Học tại trường Chưa có thông tin
Đến từ Chưa có thông tin , Chưa có thông tin
Số lượng câu hỏi 25
Số lượng câu trả lời 9
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Điểm SP 3

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Chủ đề:

Luyện tập tổng hợp

Câu hỏi:

1.I….. very happy on my last vacation

a.am               b.was             c.were                                   d.will be

2.We like………. Together

a.to talk         b.talking        c.talked                     d. talk

3.Did Liz buy any …….. in Nha Trang ?

a.gifts             b.vacations   c.stall                         d.aquarium  

4.He ….. come here last night

a.doesn’t      b.won’t         c.didn’t                      d.isn’t

5……did you see her? – Yesterday morning

a.When         b.Where       c.What time                         d.What

6. Don’t eat too…… candy

a.much                      b.many                      c.lots of                     d.more

Are you scared…… seeing the dentist?

a.of                 b.in                 c.bofore                    d.at

7.Remember ……. Your teeth after meals

a. brush         b.to brush    c. brushing               d. brushes

8. She looks tired. What’s the…… with her?

a. matter       b. happen     c. wrong                    d. right

9. I need ……. Your height

a.measuring             b.to measure           c.measure                d.measured

10. How …… is Nga ?- She is 36 kilos

a.high            b.weight        c.heavy                      d.tall

11. …. you lend me your pen , please?

a.Would        b.Can            c. Do                          d.Will

12.The nurse told Hoa …..to the waiting room

a.to return   b. returning c. return                    d.to returning

13. You should  ……. Your hands before meals                                                                                  

 a.to wash     b.washing     c. wash                                  d.washed

14. Would you like…………. To the movies tonight?

a. to go                      b. going         c. go                            d.went

15. She doesn’t like pork, and….does heruncle

a. either        b.so    c.neither       d. too

16. I would like…. Some fruit and vegetables

a. buying       b. to buy       c. buy                                      d. too buying

17. My mother didn’t wash it but I …..

a. did              b.didn’t         c. do                           d.don’t

18. Milk is good…. Your health.

a. to                b. with                       c. for                          d. at

 19. My mother always drives….

a. careful      b. carefully   c. slow                                   d. beautifully

20. You ought …. To the dentist.

a. to go                      b. go               c. going                     d. to going

21. …. Does your father kike? – He likes tennis

a. What’s sport       b. What sport                      c. What sports                     d.Which’s sport

22. Walking is a good sports……It make us….

a. game – healthy               b. activity – health c.activity – health   d.game – health

23. I…stay in bed because I have a bad cold.

a. must                      b. can             c.shouldn’t               d.ought

24. I like swimming.-…….

a. so I do       b. Yes, I do      c. I do, too              d. neither do I

25. ……….. – I’d love to.

a. Do you like to go swimming? b. Would you like to go swimming?                                                                                          

c. Shall we go swimming?                        d. Could  you go swimming?

26. They prefer reading…. Watching TV

a.than                        b. more than                       c. to    d. from

27.What kinds of … do you like? – I n like cartoons

a. books        b. films          c. pictures     d. sports

28. What would you like…? – Pop music

a. to watch   b. to play       c. to listen to                        d.to visit

29…..swimming ? – That’s OK

a.How about            b. Let’s           c. Shallwe                 d.Why not

30. Teenagers like… the latest pop music.

a. hearing     b, hear                       c. to hear                  d, for hearing

31…..have dinner at my house? – Yes. I’d love to

a.     Do you like   b. Would you like to                      c. What about                     d. Let’s

32.The doctor thinks all children…take part in outdoor  activities with their fiendas.

a. should       b. can             c. might         d.could

33.Hoa…. the busy city traffic now

a. used to                  b.uses to       c.gets used to                      d.will used to

34.The students have a…break between two periods

a. five-minutes                    b. five minute                      c.five-minute                       d. five minutes

35.She goes to the public library….

a. carefully               b. regularly               c. suddenly               d.fluently