Học tại trường Chưa có thông tin
Đến từ Chưa có thông tin , Chưa có thông tin
Số lượng câu hỏi 23
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1/ “Have you tidied the room yet?” – “Yes, I ______it.” A. didn’t do B. haven’t done C. have already done D. already done

2/  All the information is now________ in the university’s computers. A. store              B. stored                  C. storing                  D. to store

3/ The students must have a password to get access __________ the university’s Computer system. A. to                  B. of                    C. for D. with

4/ Some people are skeptical___________ the new method of education. A. with            B. about            C. in                        D. for

5/ “I’m having problems with my printer.” “Well, let me see. Oh, your printer ______ been connected to the Computer yet.” A. isn’t                B. wasn’t                  C. didn’t D. hasn’t

6/ Do you how _________ the Computer into the main power? A. plug              B. plugging                 C. to plug D. plugged

7/ I don’t know___________ . A. what the problem is                              B. what is the problem C. the problem is what                              D. what’s the problem is

8/ If there’s a problem with the printer, you should call the store you _________ it from. A. buying                  B. buy                C. have buying D. bought

9/ Linda __________ this job just two weeks ago. A. gets              B. getting                    C. got                        D. has gotten 10/ Tracy_________ a headache since she got up this morning. A. has                  B. has had                  C. had                  D. is having