Học tại trường Chưa có thông tin
Đến từ Chưa có thông tin , Chưa có thông tin
Số lượng câu hỏi 1
Số lượng câu trả lời 0
Điểm GP 0
Điểm SP 0

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Đang theo dõi (0)

Task 1. Arrange the given words into a complete sentence.(10 points)

1. look /for/ He /is/ to/going/new/job/a.

2. there / are / small /any / in / children /your / family /?/

3. went/ I/ bed/ to/ late/ days/ a/ ago/ few.

4. says / Jack / that / new / his / friend/ working/ for/ is/ big/ a/ company.

5. like/I/football/in/the/afternoon/with/friends/playing/my.


Dear Jenny,Hi! I’m enjoying my vacation in Dalat city. I’m staying with my aunt’s family. They’re very hospitable.I’m writing this letter in the living room and my aunt’s children are sitting here with me. They’rewatching cartoons on TV.As you know, I’m going sight-seeing here. I really love this city because I’m learning a lot aboutVietnamese culture. I visit a lot of places and the landscapes are very beautiful. I can speak a littleVietnamese, but I can’t read and write it. Anyway, the food is delicious and I’m eating a lot! Theweather is also wonderful. It’s quite cold here in December.Lots of love,SusanP.S. I’m sending you a photo of Dalat city.

A. Choose true ( T) or false (F). ( 5 marks)

26.____ Susan isn’t enjoying her vacation in Dalat city..

27. ____ She is writing a letter to her friend now.

28. ____ She can’t read and write in Vietnamese very well.

29. ____ Vietnamese food is good.

30. ____ She’s staying in a hotel.

B. Answer the questions (5 marks)

31. Where is she in Vietnam?

A. Nhatrang B. Dalat.C. Hochiminh city D. Hanoi

32. What are her aunt’s family members like?

A. They are honest B. They are friendlyC. They’re very hospitable D. They’re very hospitable and funny

33. Does she like the weather ?

A. No, she isn’t B. Yes, she is C. No, she doesn’t D. Yes, she does.

34. How is the weather in December?

A. a bit cold B. very cold C. not cold D. awful.

35. What can she do?

A. She can speak a little Vietnamese B. She can speak a lot of VietnameseC. She can’t speak a little Vietnamese D. She can speak little Vietnamese.


Task 1. Arrange the given words into a complete sentence. (10 marks)

36. doesn’t/ milk/ drink / for/ breakfast/ his/ Mr Kim/ ususally

37. I/ New year’s Eva/ in/ was/ on/ 1999/in Hanoi

38. Going/ to/ you/ next year/ go/ are/ on/ holiday/ where/?

39. buy/ to/ he/ is/ an/ expensive/ going/ cellphone/ next year.

40. would/ madam /like/to/you/What/drink/?


Talk about your leisure activities. 

a. What do you do in your free time/leisure time?

b. How often do you do it? Where do you do it? Why do you like to do it?

c. Do you think hobbies are important?

d. Which hobby do you like to try in the future? 

2. Talk about living in the city and the countryside. 

a. What is it like where you live?

b. What are the advantages of living in the countryside/city?

c. What are the disadvantages of living in the countryside/city?

d. Do you often visit the countryside/city?

e. Would you like to live in the countryside/city in the future? Why or why not? 

3. Talk about customs and traditions in Vietnam. 

a. What are some traditional festivals in your country? 

b. What is your favorite tradition from another country?

c. Are there any important traditions in your family? 

d. How do you feel about traditions in general?

e. What is the difference between custom and tradition? 

4. Talking about a festival. 

a. Do you like festivals? / Which are your favorite festivals?

b. When and where does it happen?

c. What do people do in the festival?

d. Do you want to take part in this festival? Why or why not?

e. Are there many celebrations in your country? 

f. Do you think festivals are important? And why?