Học tại trường Chưa có thông tin
Đến từ Hà Nội , Chưa có thông tin
Số lượng câu hỏi 28
Số lượng câu trả lời 7
Điểm GP 0
Điểm SP 1

Người theo dõi (1)

Nguyễn An Khánh

Đang theo dõi (1)


Exercise 8: Use the correct form of given word

1. Cinderella’s stepmothers was (kind).....................and treated her (bad)..................

2. Jack is very bright, but he’s also (boast).........................of his accomplishments at school.

3. When Jack was going to the market, he met a (magic)......................

4. She smiled (wicked)........................, waved, and vanished into thin air.

5. Snow White lived (happy)..........................with the dwarves in the wood.

6. One beautiful evening a young princess put on her bonnet and clogs: and went out to take a walk by

(her).........................in a wood.

7. When the prince set eyes on Cinderella, he was struck by her (beautiful)..........................

8. The countryside in the area is (charm).....................and most of the buildings there are made from an

(attract)........................type of light stone.

9. Banh Chung was square and (symbol)......................the earth. Banh Day was round and

(symbol)...................... the sky.

10. Is The False Grandmother one of the (origin).....................versions of Little Red Riding Hood?

Exercise 10: Read the following text and decide which answer best fits each numbered blank.

Historic Temple Square, in Downtown Salt Lake City, is one of Utah's number one tourist (1).........and world headquarters of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Temple Square is (2).........every day of the year from 9 a.m. - 9 p.m. with the help of hundreds of volunteers and missionaries (3).........will make your experience more enjoyable. On your visit to the 35 acres of Temple Square you will be (4).........to see, feel, taste, touch and experience Mormon culture and its pioneer heritage. Guided tours and presentations feature historic (5).........interactive exhibits, art displays, 70-mm films, parks and gardens. Also featured are the largest genealogy library of its (6).........in the world and the renowned Mormon Tabernacle Choir and Orchestra at Temple Square, Enjoy all of this in the (7).........of downtown Salt Lake City. Tours are available in (8).........than 30 languages at some locations at no charge to you. Restaurants and catering facilities are available to (9).........enhance your visit as well. Whether you are visiting for the first time (10).........coming back to enjoy Temple Square again we welcome you!

Exercise 8: Put the verbs into correct forms

1. You (use) .......................to play chess when you ( be ).................. younger?

2. A new road (build)...........................in our city at present.

3. Last night, I (walk)......................along a country road when suddenly I (hear).........footsteps behind me.

4. They (hold)........................the rice – cooking festival every two years.

5. Nga advised Nhi how (go)...........................from My Son to Hoi An.

6. The rice – cooking festival (hold)...........................every two years.

7. The letter (post)........................a week ago and it (arrive)........................yesterday.

8. My mother (wait)...........................for me when I (come)...........................home.

9. It is late, so we decided (take)...........................a taxi home.

10. It started (rain)...........................when they left home.

Exercise 9: Rewrite these sentences using words given

1. Nga is very strong. She can lift this table.

 Nga is........................................................................................................................

2. No city in Viet Nam is bigger than HCM city.

 HCM City is.................................................................................................................

3. Playing sport is good for your health.

 It is............................................................................................................................

4. My school is not like yours.

 Your school is................................................................................................................

5. Yen usually had a lot of friends.

 Yen used......................................................................................................................

6. Could you send the letter for me?

 Would you mind.............................................................................................................

7. You can go to the movies with me. You can go to the concert alone. (or)

 .................................................................................................................................

8. I should practice more for the competition. My health hasn’t been excellent recently. (but)

 .................................................................................................................................

9. Jennifer decided to leave Tom. He was too worried about his job. (because of)

 ..................................................................................................................................

10. It’s difficult for her to remember all the stories. (finds)

 .................................................................................................................................

11. It was not a good idea for you to refuse the offer of that job. (down)

 You............................................................................................................................

12. The cyclone has come. Many thousands of deaths. (resulted in)

 .................................................................................................................................

Exercise 11: Use the correct form of given word

1. (Float)............................ lanterns feature special heritage night at Hoi An.

2. Tet is the privileged occasion for family members to (reunion)....................................

3. Hung King Temple Festival is held in (commemorate)............................of Vietnam’s first kings.

4. (Preserve)............................... of culture can be achieved by keeping cultural elements, such as food,

clothing, shelter, and language.

Exercise 2: Change the following sentences to the passive form:

1. Are you going to mail these letters soon?


2. Scientists began to carry out researches on SIDA two years ago.


3. I can assure you I will arrange everything in time.


4. What ought we to do about this?


5. It is time they brought the cows in.


6. What questions did the examiner set?


7. Somebody must do something for these poor men.


8. The teacher promised Jane a prize if she worked well.


9. I hate people looking at me.


10. Teachers should make lessons more interesting for school children.



Exercise 4: Put the verbs into correct forms

1. People tend (think)...............................that the problem will never affect them.

2. My parents advised me (learn)..............................English as soon as possible.

3. Many young people spend the whole day (play)...............................online games.

4. It took me a whole day (travel)...............................to Da Lat last week.

5. I can’t see the attraction of (sit)...............................on a beach all day.

6. A positive aspect of education is that it contributes to (confirm)...............................one’s identity.

7. I like to listen to the birds (sing)...............................when I get up early in the morning.

8. The team has tried their best (perform)...............................in the final round.

9. Do the plants need (water)...............................every day?

10. If you can, please (give)..................me more information about the kids club at A1Raha Beach Hotel.


Exercise 5: Rewrite these sentences using words given

1. There are asthma, allergies and other respiratory illnesses when air pollution happens. (leads to)

 ..................................................................................................................................

