Học tại trường Chưa có thông tin
Đến từ Chưa có thông tin , Chưa có thông tin
Số lượng câu hỏi 1
Số lượng câu trả lời 0
Điểm GP 0
Điểm SP 0

Người theo dõi (1)

Đang theo dõi (0)


I. Complete each sentence with Since or For and use verbs in present perfect tense

1.She ( be ) has been sick since .Wednesday.

2.John ( work)has worked  in that company for 6 years.

3.Lan ( be ) has been  in the hospital.....for.... almost a month.

4.They ( send) have send  him any money since........ last month.

5.She (not eat ) ) hasn’t eaten  anything..for......two days.

6.They (be ) have been friends ....since.... high school.

7.We (live ) have lived  with our parents ........for...25 years.

8.His father ( go ) has gone  to Hai Phong ..since........ yesterday.

9. I (work)………….. here for three years.

10. ………… you ever …………..(be) in New York?

11. You (not/do) ………….your project yet, I suppose.

12. I (just/ see)………. Andrew and he says he ……..already (do)………. about half of the plan.

13. I ………..just (decide)……… to start working next week.

14. He (be)…………. at his computer for seven hours.

15. She (not/ have) ……………any fun a long time.

16. My father (not/ play)……….. any sport since last year.

17. I’d better have a shower. I (not/ have)………. one since Thursday.

18. I don’t live with my family now and we (not/ see)…………. each other for five years.

19. I…… just (realize)…………... that there are only four weeks to the end of term.

20. The train drivers (go)……… on strike and they stopped working at twelve o’clock.

21. How long…….. (you/ know)………. each other?

22. ……….(You/ take)………… many photographs?

23. (She/ eat)………………. at the Royal Hotel yet?

24. He (live) ………….here all his life..

25. Is this the second time he (lose)……………. his job?

26. How many bottles………… the milkman (leave) ………….? He (leave) ……….. six.

27. I (buy)…………. a new carpet. Come and look at it.

28. She (write)………….. three poems about her fatherland.

29. We (finish) ……………………three English courses.

30. School (not, start)……………..yet