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4S=(1.2.3+2.3.4+3.4.5+4.5.6+...+98.99.100) 4
Vậy S=
Cho m gam Zn vào dung dịch chứa 0,1 mol AgNO3 và 0,15 mol Cu(NO3)2, sau một thời gian thu được 26,9 gam chất rắn và dung dịch X chứa 2 muối. Tách lấy chất rắn, thêm tiếp 5,6 gam bột sắt vào dung dịch X, sau khi các phản ứng xảy ra hoàn toàn thu được 6 gam chất rắn. Giá trị của m là
A. 6,25.
B. 19,5.
C. 18,25.
D. 19,45.
Đặt a1=14;a2=144;a3=1444;an=144..4, ta xét các trường hợp a, n<4.
Ta dễ dàng thấy a1=14 không phải là số chính phương và a2=144=122 ; a3=1444=382 là các số chính phương.
Ta có : an=144..4=10000b+4444(bεZ)
Vì 10000:16 và 4444 chia 16 dư 12 nên an chia 16 dư 12
Giả sử an=(4k+2)2=16(k2+k)+4=>an chia 16 dư 4. Vô lý.
Vậy an không phải là số chính phương.
Kết luận : Trong dãy số tự nhiên an=144..4,, chỉ có a2=144 và a3=1444 là các số chính phương
Đâu không phải tính chất kim loại màu?
A. Khả năng chống ăn mòn thấp
B. Đa số có tính dẫn nhiệt
C. Dẫn điện tốt
D. Có tính chống mài mòn
1. Tall about your school
Talk about your school My school There is a white three-storey building, surrounded by greenery, located at Simei Town Central. That is Simei Primary School. That is also the place where I have schooled for the last five years or so. My school uniform is white. The boys wear a white shirt and white shorts while the girls wear a white blouse and skirt. The uniform must always be worn with the school badge which bears our school motto “Nothing without labor”. It means that we must be willing to work to get our reward. We are also taught to be honest and polite all the time. Most of the teachers in my school are just and kind. However, there are some teachers who show favoritism. As a result, the students who are favored by these teachers are very proud and like to bully the others. In general, however, we all treat one another like siblings and live in harmony. I am sad that I will have to leave my school at the end of this year. It has given me knowledge, friends and happy moments. I will always remember my school and the fond memories it holds. Describe your school. I study in XYZ Secondary School. It is one of the best schools in Singapore. It consists of several Roman style buildings. Our school has all the facilities of a modern school, such as well furnished and airy class rooms, best laboratories, a big library with a huge collection of books, a vast play ground and even a swimming pool. Our school building is situated in the middle. There is motorway leading from the main entrance. The playground is on the left of the motorway and a big garden on the right. When you enter the building, the principal’s room is on the left. They are all well furnished. There are twenty classrooms. Our laboratories are well equipped. The school library has an up-to-date collection of books on many subjects. Our librarian and her two assistants are very helpful. Our school, like other schools, has prescribed a uniform for us. We have to wear white trousers, a white shirt and a black tie. The girls have to wear white shirts and skirts.Our principal is very strict as he pays strict attention to behavior, punctuality and cleanliness. The most well- behaved and punctual student will be assigned as the class prefect. Our principal is a strict disciplinarian. He accepts the help and advice of all teachers. Though our principal is strict, he is fair and loving. He tries to find out the reason and guides us. If one violates any rules, he will be punished. Our principal is very strict in this aspect.Our teachers are also very strict. They teach us with the utmost care, guide us with our assessments and other preparations and help us in times of need. I like my school very much and am proud to be a student of that school.