helmet at all times


7, They will announce the results tomorrow


8, Somebody is translating the book in English


9, Mr Harding has signed the contracts


10, Ian Jones may play the part of Hamlet


11, A French chef will prepare the meal


12, Mrs Johnson marks our tests


13, Fred Taylor is designing her dress


14, A young man was following her


15, Rudyard Kipling wrote The Jungle Book


16, They have found the missing boy


17, Mr Fox's secretary organises all the mettings


18, A huge dog was chasing the cat


19, A famous artist will paint her portrait


20, They had tested the products on animals


21, They should fire him


22, Gustave Eiffel built the Eiffel tower


23, They're going to deliver the furniture next week


24, Caitlin Peters can write the report


Giup tớ với ạ :<

Chủ đề:

Luyện tập tổng hợp

Câu hỏi:

Coplete the second sentences so that it has similar meaning to the first sentennces using the correct infinitive type

1, This bike is very big, so Tom can't ride it

This bike is.....to big for Tom to ride..... (example)

2, Jenny must tidy her room

I want..........................................

3, 'I don't think you should go on a diet, Tim'

I advised..............................................

4, Mary gets angry very eassily

Mary tends..............................................

5, She is feeling much better now

she seems ..................................

6, This skirt is very small, so she can't wear it any more

this skirt is...........................................

7, Beatrice felt sleeply, so she didn't watch the end of film

Beatrice felt.............................................

8, It is likely that Julian will win the race again

Julian is.....................................................

9, There is a possibility that she will pass hẻ driving test

It is...........................

10, My mother forrces me to go to bed early every night

My mother makes...........................

11, My advice to you is to take a long holiday

You had...............................................

12, The tea was so hot that I couldn't drink it

The tea was too....................................

13, I don't have the money to buy this blouse

I can't afford........................................................

14, You shouldn't have behaved like that; it was rude of you

It was rude of..........................................................

15, I think you should revise before the test

I advise.........................................................

Giupp mình nhanh với ạ :<< mình đang cần gấp lắm ý

Chủ đề:

Luyện tập tổng hợp

Câu hỏi:

Study the examples amd rewrite the sentences

1, It seems that he has accpted ourr proposal


2, It is likely that they will press charges against him


3, It appears that he has forgotten ourr appointment


4, It seems that your brother took your car without asking you first


5, It is likey that John will be explelled from school


6, It appears that she was trying to warrn you


7, It seems that Sally has been lying about it all along


8, It is likely that my mother will be very angry when i get home


9, It appears that Mrs White has got married again


10, It is likely that my boss will resign next year


giupp mình nhanh với ạ :< mình đang cần gấp lắm ý