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IV. Find the mistake in each sentence.
16. Mary is a (A) singer beautiful (B). She sings (C) very beautifully (D).
17. I don't (A) like soccer and (B) neither (C) do (D) my sister.
18. Would you like going (A) to (B) the (C) restaurant with (D) me tonight?
19. Vinh Phuc is (A) famous to (B) Tam Dao mountain and (C) Dai Lai lake (D).
20. My mother likes (A) " Co Dau 8 Tuoi " film because (B) the film is (C) so interested (D).
V. Put the correct form of the verb in brackets.
21. An didn’t used (play) …………….. football in the afternoon. Now he often does it.
22. Nam (learn) ………………………..............…….. English for 8 years.
23. Last night, my father (watch) ……..........…………………..TV.
24. Ba and I (visit)…………....................………..  Ha Long Bay this summer vacation.
25.  I like (work) …………..........…..........………….. as a volunteer for that orphanage.
VI. Read the passage then decide whether each sentence is True or False.
Marie was born in Poland in 1867. She learnt to read when she was 4 years old. She was intelligent and had an excellent memory. She finished high school when she was only 15 years old. When she grew up, Marie went to Paris to study Mathematics and Chemistry at the University. She won the Nobel Prize for Physics in 1903 and 8 years later she received the Nobel Prize for Chemistry. Marie Curie died in 1934.
26. Marie was born in England in 1867.                                                 .............
27. She  could read when she was 4 years old.                                        ............                                    
28. She finished high school when she was 16.                                       ............  
29. She received the Nobel Prize for Mathematics andChemistry.         ............                       
30. She died when she was 67 years old.                                                 ............
VII.Read the following text carefully and choose the correct answer A,B,C or D for each of the gap.
  When you are in Singapore, you can go about (31) .................. taxi , by bus, or by underground. I myself prefer the underground (32) ................... it is fast, easy and cheap. There  are (33) ................. buses and taxis in Singapore and one cannot drive along the road quicky  and without many stops, especially on the Monday morning. The underground is therefore usually quicker  than taxis or buses. If you do not know Singapore very well, it is difficult (34) ...................... the bus you want. You can take a taxi , but it is (35) ..................... expensive than the underground or a bus . On the underground, you find good maps that tell you the names of the stations and show you how to get to them, so that it is easy to find your way.
31. A. at                    B. in                          C. by                         D. to
32. A. but                  B. because                 C. when                     D. so
33. A. many              B. a lot                      C. any                       D. much
34. A. to find            B. find                       C. finding                 D. found
35. A. less                 B. as                          C. most                     D. more   
VIII. Rewrite these following sentences using given words.
36. What is the distance between Vinh and Ho Chi Minh city?
 ⇒ How……………………………………………...……….?
 37. I walked to school when I was a student.
 ⇒ I used to ……......................…………………….…………
 38. Although they are short, they still love playing sports.
 ⇒ In spite of…………………………………………………
 39. The distance from Ha Noi to Hai Phong is about 100 km.
 ⇒ It is about……………………............................................
 40. Let’s go swimming.
 ⇒  What  ...............................................................................? 


III. Choose the correct answer to complete each following sentence by circling A, B, C or D. 
6. Linda used to __________________ morning exercise when she got up early.
 A. did                      B. does                        C. doing                      D. do
7. Keep silent! The teacher _______________.
 A. is coming           B. coming                     C. are coming            D. come
8. You should look right and left when you go ________________the road.
  A. down                  B. across                      C. up                           D. along
9. Bus is the main public ________________in Viet Nam.
   A.travel                   B. tricycle                    C. transport                 D. vehicle
10. The film was so boring. ______________, An saw it from beginning to end.
  A. Therefore           B. Despite                    C. However               D. Although
11. Lan:  How__________________ are you?   -  Nam:  I am 1.5 meter in height.
  A. high                    B. tall                           C. height                     D. long
12. Ba: I like chicken and beef. - Mai: ________________.
  A. So do I               B. So don't I                           C. Netheir do I          D. I don't, either
 13. __________________ being frightened by the images, Lan still liked the film so much.
 A. In spite               B. Despite                          C. Although               D. Nevertheless
 14. ________________ is La Tomatina celebrated? – Every August.
 A. Where                B. Why                               C. When                     D. Which
 15. My father liked the _________________ of that singer.
 A. perform              B. performer                      C. performance           D. performing