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Dương Thy

Read the text  and choose the best part (A, B, C, D or E) to complete each sentence. Write your answers in the box provided. (5 pts)


1. Symptoms of exam stress

According to Professor Turnbull, a neurologist, more than 25% of America teenagers feel stressed at least once a day. And nothing gets students down than exams. Nearly 90% of teenagers suffer from stress at least once. “They come down with migraines, and many have problems eating and sleeping.”

2. Extra stress

Fear of failing exams is understandable. However, pressure from parents and teachers adds to the stress. “My parents expect me to be good at everything – academic subject, sport, and music! It’s ridiculous,” says Macy, 16, from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.

3. Prepare your environment

“You should make a revision plan that is realistic and that gives you enough time to study,” recommends Prof Turnbull. “Students should eat healthy meals – oily fish and green vegetables contain chemicals that help you memory. The revision environment is important. Student ought to find a quiet place to revise. They mustn’t leave things on their desk that can distract them, such as a cell phone. And they should see their friends just a few times a week – and if possible, no testing and no emails.

4. How to revise

“Make a list before you start revising each day. Study the most difficult things early in the day, when your memory is fresher. After you have finished revising, check the list – and then rest. Exam stress wears off when you read a magazine, listen to music, or do sports.”

5. On the big day

 “If you start to feel nervous, breathe deeply for a minute. Then skim all the exam questions. Read all the instruction carefully. How many questions do you have to answer? Are there any sections that you don’t have to answer? Be prepared – then you won’t get any nasty surprises halfway through the exam.”

6. When it is all over

“Well done! You’ve done the best you could. Don’t look at the questions with your friends, as this can make you worry more. Concentrate on your next exam. But take a rest first.


1. According to Professor Turnbull, ………………………………..…… .

A. more than 90% of students are stressed      

B. most American teenagers have problems with eating

C. stress is worse than taking an exam

D. more than 25% of American teenagers suffer from daily stress

E. about 25% of teenagers are stressful.

2. Students find exams stressful because ……………………….……. .                                         

A. parents and teachers demand a lot               B. they have to do too much revision

C. they can’t take exams a second time            D. schools don’t care about students’ schedules

E. failing can result in a terrible punishment

3. To create a good environment for revising, Professor Turnbull suggests …………… .

A. selling your cell phone                                 B. not working in your bedroom

C. not eating fish           D. removing distractions                    E. finding quite a nice place

4. Before you revise each day, …………………………………………… .

A. rest for a few hours              B. make a list of fish and vegetables to eat that day

C. make a list of what you want to study that day

D. read a magazine or play volleyball              E. text or email your friends first

5. After an exam, ………………………………………. .

A. concentrate for five more minutes               B. think about the answers that you got wrong

C. relax for a while     D. call your friends     E. help the teacher collect the exam papers

Dương Thy

I. Choose the best answer to complete the sentences by circling A, B, C or D. (15 pts)

1. I had to get up early, ……………..….I would miss the train.

A. otherwise

B. if not          

C. so that

D. but

2. My parents are going to take three days……….next month to help my brother move his house.

A. at            

B. over

C. off

D. out

3. English is used as an access …………….….a world scholarship and world trade.

A. into

B. to

C. for

D. towards

4. Parents love and support their children ……….the children misbehave or do foolish things.

A. if

B. since

C. only if

D. even if

5. The Historical Museum is becoming ……………..…. crowded.

A. much and more

B. more and more

C. much and much

D. more and much

6. The scheme allows students from many countries to communicate……………..….

A. with other

B. themselves

C. each other

D. with one another

7. Have you ever read anything……………..….Earnest Hengmingway?

A. by

B. of

C. from

D. for

8. Not a good movie,……………..….?

A. did it

B. didn’t it

C. was it

D. wasn’t it

9. Hoi An is……………..….for its old, small and tile-roofed houses.

A. well-done

B. well-dressed

C. well-organised

D. well-known

10. Hurry up! They have only got……………..….seats left.

A. a lot of

B. plenty of

C. a little

D. a few

11. The party, at ….. I was the guest honor, was extremely enjoyable.

A. that

B. who

C. which

D. where

12. _______  parrots are native to tropical regions is untrue.

A. All                             B. That all                       C. Since all                   D. Why all

13.  Lomonosov was not ______ a great scientist but also a very talented poet.

       A. fairly                      B. merely                    C. hardly                     D. scarcely

14. Linda: “What an attractive hair style you have got, Mary!” - Mr Buong: “___________.”

A. Thank you very much. I am afraid            B. You are telling a lie

C. Thank you for your compliment                D. I don't like your sayings

15. Mark: “Do you find it very interesting to travel alone?” – Nick: “___________.”

A. Yes, you’re welcome                                 B. Never mind      

       C. No, not at all                                              D. It’s exciting