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Paco VN

III/ Choose the word or phrase that best completes each sentence.

1. Those are stairs (which/ that/ where/ when) I broke my arm.

2. The English couple (which/ who/ where/ whom) live next to us can get by in Vietnamese.

3. (Pick up a language/ get by in a language/ be fluent in a language/ be a bit rusty) means learn a language by practice it, rather than by learning it in a class.

4. A journey, usually for pleasure, to visit different places: (travel/ trip/ tour/ expedition)

5. Neil Armstrong landed on (the/ a/ an/ X) Moon in 1969.

6. Viet Nam is (a/ an/ the/ X) tourist attraction for foreigners.

7. There was a (jet lag/ mix-up/ pile-up/ stopover) with our tickets – we were changed for one-way tickets and not a round trip.

8. At the hotel, you can choose between bed and breakfast, and (checkout/ full board/ touchdown/ output).

9. I’m bilingual (of/ in/ on/ at) English and French.

10. I’m reasonably good (in/ on/ at/ of) French because I work in a French company.

11. If I had enough money, I (will/ would/ should/ should have to) go abroad to improve my English and try the local specialities.

12. If it rains tomorrow, we (could/ may/ would/ had to) postpone going on a picnic.

13. He was driving at 50 miles (a/ an/ the/ x) hour.

14. Sally spent six months out of (work/ a work/ the work/ some work).

15. We went out for dinner last night. (A/ The/ An/ X) restaurant we went to was excellent.

16. Vietnam has a great number of tourist (attractive/ attract/ attractions/ attraction); therefore, it is a good destination for many travellers worldwide.

17. If you want to book a package tour, you should contact the (travel agent/ travel agency/ agent travel/ agency travel) which I introduced to you previously.

18. The boy (who/ which/ whom/ whose) is talking to John is my best friend.

19. The house (whom/ whose/ which/ where) Ms. Diana bought was very expensive.

20. The women (to whom/ to that/ for whom/ for that) you met yesterday were kind.

Paco VN

IV/ Supply the correct form of the words in parentheses to complete the sentences.

1. ­­­­­­­­­­He had an accident yesterday because he drove ______________. (dangerous)

    2. If _____________continues, there will be no forest left ten years from now in our town. (forest)

3. Traveling to the countryside is becoming ______________ popular nowadays. (increase)

4. She was ______________ tired after the journey. (extreme)

5. The most _______________ earthquake in Japanese history killed about 150,000 people. (disaster)                                                                                    

6. I am going to visit Da Nang so can you tell me what the greatest ______________ in Da Nang are? (attract)

7. Don’t worry about your travelling because the public transport here is convenient and _____________. (rely)

8. Sydney is a metropolitan and multicultural city so you have a great _______________ of things and foods from different countries.  (vary)

9. My aunt lives in one of the most ____________ parts in Paris. She is a well-known fashion designer there, (fashion)

10. He outdoor food markets in Singapore are fun and _______________ so when you go there you should try some food there. (afford)

11. The ________________ of form makes English easy to learn. (simple)

12. There are many _________________ in accents and dialects between varieties of English though all can be understood, more or less by speaker of other varieties. (different)

13. He is ________________ good at English. (reason)

14. Canada has two _________________ languages. (office)

15. To make a carrot cake for four people, you need 200 grams of _____________ carrot. (grate)

16. Someone who is going past a particular place is a ______________-by. (pass)

17. In English, the same word can operate as many parts of speech due to its ______________ (flexible)

18. ____________ microgravity on a parabolic flight is part of astronaut training programmes. (experience)

19. Astronauts have to take parabolic flights that produce _____________. (weightless)

20. Many English words have been _____________ over the centuries. (simple)

Paco VN

Paco VN

IX/ Write a new sentence as similar as possible in meaning to the original sentence, using the words given or do as directed. 

1. This chair is too heavy for him to move. If___________________________________________________________________________________

2. Why don't you study hard?


3. Follow these safety instructions or you may get burnt.


4. Gagarin had flown into space eight years before Amstrong walked on the moon.


5. I bought a car after I had travelled by bus for nearly 5 years.


6. My sister learned a few words of English on holiday. (pick)


7. My brother can speak Italian very well. (fluent)


8. I speak enough German for holidays (get)


9. I haven’t practised my French for a long time. (rusty)



10. I can speak both English and French perfectly. (bilingual)


11. We watched an interesting programme on TV yesterday. (The)


12. The bicycle which my brother has just bought is expensive. (an)


13. She needs to travel to Da Lat on business. (trip)


14. The hotel where we stayed last year was luxury. (a)


15. We saw a modern building yesterday. (which)
