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PIN nè


27. The old tradition of first- footing is still practiced today in (Scottish/ Scots/ Scotland/ English). 28. In Canada, the serving of coffee at the end of an evening is a signal that it is time for (visitors/ tourists/ holiday makers/ residents) to leave. 29. The Maori in New Zealand greet each other by (punching/ touching/ blowing/ sneezing) their noses. 30. Australia is composed of seven (nations/ countries/states/ continents). 31. There is a red maple leaf on the (flag/ banner/ money/ landmark) of Canada. 32. Water (pollution/ pollute/ polluted/ pollutants) in the lake has made the fish die. 33. If we (will use/ would use/ use) water carefully, more people will have fresh water. 34. Farmers in our area usually use (pesticides/ herbicides/ waste/ sewage) to kill weeds. 35. If we (polluted/ pollute/ pollution/ pollutant) the air, more people will have breathing problems. 36.A (sari/ kilt/ kimono/ scarf) is the traditional garment which is often worn by Scottish men on special occasions. 37.(Tornado/ Forest fire/ Earthquake/ Flood): a sudden, violent shaking of the Earth's surface. 38. A severe tropical (drought/ flood/ storm/ wind) is called a typhoon. 39. (Flood/ Drought/ Mudslide/ Typhoon): a long period of time when there is little or no rain and crops die. 40. A (tornado/ forest fire/ earthquake/ mudslide) is a storm in which the air moves very quickly in a circle. 41.On the second day, there was a rainstorm which helped to (provide/ put out/ evacuate) the forest fire. 42. The strong winds forced the climbers to (provide/ evacuate/ take/ build) shelters. 43. The government will (scatter/ provide/ collect/ put out) food and other material aid to the flood victims. 44. Emergency teams are still clearing up the (debris/ piece/ waste) from the plane crash. 45. By the time we got to the cinema, the film (started/ has started/ had started). 46. When we came back to our home village last month, it (will change/ changed/ has changed/ had changed) so much. 47. We cannot prevent natural disasters, but we can (invent/ struggle/ prepare/ win) for them. 48. The roof of the building (damaged/ was damaged/ has damaged/ damage) in a storm 2 days ago. 49. Thousands of buildings and houses were completely destroyed when the earthquake (fought/ struck/ happened/ arrived) the city. 50. The forest fire (burst/occurred/ raged/ spread) for eight hours, killing all of the animals

PIN nè

Use of English: I. Choose the best answer: 1. The industrial (waste/ damage/ fumes/ dump) from the factory has polluted the lake. 2.(Aquatic/ Electric/ Chemical/ Fresh) plants may also die because of the polluted water. 3. (Poison/ Poisonous/ Poisoning/ Poisoned ) is a substance that can make people and animals ill or kill them if they eat or drink it. 4. Farmers in our area usually use (pesticides/ herbicides/ waste/ sewage) to kill insects. 5. If we (polluted/ pollute/ pollution/ pollutant) the air, more people will have breathing problems. 6. If you can experience noise pollution for a long time, you can have headache, high blood pressure and (hearing loss/ contaminant/cough/ radiation). 8. (Noise/ Headache/ Earplug/ Symptom) is any sound that is loud and constant. 9. Do you know what (polluted/ pollutant/ pollution/ pollutants) cause air pollution? 10. (Poison/ Poisonous/ Poisoning/ Poisoned) chemical waste is dumped into the river by many factories. 11. The (dead/ die/ death/ died) fish are floating in the water. 12. We plant trees, (due to/ because/ because of/ so) we can have fresh air. 13. When the loudness of sounds is more than (20 dBs/ 30dBs/ 50 dBs/ 70dBs), noise pollution happens. 14.Too much carbon dioxide (CO2) in the atmosphere (causes/ leads/ results/ makes) to global warming 15. Waste from households will gradually (contamination/contaminate/contaminant/ contaminated) the lake. 16. When (visual/ thermal/ light/ radioactive) pollution happens, the water temperature in streams, rivers or oceans changes. 17. Many seabirds were (die/ death/ dead/ died) because of the oil spill. 18.The village's drinking water was (erupted/damaged/ dumped/ contaminated) with poisonous chemicals. 19. "Loch" is a Scottish word for "(river/ sea/ lake/ pond)". 20. If you (was/ were/ are/ could be) in my position, you would understand me. 21. We can't see stars at night because of the (water/ thermal] light/ radioactive) pollution. 22. Plants can't grow here because the soil is (pollution/ pollutant/ polluted/ unpolluted). 23. The acid rain has (caused/ led/ made/ resulted) damage to the trees in this area. 24. People in countries like the USA, Great Britain, and New Zealand use English as their (official/ foreign/ native/ mother) language. 25. If you (were/ are/ had been/ will be) the president, what would you do to help the environment? 26. Alaska is perhaps the most (puzzling/ festive/ amazing/ polluted) state in the USA. It has over three million lakes.α