Học tại trường Chưa có thông tin
Đến từ Chưa có thông tin , Chưa có thông tin
Số lượng câu hỏi 91
Số lượng câu trả lời 1
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Điểm SP 0

Người theo dõi (2)

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1. don't forget to bring some medical...........! we may need them during the trip

a. provision      b. supplies         c. sources              d. techniques

2. I didn't .......... a chance to speak to her

a. get        b. take       c. give            d. make

4. If you take food.......... with you on an ecotour, you can contribute to protect the environment         a. containers         b. boxes         c. cans         d. bottles

5............ foods are convenient as they require minimal preparation, typically just adding water or milk.       a. quick        b. instant      c. rapid         d. processed

6. i'd like to be a surgeon. I believe I can work well.......... pressure and don't ming working long hours.        a. on       b. in            c. under        d. from

9. the council has............. ideas to help manage traffic

a. come up with       b. put up with       c. made up with       d. keep up with

10, ecotourism means travel to areas of natural or ecological intrest to .......... wildlife and learn abour the environment        a. look at      b. look up    c. look into   d. look down

12. we......... in doing the washing-up, cleaning the floor and watering the flowers

a. take off        b. go on           c. hold up         d. take turns

13. If you're not sure what something means, ......... in your dictionary or use your electronix dictionary for help.        a. check up         b. look up      c. take off        d. get up

15. I have just found the book you were ........

a. looking after      b. looking for        c. standing for          d. giving up

16. In order to be successful, we should never.......... hope.

a. give up          b. turn on         c. set up          d. look after 

giúp mk vs mk cần gấp

Thanh Thanh

1. Read the passage and answer the question

How has learning English adapted to online education?

One of the most important factors when learning a language is human presence- nobody can teach you a language better than someone who knows it. It is important to have a good balance between self- study exercises and live classes. Each student has specific needs when learning English between A1 and C2 level, they live and learn English in a differrent way

With online courses, we should focus on technology and innovation in education. Online learning provides interactive exercises and multimedia lessons for students to improve their grammar, vocabulary, reading, writing and speaking skills

The key strength of any online course is teachers, who guarantee the best learning experience. Teachers should be đeicated to guiding and supporting students both in one- to-one private classes or in group classes.

The current fight against the COVID-19 pandemic is something that concerns us all, therefore, it is very important to follow the guidance to stay at home. But this should not mean that we must stop learning

1. What is one of the most important factors when learning a language?


2. Why do students learn English in a different way?


3. What does online learning provide?


4. What are the purposes of online learning of English?


5. Why do teachers make online learning successful?


giúp mk vs ạ mk cần gấp