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1.Choose the correct answers, of trees. 12 If we plant more trees in the schoolyard, the school will become a place Dmore polluted A greener B.darker 14 "What can we do air pollution" A reduce B to reduce Creducing Do reducing 15. You can save money while shopping by only buying you need A what Cthu D that 16. "Reduce, reuse, recycle is said to encourage people to waste less, by using less and using things the environment again, in order to A harm B damage Cpollute D protect 17. Please collect all the recyclable materials, and take them to the factory A recycle Breeveled Creevelable Drecycling 18. This newspaper is made of paper Areevele Brecycled Cold Dwaste 19. If we all use bags, we'll help the environment A new B cheap Creusable Dreduced 21 If there is a rubbish bin in every class, the classroom will become A harmful Blighter 22 "Don't throw rubbish into the river because you will make it Cdirtier Deleaner A greener B dirty Ccleaner D fresher 23 If we use A fewer paper, we will save a lot of trees Cmore Bless Dmuch 24 You should put the food in a reusable box plastic bag 4. by B instead of Cbecause of 25 If people turn off all electric appliances in one hour all over the world, Dwithout they can save lots of A electric Belectrical Celectrician Delectricity 26 It is a good idea to our clothes with our friends or cousins. A change C turn 27 Next week our class is having a discussion about finding ways to reuse old items B swap Dsend before throwing them away A interested B surprising Cuseless 28 If you have old clothes, will you give them to those D creative A needs B to need C for needing D in need 30 "Do you think we should put a bin in every classroom in order to keep it clean?" A reusable Brecycled Crecycling Drecyclable 22 "Will you have a car can fly into space?" A it B this Cwhat D that 23. We will use special cards to the doors and the engine. A open-stop Bopen-start C.control-stop D.drive-start 25. Our future houses will use energy, and theyare very friendly to the environment A sun B.sunny Csolar D lunar 27. A super smart TV will help us goods from the supermarket B.buy A take C.carry Dorder 28. We will have a robot in the garden the flowers and the dogs and cats. A cut take B water-feed Cfeed take D water to wash II. Put the verbs in brackets in the correct tense. 1. My brother (leave) home 10 years ago. 2. What you (do) last weekend? (you/play) golf? 3 Mai (buy) a new dress last week 4 Mr Quang (teach) Math in this school in 1989 5. When I (get) home last night, I (be) very tired and I (go) straight to bed. (earn) some money last week 6 Daniel 7 There (be). nobody there when I (arrive), yesterday III.Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verb. 1. If you (drive) too fast, you (have) an accident 2 If we continue (hunt) animals, they (disappear) 3. If he (continue/smoke) , he (have) problems with his health soon 4. (Use) public transportation (be)_ reduce air pollution more natural disasters a great way to 5. If we (burn) the forest, we (face). 6 You should (turn), off the electrical appliances before you (leave) the room 8 If you (use). the shower instead of a bath, you (save) a lot of water a better life if the environment (be) 9. We (have) and fresh clean 10. If we (use) a lot of pesticides, we (pollute) our D go water sources a new house 11. If (have), money, 1 (buy). 12 If we (need) some help, we (ask) not to 13 If1 (tell) you the truth, (you /promise) tell anyone else? you 14 If you (tease) 15. If you (not leave the dog, it (bite right now, you (be) late for the train IV. Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently. B pencils 1. A rulers C books D bags B that C this 2. A thank 3. A. sg D those B told C now 4. A land B. traffic B. show C plastic C crown D. plant 5. A cow D allow 6 A wrap B racket C. manner D space 7 A nose 8. A father B cold B monthly Chole D. flower C mother D. gather C math D catch 9 A market B stand 10. A pollution B. solar C. symbol D reason 11 A read B. teacher C cat C house D ahead D. bowl 12. A shout B how 13. A. living B. wireless Chi-tech D. nice 14. A yard B activity C. had D. automatic 15. A far B. plant C plan C. sound D. hat 16 A lesson B house D. noisy 17 A couch B. soup C ground D house 18. A. theater B. there C through D three 19 A. that B birthday C teeth D theatre D beach 20. A teach C speak B great ( mong các anh chị hướng dẫn cho e , vì đây là vắn bản từ Google lens cho nên nó không xuống dòng đc , mong anh chị thông cảm . )

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V.Read the passage carefully, and then choose the correct answers. MY DREAM SCHOOL In the future, schools will be better. Computers will be much quicker and we might have pencils which write for us! All the students will have their own computers. When there is a history lesson, the computers will show important events. The students will be dressed up as the characters from the period they are studying. There will be hover boards in the playground, and students will come to school by hovercars. Every child will have a robot like themselves. The robots will have to go to school whilethe students sit at home controlling them in front of their computers. The robots will have laser pens and the student will have laser ink pens. The classroom will be floating, and the tables and chairs will, too. There will homework, and teachers won't take away the toys. 1 The student wants all of the following but not. A. having laser ink pens B. going to school C. staying at home controlling a robot D. having a robot like himself 2 In history lessons, the student wants the computer to A. show important people in history events 3.If B. have new games C.show history events and the student will be one of the important characters D.find all information about the events from the Internet history lesson today is about ancient Egypt, the student will the B. become the queen A. watch films about Egypt on the computer D. see things and houses at that time C. get dressed like the queen 4 The student wants to have B. no homework A. floating classrooms C. toys in the classroom D. all A, B, and C 5 The word "hover" in paragraph 2 means C. moving D. large A. colourful B. flying VI. Complete each sentence so it means the same as the sentence above. Example: I don't have a robot in my house.. →There isn't a robot in my house 1. My father bought this robot from Japan last week. →We have had....... 2. I won't be able to do everything myself unless I have a modern robot. →If I don't have... 3 Minh likes teaching robots very much →Minh is very interested in 4. The robot in my house can clean the floors very well. →The robot in my house is a very good 5. In the future, robots will be able to do all the dangerous things for people. →People won't have to // các anh chị giúp e với ạ