Học tại trường Chưa có thông tin
Đến từ Phú Thọ , Chưa có thông tin
Số lượng câu hỏi 0
Số lượng câu trả lời 20
Điểm GP 0
Điểm SP 2

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Câu trả lời:

1. I think you should recycle these plastic carrier bags
--> If I were you, I would recycle these plastic carrier bags.
2. People speak English and French in Canada
--> English and French are spoken in Canada.
3. This morning, I ate bread then I went to school 
--> Before I went to school this morning, I had eaten bread.
4. Lan was ill, so she didn't go to school this morning
--> Because Lan was ill, she didn't go to school this morning. 

5. A storm destroved roads in our village
--> Roads in our village were destroved a storm.
6. People are not aware of keeping environment clean, they throw garbage in the streets
---> If people are aware of keeping environment clean, they won't throw garbage in the streets.
7. There was a loud noise next to my door last night, so I couldn't sleep
---> Because there was a loud noise next to my door, I couldn't sleep.
8. The storm destroyed many houses in this village last week
----> Many houses in the village were destroyed by the storm last week.
9. We use water carefully ,we have fresh water
--> If we use water carefully, we will have fresh water.
10. David had gone home before we arrived 
--> After David had gone home, we arrived.
11. Although he was ill. he went to school yesterday
--> Despite being ill, he went to school yesterday.
12. I am not you , but i think you should recycle these plastic carrier bags
-->If I were you, I would recycle these plastic carrier bags
13. This morning , I ate bread then I went to school
--> Before I went to school this morning, I had eaten bread
14. People destroyed forest , so there is a lot of flood now
-->If people don't destroy forest, there won't be a lot of flood.