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Số lượng câu hỏi 22
Số lượng câu trả lời 1
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I. Choose the best answer A, B, C or D to complete the sentences

1.   I can just about get _________ in Italian.

      A. in                            B. on                           C. without                   D. by        

6.   I _________ a bit of Thai on holiday in Phuket.

      A. picked up                B. took in                    C. turned out               D. picked on

7.   If you get                          when speaking, take two deep breaths before you say something.

      A. pleased                   B. unwilling                C. annoyed                  D. nervous

8.   That’s an English ­­­­­­_______ school. They create all-English environments for English learners.

      A. immersive               B. impressed               C. immersion               D. immersed

9.   No one ever improves pronunciation and                         by watching someone else’s shape of the mouth! You improve English speaking by speaking, not watching.

      A. accent                     B. sounds                    C. rhythm                    D. tone

10. It was his first interview but he was not _____________.

      A. punctuality             B. punctually               C. punctual                 D. punctuate

11. The language that you learn to speak from birth is                      language

      A. second                    B. foreign                    C. official                    D. first

12. Reading helps you learn vocabulary easily as you will                            new words without even realizing it when you read.

      A. face up                    B. look up                   C. pick up                    D. give up

13. If you want to improve your speaking skill, you should attend the courses that are taught in a _________ way.

      A. lexical                     B. communicative       C. traditional               D. domestic

14. We can ___________ our vocabulary through reading.

      A. imitate                    B. decrease                  C. open                        D. expand

15. ___________ does “baggage” mean? - ___________ it up in the dictionary.”

      A. What/ Look            B. That/ Find               C. Which/ See             D. What/ Find

16. The article ___________ reflects this current issue.

      A. darkly                     B. fluently                   C. accurately               D. dominantly

17. I haven’t spoken German for ages – I may be a little ___________.

      A. similar                    B. rusty                       C. perfect                    D. official

18. I received a children’s ___________ on my fifth birthday.

      A. encyclopedia          B. variety                    C. press                       D. compound

19. Some Vietnamese words are ___________  from French.

      A. hired                       B. picked                     C. spoken                    D. borrowed

20. I can’t speak French correctly due to the ___________ of its grammar.

      A. simplicity               B. complexity             C. openness                 D. punctuality

II. Mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the correct answer to each of following questions.

1. Oxford Dictionary, ­­­­­­­___________ is widely used in the world, is the best dictionary I have used.

A. who                               B. which                       C. that                             D. why

2. I really admire Yen, ___________ is fluent ___________ both in English and French.

A. that/ at                          B. that/ on                   C. who/ in                         D. which/ at

3. ___________ you need to do now is to practice more often.

A. Which                           B. That                        C. What                             D. Whether

4. She can’t speak much English, so she needs someone ___________ can ___________ for her.

A. that/ explain                 B. that/ imitate            C. who/ interpret               D. who/ operate

5. Thailand is one of the few countries ___________ people drive on the left.

A. which                           B. in that                     C. where                            D. on which

6. If I ___________ you, I ___________ learn one more language.

A. was/ will                       B. am/ will                  C. were/ would                  D. was/ do

7. If he ___________ his English skills, he would easily get a job.

A. is improving                 B. had improved         C. improves                       D. improved

8. If you spoke more slowly, he ___________ you.

A. would understand        B. will understand      C. understood                   D. understands

9. Do you remember the place ___________ we first met?

A. which                           B. where                      C. from which                   D. that

10. You can’t make progress ___________ you study harder.

A. although                       B. if                             C. unless                           D. whether

11. Last weekend, the charity organization ___________ food to the flood victims.

A. distributes                     B. distributed              C. had distributed             D. is distributing

13. It is a ___________ classroom ___________ at least 5 languages are spoken.

A. bilingual/ where                                               B. monolingual/ which

C. multilingual/ where                                          D. trilingual/ which

14. He often ___________ his teacher’s accent.

A. copy                             B. mimics                    C. imitate                          D. looks

16. That’s John, our new English teacher, _________ has just arrived at the airport.

A. who                              B. whose                     C. which                            D. where

Chủ đề:

Luyện tập tổng hợp

Câu hỏi:

III. Choose the correct answers to complete the sentences.

12. Do you know the school_____________students won the excellent English presentation prize? 

A. who                                     B. where                                  C. whose                      D. which

13. The boys_____________ helped me yesterday are learning in Lomonoxop school.

A. which                                  B. that                                      C. who                         D. B & C

14. Where is the pen_____________I bought yesterday?

A. that                                      B. where                                  C. whose                      D. whom

15. The students_____________we met in English festival are talented.

A. who                                     B. whom                                  C. that                          D. A, B & C

16. If I had more time I_____________a Business English course.

A. will take                               B. would take                           C. would have taken     D. took

17. They could understand our conversation if they_____________some English.

A. knew                                   B. would know             C. will know                D. know

18. If I were you, I_____________ harder for the next examination.

A. would have worked B. will work                             C. worked                    D. would work

IV. Choose the word or phrase that is CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined part in each of following sentences.

