Học tại trường Chưa có thông tin
Đến từ Chưa có thông tin , Chưa có thông tin
Số lượng câu hỏi 16
Số lượng câu trả lời 3
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Điểm SP 1

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21.     Fish________ on earth for ages and ages.

          a. existed                     b. are existing            c. exist                         d. have existed

22.     The earth________ on the sun for its heat and light.

          a. is depend                 b. depending             c. has depend              d. depends

23.     On July 20, 1969, Neil Armstrong ________ down onto the moon, the first person ever set foot on another planet.

          a. was stepping            b. stepped                  c. has stepped              d. was step

24.     She will go abroad as soon as she________ this English course.

          a. has completed         b. will complete         c. will have completed      d. completed

25.     The child________ before the doctor arrived.

          a. died                         b. had died                c. has died                   d. was dying

26.     The secretary________ the report by 10:00 yesterday.

          a. hasn't finished         b. hadn't finished      c. didn't finish             d. would finish

27.     John________ a book when I saw him.                                                            

          a. is reading                 b. read                       c. was reading             d. reading

28.     Arsenal________ next Monday.

          a. wins                         b. will win                 c. would win               d. is winning

29.     She is tired now. She________ for a long time.

          a. has been learning b. has learned                c. learns                       d. learned

30.     They will have gone home before you________ to meet them.

          a. came                        b. come                      c. will come                 d. are coming

31.     Now my sister________ a bicycle of her own.

          a. is having                  b. are having              c. has                           d. had

32.     This is the first time I ________ here.

          a. am                            b. have been              c. was                          d. be

33.     Last week, my professor promised that he________ today.

          a. would come             b. will come               c. comes                      d. coming

34.     My girls friend arrived after I ________ for her about half an hour.

          a. was waiting             b. had been waiting   c. has been waiting          d. have waited

35.     ________ to rain before you woke up this morning?

          a. Did it begin             b. has it begun           c. Had it begun           d. Would it begin

36.     My daughter saw an elephant this morning but she________ one before.

          a. had never seen         b. has never seen       c. never seen                d. never had seen

37.     When we got home, dinner____ so we had a drink first.

          a. was preparing                                            b. was being prepared

          c. was prepared                                             d. had been prepared

38.     She was tired. She____ for a long time.

          a. has been learning     b. had been learning        c. leaned                d. was learning

39.     He said he would visit me, but he____ me yet.

          a. has not visited         b. had not visited      c. is not visiting           d. does not visit

40.     The weather____ fine so far this week.

          a. is                              b. has been                c. was                          d. had been


1.       How many languages_____ John speak?

          a. do                            b. does                       c. did                           d. will

2.       Hurry! The train________ I don't want to miss it.

          a. comes                      b. is coming               c. came                        d. has come

3.       Angelina Jolie is a famous actress. She ________ in several film.

          a. appears                    b. is appearing           c. appeared                  d. has appeared

4.       Before  you asked, the letter________

          a. was written              b. had been written   c. had written              d. has been written

5.       Mike________ one hour ago.

          a. phoned                    b. was phoning          c. had phoned             d. has phoned

6.       Look! The bus________

          a. left                           b. has left                  c. leaves                       d. is leaving

7.       We________ next vacation in London.

          a. spend                       b. are spending          c. will spend                d. are going to spend

8.       Robert________ tomorrow morning on the 10:30 train.

          a. arrived                     b. is arriving              c. has arrived               d. would arrive

9.       Ask her to come ad see me when she ________ her work.

          a. finish                       b. has finished           c. finished                   d. finishing

10.     Almost everyone________ for home by the time we arrived.

          a. leave                        b. left                         c. leaves                       d. had left

11.     By the age of 25, he ________ two famous novels.

          a. wrote                       b. writes                    c. has written               d. had written

12.     I couldn't cut the grass because the machine_______ a few days previously.

          a. broken down           b. has been broken    c. had broken down    d. breaks down

13.     We ________English this time last week.

          a. learned                     b. were learning         c. have learned            d. had learned

14.     Her family________ to America before 1975.

          a. went                        b. have gone              c. had gone                  d. would go

15.     When I arrived at the party, Martha________ home already.

          a. went                        b. have gone              c. had gone                  d. would go

16.     We________ English this time next Monday.

          a. learn                         b. will learn               c. are learning              d. will be learning

17.     I ________ my key. Can you help me look for it?

          a. lose                          b. lost                        c. had lost                    d. have lost

18.     Last night Tine________ in bed when suddenly she heard a scream.

          a. read                         b. was reading           c. had read                  d. had read

19.     We________ a party next week. Would you like to come?

          a. have                         b. will have                c. are having                d. will have had

20.     While mother________ dinner the phone rang.

          a. cooked                     b. had cooked           c. has cooked              d. was cooking