Học tại trường Chưa có thông tin
Đến từ Chưa có thông tin , Chưa có thông tin
Số lượng câu hỏi 3
Số lượng câu trả lời 4
Điểm GP 0
Điểm SP 0

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Question 10 : Put the words in the correct order. ( 1pts)

1. going to do/you/What/Children’s Day,/Peter?/on/are/


2. much/ every day ?/ How / rice /do / eat / you/


3.The bookshop / the cinema / is/ between / and/ the pharmacy.


4. weather / will / tomorrow ?/ the / be /What / like


5. I / spring / there / lots /of/ like/flowers./are/because


6. fly/ because/ be/ would like/ Minh/ pilot/ to/ planes./ like/ he’d/ a/ to


7. should/ Mr. Tuan/ a/ take /rest/.


8. had/ Quan/ to/ the/ headache/ doctor/ because/ went/ he/ a/.


9. Tam/ gentle./  beautiful/ and/ was


10. My/ often/ grandma/ in/ works/ the garden/ her/ in/ free/ time.


11. will/ What/ the/ be / like/ tomorrow/ weather/ /?


12.is / What/ with/ your/ the/ matter/ brother/ ?/


13.like/ future/ to/ would/ in/ you/ what/ be/ the/ ?


14 . happened/ what/ the/ in/?/ stoty/


 15. do/ in / What / your/  does/ mother/ free/ her/ time/?/


16. too / I / ride / shouldn’t / why / fast
17. you / the / what / doing / stove / are / with
18. do / I / that / won’t / ok / again
19. shouldn’t / why / I / touch / knife / the
10. with / the / play / don’t / cat