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Luyện tập tổng hợp

Câu hỏi:

One of the most devastating forces on Earth is a hurricane. A hurricane begins as a tropical
storm. The storm winds blow in circles around a center, called the "eye." Gradually, the winds get
stronger and stronger. A tropical storm becomes a hurricane when the winds are 120 kilometers
per hour or more.
The word "hurricane" comes from Huracan, an evil god of a Central American Indian tribe.
In other parts of the world, hurricanes are known by different names. In East Asia, they are usually
called typhoons, from the Chinese tai-feng, meaning "great wind." In Bangladesh, Pakistan, India,
and Australia, they are known as cyclones. Finally, in the Philippines, they are called baguios.
Few things in nature have as much power as hurricanes. They can destroy coastal areas
with heavy rains and winds of 250 kilometers per hour or more. Sometimes a hurricane causes the
ocean to flood onto land in an event called a storm surge. The total power of a hurricane may be
equal to 10,000 nuclear bombs.
Câu 1: According to the passage, which of the following is TRUE?
A. Hurricanes always cause a storm surge.
B. All tropical storms become hurricanes.
C. Hurricanes are most common in Central America.
D. The wind speed of hurricanes is at least 120 kilometers per hour.
Câu 2: The word “hurricane” in the second paragraph comes from …………..
A. the Philippines
B. Central America
C. China
D. Bangladesh
Câu 3: The dangers of a hurricane include the following EXCEPT
A. flood B. landslide C. heavy rain D. strong winds
Câu 4: Which of the following is the best title for the passage?
A. How To Prepare For A Hurricane
B. The Biggest Hurricanes In History
C. Some Facts About Hurricanes
D. The Difference Between Tropical Storms And Hurricanes