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361.The palace has been restored to its former ______________________. (SPLENDID)
362.It was only later in her career that she could see the ______________________ of exam
cheating. (ABSURD)
363.She, one of the best ______________________ in the Weather Bureau, often comes up with
the most reliable forecast. (CLIMATE)
364.All traffic wardens are equipped with ______________________ in the face of increasing
drink driving. (BREATHE)
365.All the dedicated fans were ______________________ by the defeat of the home team in
the semi-final. (SAD)
366.______________________ advise that too young children should not go on a low-carb diet.
367.The menu takes into consideration the nutritional and _____________________ requirements
of the students. (CALORIE)
368.The government has launched a nationwide campaign to ______________________ children
against killer diseases. (IMMUNE)
369.In spite of his overnight ______________________, he still manages to keep his feet on the
ground. (STAR)
370.Not knowing any dialect, he managed to make himself understood by the locals with
______________________ communication. (VERB)
371.The mother gave the child a(n) ______________________ look for interrupting the guests’
conversation. (APPROVE)
372.Foreign tourists all marvel at the ______________________ product of the locals, which is
the plus point of the destination. (MAKE)
373.Household chores have been lightened by numerous ______________________ devices,
such as washing machines and dishwashers. (LABOUR)
374.The school has taken tougher measures against ______________________. (ABSENCE)
375.What a shame. He came to the party ______________________. (ASK)