Học tại trường Chưa có thông tin
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Complete the passage with words from the box Success profession career purposely successful living likely definite decisions well-chosen It is very important for everybody to make the right choice of (1)____ . And it is no wonder because there are a lot of honourable professions at your disposal to obtain, for example, the profession of a teacher, a doctor, a computer-operator, an engineer, a journalist, etc. It is difficult for the young people to give a (2)_____ answer. There are lots of people who take (3) _____about their professions and their career very easily. It is a matter of fact that only few of them become successful in their careers and their lives. Most of such people don't gain much (4)_____ in their professions and their careers. The next point is that there is a big difference between job and career. Job is just a place to work in and to earn your (5)____while career involves planning out the journey, picking up the necessary skills along the way to be successful, and (6) _____deciding what your interests, skills and work values are. Some people never pick a (7)_____. They continue drifting from job to job, without considering where the drifting will lead. Teens may change their career interests or goals over time, but a (8) _____career usually leads to more advanced and challenging opportunities. And let's face it - you're (9)____to be working most of your life, so why not enjoy what you're doing. Finally, try to choose your career carefully and then you will be happy and (10)_____ in your future life.