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Unit 13 : Activites : Test 3

Câu hỏi:

The Carnival in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil is the biggest carnival in the world which (1)__________for five days. Every year in the month of February the festivities start. Hundreds of people are (2) __________            on the streets enjoying the street bands, singers and orchestras.The main (3) __________  of the carnival is the Samba Parade in which 200 schools participate.The schools have elaborate costumes, floats and dancing styles. It is an (4) __________experience! Come August and it’s (5) __________ to have fun in Bunol, Spain. La Tomatina - a fun filled battle - begins on the last Wednesday of August. Thousands of people come from all over the world to participate in a grand tomato fight. Puzzled! (6) __________       does it happen? To have fun. Actually a week long festival goes on before the tomato fight. The festival has dancing, music, parades, fireworks and food. However, the (7) __________           have to take a few precautions. They are asked to squish the tomatoes (8) __________            throwing so that it does not hurt the other people. They are also advised to wear safety gloves and goggles.

1. a. gets                      b. lasts             c. makes                      d. longs

2. a. down                   b. along                       c. into                          d. out

3. a. theme                   b. notice                      c. highlight                  d. guide

4. a. amazing               b. unpleasant               c. obvious                    d. actual

5. a. tradition               b. mean                        c. time                         d. celebration

6. a. Where                  b. Why            c. When                       d. How