Học tại trường Chưa có thông tin
Đến từ Chưa có thông tin , Chưa có thông tin
Số lượng câu hỏi 19
Số lượng câu trả lời 11
Điểm GP 0
Điểm SP 4

Người theo dõi (0)

Đang theo dõi (0)

1.            Her daughter is_______________________         she.   (clever)

2.            In the past, people were     ______happ________________             today. (happy)

3.            Which house is    _______________________  ,  my house or your house? (tall)

4.            What’s          ______________________         river in the world. (long)

5.            Ha Noi City is    _______________________    Ho Chi Minh City. (small)

6.            This is         ______________________           book she has ever read. (wonderful)

7.            Jack is singing      _______________________   he used to do. (badly)  

·          he used to do ; trước đây anh ta đã hát

8.            Sam is  _______________________    in his family. (young)

9.            China is        _______________________     the UK. (large)

10.          That flight ticket is        _______________________    of all. (expensive)

11.         Emily is       ____________________     student in my class. (  intelligent)


12.          Russia is       ____________________       country in the world. . (large)                        

13.         My mother Is     ____________________     person in my family. busy)

14.       Tim  and David are  ______________________  workers  in this company ((hard-working)

15.        This village  is  ____________________   place  in our hometown . ( beautiful )

16.      Your shoes  are  _________________   and   ________________________   mine       (good  /   expensive )

17.      Truck  drivers often   drive _________________________   taxi drivers. (  fast)

18.      Lan sings  ___________________  in our class. ( good)

19.     Cats  walk  _________________________  elephants.

20.    Of  all  my friends, I  like  Minh and Hoa  ________________________    (  much)

21.  Who  did ____________________  homework  __________________  you?

22..  Mike  is  __________________ student in my class, and he  did  __________________ homework  yesterday. (  lazy / little )

Chủ đề:

Luyện tập tổng hợp

Câu hỏi:



1. Don’t make noise. Our baby …………………… ( sleep).

2.  Where _________________ (you / live) when you were young?

3.  She _________________ (often go ) to school by bike.

4.  He _________________ ( not  travel) through the Middle East last year.

5.  _________________ (they / visit) the Louvre in Paris?

6.  She _________________ (not / watch) TV yesterday.

7. He _________________ give his wife some flowers on her next birthday.

8.  Where _________________ (you / teach) in 2010?

9.  He _________________ (never drink  ) coffee at home, but  he ________________ a cup of coffee yesterday morning.

10. I _________________ (cook) steak last night  and I  ………………. ( eat)  it  now.

11. _________________ (Lucy / read) ‘War and Peace’ at school? 

12. She _________________ (not / write) to her grandmother when she …………………..( be)  on holiday last month. .

13. We _________________ (have) a computer when I was a child.

14. Where _________________ (you / go) on holiday 2 years ago?

15. I _________________ (love) ice cream when I was a child.

16. They _________________ us (not / meet) yesterday.

17. _________________ (she / swim) in the sea in Nha Trang last week?

18. We _________________ (not / play) tennis yesterday because it was raining.

19. He _________________ (try) to lift the box but he couldn’t.

20. What _________________ (you / eat) for lunch at that restaurant?

21. Look ! Somebody ……………………. ( try / climb ) over the fence. ( trèo qua hang rào)

22.   What you ( can do ) when you ( be ) 4 years old?


I could speak and talk when I was 4.

23. We _________________ (buy) a new car last weekend.

24. ____________________   What  time your mother often ( go) to bed?

25.  She  is  doing her  homework. When  she ________________ ( finish ) it, she ________________ ( watch ) TV.


I.                    MAKE QUESTIONS . : Đặt câu hỏi cho phần gạch dưới.

1.     We studied English at school.

…………………………………………………………………………..  ?

2.    No,  I   wasn’t  at Lan's birthday party last night.


3.    Linh can’t go to school today because she has a temperature.


4.    They are going to visit Hue and SaiGon tomorrow.


5.    Minh’s sister  had to stay in bed because she had a bad  cold


6.    Yes, I lost my pen at school this morning.

………………………………………………………………………… ?

7.    He helps his mother in the kitchen. 


8.    Rose saw  you  at the shoe stores last Saturday.


9.    Nam’s mother often   washes the dishes after dinner


10.  He speaks  English very well  now.


nhanh nhanh 3h30 mik nap rồi mik cảm ơn

1)      The train _left__ half an hour ago. ( leave )

2)      A:   “Who ___________ you that news ? “ (tell)

B:   Nobody did. I  ____________   the news  on TV. ( see)

3)      What your parents ( do)  at the moment ?


4)      They ____________________ TV in the living – room now.  ( watch)

5)      Nam is too lazy. He never ___________    his room  or   ___________   the floor  ( tidy/ clean  )

6)      s Tim’s friends  always _________________ fishing with him on Sunday afternoons, , but last Sunday they_________________ any where   ( not  go)   because it    ___________   a lot (go, rain)

7)      Listen ! Somebody  ____________________ ( cry ).

8)       ____________   you ____________ English when you were 4 years old? ( Can / speak)

No, I ……………………………..

9)      How many  books she  ( buy ) yesterday?


       10.  What  your sister  often  ( do) when she ( have ) some  free time ?


     11. She  ………………………..   sports ( like), so she often ……………………….. badminton ( play)  or   ……………………   ( go) swimming in her free time.