Học tại trường Chưa có thông tin
Đến từ Chưa có thông tin , Chưa có thông tin
Số lượng câu hỏi 51
Số lượng câu trả lời 28
Điểm GP 0
Điểm SP 4

Người theo dõi (1)

Đang theo dõi (1)

lop1a1 nv

1. I like / football / the rain. / playing / in ...................................................................................................

2. the / are / in / My toys / brown box. ...................................................................................................

3. My uncle has to work hard from 5 in the morning _ _ 7 in the evening.

4. Odd one out:

A. uncle B. aunt

C. father D. friend

5. He likes playing sports ... football and tennis.

A. such as B. such like

C. sample D. example

6. is / When / your / birthday? .............................................................................................

7. me? / you / write / to / Can ...................................................................................................

8. Is it a r_ _nd box? – No, it is a square box.

9. Ha can dance _ _ _ cannot play football.

10. What time is it? – It ... four fifteen.

A. is B. has C. at D. in

11. Mr Smith / a lot of / grows / vegetable / in his garden. ................................................................................................

12. four seasons / our country. / in / are / There ...................................................................................................

13. How _ _ _ is he? – He is 10 years old.

14. What a ... doll! My children like it very much.

A. better B. lovely

C. awful D. expensive

15. Don't write ... the walls.

A. on B. at

C. in D. to

16. and / dance. / swim / My brother / can ...................................................................................................

17. Where / are / from? / you ...................................................................................................

18. There are _ _ _ _ fingers is one hand.

19. My brother is seven _ _ _ _ _ old. 20. your / please. / me / pen, / Show

21. go to / don't / school / on Sunday. / I .........................................................................................................

22. Go _ _ the door, please.

23. Thank you very ... .

A. much B. so

C. many D. too

24. February is the ... month of the year.

A. first B. second

C. third D. four

25. My mother's / in / birthday / is / February. .........................................................................................................

26. I often write to Jack and tell him _ _ _ _ _ my school.

27. Listen _ _ the teacher, please.

28. I'm from France. ... you?

A. Too B. This

C. That D. And

29. What would you ... to drink? – Orange juice, please.

A. have B. like

C. do D. take

30. birthday / is / September. / not in / My brother ................................................................................................

31. My / not / is / school / big. ...................................................................................................

32. Take o_t your pen, children.

33. My new pencils are _ _ the table.

34. My class is ... 7 a.m ... 11 a.m every day.

A. between / from B. from / in

C. from / to D. at / at

35. Odd one out:

A. Vietnamese B. Japanese

C. America D. English

36. has / got / Jack / Maths? / How often ……………………………………………………………………………………………

37. are / Where / children? / the ………………………………………………………………………………………

38. Every day, I get up early to _ _ morning exercises.

39. Would you _ _ _ _ some milk? – No, thanks.

40. Mr. Winsor is from … . He’s English.

A. England B. Singapore C. Australia D. China

41. … are these? – They’re my toys.

A. Who B. What C. How D. Where

42. many / apples / How / do you / need?


43. favourite / My / is / Informatics. / subject ……………………………………………………………………………………………

44. It’s s_ _ wy today. .

45. He can play football … he can’t dance.

A. but B. and C. because D. or

46. These pens … expensive.

A. are B. have C. is D. don’t

47. and Peter / are / friends. / my / Linda


48. France. / friends / are / Her / from


49. What d_ _ _ is it today? – It’s October the tenth.

50. He was happy because he was _ _ _ best player.

51. What’s the weather like in winter? - …

A. It’s hot. B. It hot. C. It’s cold. D. It cold.

52. small / She / in a / school. / works


53. Where / students from? / the / are / new


54. Would you like … biscuits?

A. some B. an C. a D. one

55. Can you give me a photo … you?

A. at B. of C. in D. from

56. What / his hand? / dose / he have / in


57. very / film / exciting. / is / The


58. It _ _ sunny in Hanoi.


59. Let’s make a ci_cle.

60. This … my friend, Tom. She is from England.

A. are B. is C. was D. were

61. fruit juice? / you / Would / some / like


62. Don’t / at the hotel / near / the airport. / stay


63. We have Arts _ _ Friday.

64. What do you have on your desk? - … .

A. He has a notebook B. Lan has a notebook

C. I have a notebook D. They have some notebooks

65. I am … Vietnam.


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