Học tại trường Chưa có thông tin
Đến từ Chưa có thông tin , Chưa có thông tin
Số lượng câu hỏi 7
Số lượng câu trả lời 1
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Điểm SP 1

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I. Complete the second sentence so that it means the same as the first.1. My house has got five rooms .→ There2. The bus station isn’t far from the new shopping center .→ The bus station is 3. There isn’t a telephone in the living room. We don’t4. The house is behind the trees .→ There are trees 5. My favorite food is frie chicken                                                         →        I like 6. There are two bathrooms in that house. That house 7. I like the kitchen most. My favourite room8. Is there a garden in front of the house? Does the house II. Put the verbs into the correct tense form.1. My mother _________________ (not like) buying food in supermarkets.2. They _________________ (not eat) meat on Fridays.3. The teacher _________________ (often/ give) us a lot of homework.4. How often _________________you ( go)____________ to the gym to work out?5. I don’t like the garden in winter time. There __________________ (not be) any flowers.6. There __________________ (be) some new furniture in the living room.7. __________________ (you/ get) up early in the morning?8. __________________ (there/ be) a student called Andrea in this class?9. You __________________ (look) sad. What’s the matter?10. Jack __________________ (not spend) much time on reading.11. Susan often _____________ (drive) to the beach when the weather ______________ (be) nice.12.Hoang and his friend ( walk )____________________to school every morning.