Học tại trường Chưa có thông tin
Đến từ Bình Phước , Chưa có thông tin
Số lượng câu hỏi 34
Số lượng câu trả lời 25
Điểm GP 0
Điểm SP 1

Người theo dõi (9)

Từ Gia Bảo
Gia Khiêm
ebe Ngân Hà

Đang theo dõi (55)


Chủ đề:

Unit 4 : Learning a foreign language

Câu hỏi:

III.Write sentences with "wish''.

1.l can't speak English fluently.

l wish.......................................................................................................................

2.Lan is too young to ride a motorbike.

Lan wishes..............................................................................................................

3.My father isn't rich.

I wish.......................................................................................................................

4.We can't make a trip around the country.

We wish..................................................................................................................

5.He lives in a small flat.

He wishes...............................................................................................................

6.My sister doesn't want to play the piano.

I wish.......................................................................................................................

7.I'm sorry I don't live near my school.

l wish.......................................................................................................................

8.The weather is bad today.

l wish.......................................................................................................................

9.I don't have more time to do this job.

l wish.......................................................................................................................

10.I can't go fishing with mu uncle.

I wish.......................................................................................................................

Chủ đề:

Unit 4 : Learning a foreign language

Câu hỏi:

ll.Put the following sentences into indirect speech.

1."Let's learn the lesson carefully, ''The teacher said to us.


2."I don't want anything to eat now, ''she said to me.


3.''Can you hear a strange noise?" he said.


4.''Do you like visiting old temples?" Dorothy said to me.


5."Where will you spend your vacation next year?" the boss asked me.


6,"Why do you wear such funny coat?" l said to Peter.


7."Where can we eat for dinner?'' Mr.Brown said to me.


8.''When will the course begin?'' she asked me.


9.''Don't wait for me if l am late, " Tom said to Mary.


10. ''Get your coat, Anna'' Mary said.


Chủ đề:

Unit 4 : Learning a foreign language

Câu hỏi:

l.Complete each of the following sentences, using the words given.

1.Tony/ said/ he/ was learning/ Spanish/ evening class.


2.l / learnt/ french/ 5 years/ and/ want/ improve/ pronuncication.


3.They/ get up/ early/ about 4.00/ every day.


4.If/you/ want/ attend/ course/ must/ pass/ written examination.


5.The Internet/ be/ wonderful invention/ modern life.


6. What/ aspect/ learning English/ you/ find/ most difficult?


7. The teacher/ wanted/ students/ listen/ news/ carefully.


8.I / wish/ my school/ have access/ the Internet.


9.Alice/ said/ not/ ready/ examination.


10.It/ takes/ you/ twenty minutes/ get there/ bus.


ll.Put the following sentences into indirect speech.

1."Let's learn the lesson carefully, ''The teacher said to us.


2."I don't want anything to eat now, ''she said to me.


3.''Can you hear a strange noise?" he said.


4.''Do you like visiting old temples?" Dorothy said to me.


5."Where will you spend your vacation next year?" the boss asked me.


6,"Why do you wear such funny coat?" l said to Peter.


7."Where can we eat for dinner?'' Mr.Brown said to me.


8.''When will the course begin?'' she asked me.


9.''Don't wait for me if l am late, " Tom said to Mary.


10. ''Get your coat, Anna'' Mary said.


III.Write sentences with "wish''.

1.l can't speak English fluently.

l wish.......................................................................................................................

2.Lan is too young to ride a motorbike.

Lan wishes..............................................................................................................

3.My father isn't rich.

I wish.......................................................................................................................

4.We can't make a trip around the country.

We wish..................................................................................................................

5.He lives in a small flat.

He wishes...............................................................................................................

6.My sister doesn't want to play the piano.

I wish.......................................................................................................................

7.I'm sorry I don't live near my school.

l wish.......................................................................................................................

8.The weather is bad today.

l wish.......................................................................................................................

9.I don't have more time to do this job.

l wish.......................................................................................................................

10.I can't go fishing with mu uncle.

I wish.......................................................................................................................