Học tại trường Chưa có thông tin
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1. Mark is too unqualified to take over the job.  Mark is not ______________________________________ 2. Mr Nelson had his car repaired by a mechanic yesterday. Mr Nelson had a________________________________________________________________________ 3. We went out to the beach in spite of the heavy rain. Although______________________________________________________________________________ 4. They think the burglar broke into the house though the bathroom window. Theburglar ___________________________________________________________________________ 5. She couldn’t buy the purse because she didn’t have enough money. If she_________________________________________________________________________________ 6. I'd prefer her not to apply for this job.  I'd rather___________________________________________ 7. When did you start collecting stamps?  How long _________________________________________ 8. She thought it was too difficult to finish the job by Christmas. She found _____________________________________________________________________________ 9. Margaret wishes she had studied harder for the exam. Margaret regrets ________________________________________________________________________ 10. I expected that the test would be more difficult.  The test was not _______________________________ 11. It was a three-week course.  The course _________________________________________ 12. Mary will be twenty next Sunday.  It's Mary's ___________________________________________ 13. We couldn't go out because the weather was so cold. The cold weather _______________________________________________________________________ 14. I'd like you to help me to put the chair away.  Would you mind _________________________________ 15. What an intelligent boy he is!  How ________________________________________________