Học tại trường Chưa có thông tin
Đến từ Hà Nội , Chưa có thông tin
Số lượng câu hỏi 42
Số lượng câu trả lời 59
Điểm GP 3
Điểm SP 17

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Câu trả lời:

AnswersB. clocks (ends with /s/ while others end with /z/)D. rooms (ends with /z/ while others end with /s/)A. parents (ends with /s/ while others end with /z/)B. flats (ends with /s/ while others end with /z/)A. houses (the "s" is pronounced /ɪz/ while others end with /z/)A. wardrobes (ends with /z/ while others end with /s/)B. sofas (ends with /z/ while others end with /s/)A. chests (ends with /ts/ while others end with /z/)D. sinks (ends with /s/ while others end with /z/)A. tears (ends with /z/ while others end with /s/)A. houses (the "s" is pronounced /ɪz/ while others end with /z/)D. goes (the "s" is pronounced /z/ while others end with /ɪz/)D. weekends (ends with /z/ while others end with /s/)A. dolls (ends with /z/ while others end with /s/)B. nods (ends with /z/ while others end with /s/)C. laughs (ends with /fs/ while others end with /s/)B. photographs (ends with /s/ while others end with /z/)B. cooks (ends with /s/ while others end with /z/)C. accidents (ends with /s/ while others end with /z/)B. plays (ends with /z/ while others end with /s/)
 AnswersB. reached (the "ed" is pronounced /t/, while others are pronounced /d/)D. displayed (the "ed" is pronounced /d/, while others are pronounced /ɪd/)A. removed (the "ed" is pronounced /d/, while others are pronounced /t/)C. moved (the "ed" is pronounced /d/, while others are pronounced /t/)A. wanted (the "ed" is pronounced /ɪd/, while others are pronounced /t/)C. suggested (the "ed" is pronounced /ɪd/, while others are pronounced /t/)D. liked (the "ed" is pronounced /t/, while others are pronounced /d/)C. happened (the "ed" is pronounced /d/, while others are pronounced /ɪd/)A. collected (the "ed" is pronounced /ɪd/, while others are pronounced /d/)A. walked (the "ed" is pronounced /t/, while others are pronounced /d/)D. improved (the "ed" is pronounced /d/, while others are pronounced /t/)A. admired (the "ed" is pronounced /d/, while others are pronounced /t/)C. pointed (the "ed" is pronounced /ɪd/, while others are pronounced /d/)D. intended (the "ed" is pronounced /ɪd/, while others are pronounced /t/)C. titled (the "ed" is pronounced /ɪd/, while others are pronounced /d/ or /t/)B. phoned (the "ed" is pronounced /d/, while others are pronounced /t/)C. naked (the "ed" is pronounced /ɪd/, while others are pronounced /t/)B. ignored (the "ed" is pronounced /d/, while others are pronounced /t/)A. phoned (the "ed" is pronounced /d/, while others are pronounced /ɪd/)A. clapped (the "ed" is pronounced /t/, while others are pronounced /ɪd/)

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