Học tại trường Chưa có thông tin
Đến từ Chưa có thông tin , Chưa có thông tin
Số lượng câu hỏi 3
Số lượng câu trả lời 2
Điểm GP 0
Điểm SP 0

Người theo dõi (0)

Đang theo dõi (0)

1. When I ____        ____ (get) home last night, I_____   ___ (be ) very tired and I____       ____ (go) straight to bed.

2. A: ____      ____ (you/ finish) painting the bedroom?

    B: Not yet. I'll finish it tomorrow.

3. George _____               ___ (not/be) very well last week.

4. Mr. Clark ____            ____ (work) in a bank for 15 years. Then he gave it up.

5. Molly lives in Dublin. She ____           ____ (live) there all her life.

6. A: ___          _____ (you/go) to the cinema last night?

B: Yes, but it ... (be) a mistake. The film ____             ____ (be) awful

7. My grandfather ___            _____ (die) before I was born. I ____                ____ (never/ meet) him.

8. I don't know Carol's husband. I ____      ____ (never/ meet) him.

9. A: Is Martin here?

    B: No, he ____             ____ (go) out.

    A: When exactly ____           ____ (he/ go) out?

    B: About ten minutes ago.

10. A: Where do you live?

       B: In Boston.

       A: How long ____  ____ (you/ live) there?

       B: Five years

       A: Where ____      ____ (you/ live) before that?

       B : In Chicago.

       A: And how long ____          ____ (you/ live) in Chicago?

       B: Two years.

11 . I ___     ___ (not/play) tennis since I was at school but I ___     __ (be) very good at it back then.

12. A: __      ____ you ____        ____ (choose) a dress for the party yet?

    B: Yes, I ___      ___ (buy) one yesterday.