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Người theo dõi (3)

Nhật Anh
Phương Linh

Đang theo dõi (2)

Phương Linh

III. Choose the best answer A, B, C or D to complete the sentences:

1.Science is used in all conners of the world for the_________of people.

A. interest                     B. need                              C. profits                           D.benefits

2. _________we were in town, we often met him.

A. For                           B. Although                      C. So                                    D. When

3. _________your homework finished last night?

A. Was                          B. Did                               C.Are                                   D. Do

4. He shouted and looked  _________at me when I broke the vase.

A. angry                        B. angrier                          C. angrily                             D. angryly

5. They decided to go out _________ it rained heavily.

A. but                           B. and                                 C. although                        D. because

6. John is interested _________ the history of Vietnam.  

A. in                               B. with                               C. to                                   D. on

7 . _________ turning off the TV and lights, they went  to bed.

A. Behind                     B. In front of                      C.Before                            D. After

8. I _________a lot of information about her recently.

A. have learnt               B. would learn                  C. learnt                               D. will learn

9. You should buy the blue sweater. It suits you _________ than the red one.

A. good                       B. well                C. better                                  D. the best

 10. Vietnamese people are very _________ and hospitable. 

A.friend                        B.friendless                       C.friendly                             D.friendship

Trong các đề bài sau, đề nào yêu cầu kiểu bài nghị luận về tư tưởng đạo lí, đề nào yêu cầu nghị luận về sự việc hiện tượng đời sống?

1) Suy nghĩ về ý nghĩa của sẻ chia trong cuộc sống ngày nay bằng một đoạn văn nghị luận khoảng 200 chữ

2)Suy nghĩ về căn bệnh vô cảm của giới trẻ ngày nay.

3) Viết đoạn văn trình bày suy nghĩ của em về giá trị của lòng khiêm tốn.

4) Hiện nay, bạo lực học đường đang trở thành vấn nạn nhức nhối đối với nền giáo dục. Em hãy bày tỏ ý kiến của bản thân với vấn nạn này bằng một đoạn văn khoảng 200 chữ

5) Bệnh thành tích là một trong những căn bệnh đang hoành hành trong tư tưởng của nhiều người . Hãy viết một đoạn văn nghị luận trình bày suy nghĩ của em về căn bệnh này.

6) Giáo sư Ngô Bảo Châu từng chia sẻ “ Tôi luôn tin rằng trong mỗi thất bại luôn có mầm mống của sự thành công”. Bằng hiểu biết của mình hãy viết một đoạn văn khoảng 200 chữ trình bày suy nghĩ về lời chia sẻ trên.

7) Viết đoạn văn nghị luận trình bày suy nghĩ của em làm thế nào để sống hạnh phúc.

8) Trong những đợt bùng phát của đại dịch covid 19 hiện nay, trên khắp đất nước ta đã có rất nhiều những hành động, những nghĩa cử cao đẹp, thấm thía tình cảm nhân văn: những bác sĩ, y tá sẵn sàng viết đơn xin được tình nguyện vào tâm dịch cứu giúp đồng bào, những tình nguyện viên không quản ngại khó khăn nguy hiểm hỗ trợ phục vụ những khu cách ly , những chuyến xe tình nguyện giúp người nông dân giải cứ nông sản… Bằng một đoạn văn nghị luận khoảng 200 chữ trình bày suy nghĩ của em về những việc làm này.

9) Suy nghĩ về tinh thần lạc quan trong cuộc sống bằng một đoạn văn khoảng 200 chữ

10) Viết đoạn văn trình bày suy nghĩ về giá trị của nghị lực sống.

III. Read the following passage to do the tasks below:

             Vietnam's New Year is celebrated according to the Lunar calendar. It is officially known as Tet Nguyen Dan, or Tet. It begins between January twenty-first and February nineteen. The exact date changes from year to year. Vietnamese people usually make preparations for the holiday several weeks beforehand. They tidy their houses, cook special food, clean and make offerings on the family altars. On the New Year's Eve, people sit up to midnight to see the New Year in. Then they put on new clothes and give one another the greetings of the season.Tet lasts about ten days. The first three days are the most important. Vietnamese people believe that how people act during those days will influence the whole year. As a result, they make every effort to avoid arguments and smile as much as possible.

