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Số lượng câu hỏi 10
Số lượng câu trả lời 15
Điểm GP 0
Điểm SP 8

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KO Name

Choose the correct option A, B, C or D to complete the sentences.

16. There is one bedroom in my house, but there are two in ___________.

          A. they                  B. their                 C. theirs                D. them

17. I first _________ Melbourne in 2003.

          A. went                 B. go                     C. is going            D. have gone

18. _________ eat too much salt. It’s not good for you.

          A. Do                     B. Don’t               C. Please               D. can’t

19. __________ is the longest river in Viet Nam, Mekong River or Dong Nai River?

          A. Where              B. Which               C. How                 D. Who

20. If we cut down more forests, there _________ more floods.

          A. are                    B. were                 C. have been         D. will be

21.  A robot can do _________ different things from looking after a baby to building a house.

          A. much                B. many                C. few                   D. little

22. Lake Baikal is the ________ freshwater lake in the world.

          A. large                 B. larger                C. largest              D. more large

23. Do you think the robot is only _________ intelligent machine?

          A. an                     B. a                       C. the                    D. x (no article)

24. The three Rs ________ for Reduce, Reuse and Recycle.

          A. stand                B. sit                     C. make                D. explain

25. In the future, robots _________ behave like humans.

          A. should              B. must                 C. need                  D. might