Học tại trường Chưa có thông tin
Đến từ Chưa có thông tin , Chưa có thông tin
Số lượng câu hỏi 2
Số lượng câu trả lời 0
Điểm GP 0
Điểm SP 0

Người theo dõi (0)

Đang theo dõi (0)

PART 3.           Write the correct form of the words in brackets.

1.    we had not been properly informed. what we have is some                               . (information)

2.    was the decision of the judge fair? if not, it was an obvious                          . (justice)

3.    i don’t want to bother you by causing you any unnecessary                         . (convenience

4.    Beijing announced that it would speed up construction of a subsidiary                                    center. (administrate)

5.    She had once been a                                      in the miss world competition. (contest)

6.    The snow-capped summit, 2,642 meters high, offers                               views. (astound)

7.                                        education is compulsory in all english schools. (religion)

8.    The rockets are a purely                             measure against nuclear attack. (defense)

9.    Oxford attracts large numbers of                                         . (sightsee)

7.    In his family, he is a                                        child. (trouble)          

8.    There has been a                               improvement in her writing. (notice)

9.    The price of the house includes many existing                                             and fittings. (fix)

10. It was                                       of me to mislead you like that. (forgive)

11. a mountain in the rockies became the                               for a film about everest. (locate)

12. I have little                            of going abroad this year. (expect)

13. Almost everybody is interested in                         . (swim)

14. Don’t make mistakes in your next                         . (write)

15. Water in an                            liquid. (odour)

16. The banks in this city are very efficient and give a speedy                            . (serve)

17. She always listens                                                        to what she is told. (attention)

18. There is a growing                                         that vietnam creates its own identity withnumerous natural wonders. (recognize)

19. We spent years learning about the complex                                  structure ofthe region. (geology)

20. It was a pretty town with a                                       harbor and well-preservedbuildings. (picture)

21. They were arguing with each other. they had a strong                                   . (agreement)

22. No one knew what had happened to the film star. her sudden                            remains a mystery. (appear)

PART 8. Read the text carefully, then do the tasks.

       It is not easy for adult students of English to improve their accent. Unlike children, who are flexible, adults often find it hard to change the way they speak. This is why even the top, or smartest adult students have difficulty with pronunciation. There are several things that an international student can do to improve his or her pronunciation.

      One method is to sign up for a pronunciation class. Studying pronunciation can help students to understand the rules of English, but in order to practice speaking, students often need to be exposed to English outside the classroom as well. This is why many students say that studying in an English-speaking country greatly affects their English. Living with native speakers can help students to learn new vocabulary as well as improve their accents. International students can also learn important cultural information. This can help to prevent misunderstandings that can occur when people from different cultures live together.

1.   Adult students of English cannot improve their accents because they are slow to change.

2.   Most young students are able to change their pronunciation easily.                

3.   Attending a pronunciation class can be little helpful to adult learners who have problems with their pronunciation.

4.   All that they need to improve their pronunciation is to practice more outside the classroom.

5.   To avoid confusing about cultures, students also learn important cultural information