A. Choose the best answer A, B, C or D.

1. Tet lasts about………………………………..

 A. The first three days          B, three days             C. ten days                    D.five days

2. Vietnam's New Year is celebrated according to the……………………………

 A. Tet Nguyen Dan         B. Lunar calendar          C. holiday                     D. New Year's Eve

  B. Answer the questions.

1. Is Vietnam's New Year known as Tet Nguyen Dan?


2. When does the Lunar New Year begin?                    


3.  Why do people sit up to midnight?


I. Complete the second sentences so that it means the same as the sentence before:

1. You should water these flowers regularly.

  ->These flowers should  ……………………………………………

2. I last visited London was two years ago.

  -> I haven’t………………………………………………………………………….……..

3. During dinner, the phone rang.

  ->While I ……………………………………………………………

4. What a pity! I don’t have a bike.

  ->I wish…………………………………………………………………………….………..

5. “ I am having a workshop on the Environment now”, Peter said.

   -> Peter said that……………………………………………………………….…………..

II. Make sentences using the words and phrases:

1.      How about/ give/ presentation/ water/ air/ pollution?


2.      His summer camp/ close/ July 16th/ last year


3. you/ finish/ your homework/ yet ?


3.      The foreigner/ said/ he/ not / know/ way/ My Dinh stadium


4.      Mars/ be / called/ the Red Planet/ because/ its reddish surface.


I. Read the following passge and put a word in each of the numbered blanks:

If you wander on the streets of Ha Noi, the capital of Viet Nam, you may be surprised that most people are wearing masks, hiding their faces. This is because of serious air 1. ____________ in this city. Between March 1 and 4, 2016, the air quality index of Ha Noi, as measured by the US Embassy in Ha Noi was over 350. At this level, air pollution can cause lots of respiratory 2. ___________, especially to children and the elderly. The major cause of air pollution in Ha Noi is traffic. Due to the increasing number of motorcycles and cars in the last decade, the 3. ____________ of chemical exhausts has been on a constant rise. Another reason is urban construction, including road 4. ____________ projects and residential buildings. People have to live with the dust and dirt throughout the city. Environmental experts have warned that if the city continues to develop its economy with little regard to the 5.__________, the consequence will be tragic.

II. Choose the correct word A, B, C or D for each gap to complete the following passage:

            There are many ways of spending free time (1) ________ Australia. Some people are (2) _______ of skiing in Snowy Mountain or riding a surfboard in Queensland. Others love watching Kangaroos and Koalas in Wild forests. My sister says she only enjoys (3) ________ Sydney from the skywalk. But I myself like going to Sydney Opera House where the great opera singers of the world can (4) ________ heard. If you are bored with listening to the opera singing, there will always be at least two (5) ________ three other shows to suit your taste.

1. A. in

B. at

C. of

D. for

2. A. keen

B. interested

C. surprised

D. fond

3. A. watch

B. watches

C. watching

D. watched

4. A. been

B. being

C. be

D. to be

5. A. if

B. or

C. but

D. so

III. Choose the best answer A, B, C,or D to complete the sentences:

1 . …………. turning off the TV and lights, they went  to bed.

A. Behind                     B. In front of                          C. Before                D. After

2. I ………….a lot of information about her recently.

A. have learnt               B. would learn                        C. learnt                   D. will learn

3. She failed the test ……………she studied hard.

         A. as                               B. despite                                C. although               D. in spite of

4. If you were the president, what .  .  .  .  . you do to help the environment ?

            A. will            B. would                                 C. do                            D. are

5. The Statue of Liberty is a major monument in New York which…. freedom.

A.    attracts                             B. symbolises               C. decides                   D. understands

6. An example of a natural disaster is a…………….

A. rain                                    B. sunlight                    C. thunder                   D. tornado

7. Hundreds of people were made …………. after the flood.

A.    helpless                             B. homeless                  C. careless                   D. careful

8.While I ………………the performance, I met one of my old friends.

A. watched                     B. was watching                    C. watch                        D. am watching

9.  He will go out tonight, …. he?

A. won’t                                 B.does                           C.isn’t                       D. will

10.A custom is something that has become an ……………. way of doing things.

       A. to be accept             B. to accept                         C. accepting             D. accepted