Học tại trường Chưa có thông tin
Đến từ Chưa có thông tin , Chưa có thông tin
Số lượng câu hỏi 5
Số lượng câu trả lời 7
Điểm GP 0
Điểm SP 5

Người theo dõi (1)

Đang theo dõi (0)


can you help me. thanks you so much...


Los Angeles Airport


Emergency Fire Procedures


• If you detect a fire, call emergency, 1999, and the Fire Department, 9+911. Engage the

fire alarm, alert other guests, and exit the building.

• If a fire is detected inside the room, exit the room immediately, close the door, and activate

the nearest emergency alann. Notify in-house personnel by dialling 1999 and the Fire

Department at 911.

• If you are alerted to fire in the building, make sure it is safe to leave your room. Check

for heavy smoke. Once you have determined it is safe, take your room key and proceed

to the exit nearest to you.

• If it is not safe to leave your room, fill your bathtub and other containers with water.

Block all openings, such as vents and under the door, with wet towels. This will prevent

fumes from entering your room. Call the hotel staff, informing them of your location.

• If smoke already exists in your room, hold a wet towel over your mouth and stay low.

• Do not break any windows unless absolutely necessary. This will only worsen the


• Do not try to exit by use of the elevators.

It is important to remember t1wt in any emerge11cy situations your ability to STAY CALM

during the evawation process is the key to success.





Exercise 2 - 1. When there is a fire, you should detect the ....................................., warn other people and getout of the building.

Exercise 2 - 2. When you decide it is safe to leave your room, run quickly to the nearest ........................................

Exercise 2 - 3. When you don’t feel it is safe to leave the room, call the hotel staff to tell them about ...............

Exercise 2 - 4. If you detect heavy smoke in your room, cover your mouth with ........................................... *

Exercise 2 - 5. Unless necessary it is not suggested to ...........................................