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Đề kiểm tra học kì 1

Câu hỏi:

II - PHẦN TỰ LUẬN Complete these sentences with the correct word forms Câu 1. It was important to me to be financially ______________ of my parents. ( depend ) Câu 2. _______________in some developing countries may be the cause of poverty and hunger.(populate) Câu 3. The painting is not ______________ of his work of the period. (represent) Câu 4. The film has so far _______________ little interest outside the art-house cinemas. (excite) Câu 5. Mid-Autumn Festival is_________________ on the 15th of the 8th Lunar month. (celebrate) Complete these sentences with the correct verb tenses / forms Câu 6. Violence in films _________________ young viewers so far. (influence) Câu 7. I suggest _______________ the cinema to find out what times the film begins. (call) Câu 8. They _______ TV when the fire alarm rang last night. (watch) Câu 9. Jane will go to the supermarket before she ______________ home. (come) Câu 10. By the time Linda _______ to hand in her essay, she had checked all the spelling mistakes. (decide) Rewrite these sentences as directed: Câu 11. It’s a long time since we last had a conversation with each other. àWe have ______________________________________________________________. Câu 12. My mother is making “Special Chinese Fried Rice” in the kitchen now. à “Special Chinese Fried Rice” Câu 13. Peter had spent his childhood in Oslo, so he knew the city well. àHaving ____________________________________________. (Using Participle phrase) Câu 14. Tom didn’t set the alarm, so he got up late. àHad Tom __________________________________________________________________ Câu 15. “You stole my money, Tom” Natalie said to Tom àNatalie accused ___________________________________________________________