2. Aquatic life suffers or dies because there is thermal pollution. (because of)

 ..................................................................................................................................

3. Water in the Cau River becomes brown and has terrible smell because the wasted water is released from the

paper mill in Thai Nguyen City. (so).

 ..................................................................................................................................

4. People use too much herbicide to treat weeds, so water in rivers, canals, lakes are extremely polluted and has

bad effects on people’s health. (because)

 ..................................................................................................................................

5. Many fish in the river die due to the increased temperature of water. (because)

 ..................................................................................................................................

6. Because plastic bags take so long to decompose, nearly all of them still exist in the environment today. (so)

 ..................................................................................................................................

Exercise 8: Write complete sentence using words given

1. Villagers/ usually earn/ living/ farming/ raising animals/ making handicrafts.


2. They/ live/ a small community/ a temple/ where great events/ such as/ festivals/ organized.


3. Villagers/ the Southern/ usually live/ houses/ built on stilts/ keep above flood waters.


4. Along/ coastal lines/ fishermen/ depend/ sea/ live on.


5. People/ Central Highlands/ and/ northern regions/ live/ growing rice/ rubber trees/ coffee/ tea.



Exercise 12: Use the correct form of given word

1. I’ll need to take your waist (measure)...........................

2. We no longer talk of the (permanent).............................of marriage.

3. There are various (treat).......................available for this condition.

4. They emit 90% less (pollute)...........................than standard models.

5. It is important to take precise (measure).............................of the structure.


Exercise 14: Read the following passage about driving laws around the world, and then tick the correct

answers: True (T), or False (F).

In Sweden, it is necessary to keep your headlights on 24 hours a day. We understand that it is required for places as cold as Sweden during winter, but you cannot turn off your car’s lights even if it is June and the weather looks just fine.

If you are driving in Beijing and you come across a zebra crossing, don’t stop or even try to slow down because this will get you in trouble with the law.

In Thailand, it is compulsory to wear a shirt while driving. Women who go topless while driving can be fined equal to a few hundred baht.

In Cyprus, you should keep both hands on the wheel. Drivers who unnecessarily raise a hand from the steering wheel can get fines, although we think that making some gestures at bad drivers is sometimes good.

Don’t yell or curse while you are driving in Rockville, Maryland, USA although you are right. It is illegal to curse in public. You have to pay a fine up to $100 or go to prison up to 10 days.

Before you drive off with a car in Denmark, you must check that the children in your car have the best places. Maybe the reason is that they can read books by Hans Anderson.

Drinking and driving is illegal in Spain, but in Macedonia, if you are drunk, you cannot sit in the front seats.

1. Use your car’s headlights 24 hours a day in Sweden.

2. In Sweden, you have to turn on your car’s lights in June when the weather is bad.

3. In Beijing, it is against the law to stop at a zebra crossing.

4. In Thailand, you have to wear a shirt while driving.

5. There are no rules about what women have to wear while they are driving in Thailand.

6. In Cyprus, you cannot shake your fist (a hand with the fingers and thumb held tightly in) at other drivers.

7. It is illegal to use bad language while you are driving in Rockville, Maryland, USA.

8. If you yell or curse while you are driving in Rockville, Maryland, USA and don't pay the fine, you may be

put in prison up to 90 days.

9. Children can have best places while they are riding in a car in Denmark.

10. Don’t sit in the front seats if you are drunk in Macedonia, Spain.

Exercise 2: Change the following sentences to the passive form:

1. They were expecting a guest.


2. The chef wasn’t cooking the meat.


3. The woman were cleaning all the blinds.


4. They were watching the newest videos.


5. Who was taking care of the baby?


6. Why were they picking the flowers?


7. Were they painting the room when the accident happened?



Exercise 3: Choose the correct answer

1. Lots of houses (are destroying/ destroyed/ were destroyed/ is destroyed) by the earthquake.

2. Gold (was discovered/ has been discovered/ was discover/ they discover) in California in the 19th century.

3. The boy (punish/ punished/ punishing/ was punished) by the teacher yesterday.

4. Sarah is wearing a blouse. It (be made/ are made/ is made/ made) of cotton.

5. My wedding ring (is made/ is making/ made/ make) yellow and white gold.

6. Wilson is (known/ knew/ is known/ know) as Willie to his friend.

7. References (not are used/ is not used/ didn’t used/ are not used) in the examination room.

8. Laura (are born/ were born/ was born/ born) in Boston.