1. Some of the younger Pop bands try to imitate their musical heroes from the past.

A. to be like                                B. copy                        C. example                   D. follow

2. She works as a bilingual secretary for an insurance company.

A. well- known                                                            B. good language                     

C. able to speak two languages well                                           D. well- language speaking   

V. Choose the word or phrase that is OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlined part in each of following sentences           

1. My Italian is a bit rusty these days because I haven’t used it for a long time.

A. eroded                                 B. worn out                              C. neglected                 D. good

2. Many English words have been simplified over the centuries.

A. cut down                             B. made easier                          C. complicated D. clarified

Chủ đề:

Luyện tập tổng hợp

Câu hỏi:

         1.         Documentary films are the films ______ I find most interesting.

         2.         (who / that / whose / what)

         3.         It’s this computer program ______ my father created.

         4.         (that / whom / who / what)

         5.         Mine is the one ______ has a green luggage bag.

         6.         (what / whom / who / that)

         7.         The CD ______ Victor bought is on the table.

         8.         (whose / that / who / whom)

         9.         “______ films are you talking about?” “Gone with the wind.”

       10.       (That / Which / Who / Whose)

       11.       The book ______ we discussed was a best-seller.

       12.       (which / who / whom / whose)

       13.       How about the shirt ______ you wore Saturday night?

       14.       (which / whom / who / whose)

       15.       The person ______ wallet is missing should report to the office.

       16.       (which / whose / who / that)

       17.       Auld Lang Syne is a song________ is sung on New Year  Eve

a. when      b.where                        c.which            d.it

       18.        Miss Lien ,_______ is my neighbor,often shouts at night

a. that         b. who              c.whose            d. whom

   37.  All people love the spring roll……..is made by themselves.

     a. which                   b. what             c. why                          d. who

   38. I live in Da Lat , ------- is one of the most beautiful cities of Vietnam

A.who                    B. which                   C. whom                    D. whose

   39.  The picture ___________ I bought  was very  valuable.

          A. Which             B. Whom                                  C. Whose                      D. Who

    40.  The man ____________ helped us last week is a doctor.

          A. who                B. whom                                   C. which                       D. whose

Chủ đề:

Unit 7: Recipes and Eating Habbits

Câu hỏi:

MULTIPLE CHOICE: (8.0 points)

Mark the letter A,B,C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word whose underlined part different from the other three in pronunciation in each of the following questions.                    

Question 1: A. laughed                      B. helped                     C. looked                     D. reviewed

Question 2: A. supervise                    B. responsive               C. sole                         D. decision


Mark the letter A,B,C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word that differs from the other three in the position of primary stress in each of the following questions.

Question 3: A. delicious                     B. especially                C. avocado                  D. successfully

Question 4: A. arrangement               B. vegetable                C. horseradish             D. vinegar


Mark the letter A,B,C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the underlined part  that needs correction in each of the following questions.

Question 5: You should have been careful if you use the red knife – it’s sharp.

                                                A                     B         C                                   D

Question 6: A tour guide was showing the tourists around when a something fell down from the sky.                        A       =>tour                                                 B              C                      D

Question 7: Tom said he was fully book for the weekend with his music club.=>Booked

                                A                          B    C                          D

Mark the letter A,B,C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions.       

Question 8: Is there any butter ______________ in the fridge?

A.    leave                                  B. to leave                   C. leaving                    D. left

Question 9: If I had more time, I______________a Business English course.

A. will take                              B. would take              C. would have taken   D. took

Question 10: They can have _____________ bread if they are hungry.

A. an                                       B. a                             C. any                          D. some

Question 11: You need _____________visa to visit ____________foreign countries, but not all of them.

A. the/ the                               B. a/ x                          C. the/ x                      D. a/ the

Question 12: Only my grandmother knows the ­_______________ to  make this traditional food.

A. recipe                                  B. fomular                   C. technique                D. procedure

Question 13: She likes travelling, so she decides to become a tour ____________in the future.

A.    guidance                            B. guide                       C. guiding                   D. guidable

Question 14: You should eat more ______________food instead of fast food.

A.    nutritional                          B. nutrition                  C. nutritive                  D. nutritious

Question 15: I usually ______________my younger sisters when my parents are away on business.

A. pick up                               B. take care of             C. look for                   D. take charge of

Question 16: I’m responsible for cooking dinner as my mother usually works ______________

A. lately                                  B. early                       C. later                        D. late


Mark the letter A,B,C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the most suitable response to complete each of the following exchanges.

Question 17: Tom: “What have you been doing recently?”      - Mary: “______________”

A. Very tired after the exam.                                                  B. Mostly studying.

C. Really exciting.                                                                  D. Keen on soccer and tennis.

Question 18: Lan: "I have taken part in the science club for 3 months."

                      Mai:  "________________”

A. So have I.                        B. So have me                             C. I have so                 D. So I have


Mark the letter A,B,C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.

Question 19: A: Would you like some more to eat?   B: No, thank you. I’ve had more than enough already

A.    amount                              B. race                                     C. pour                        D. plenty

Question 20: Parent are recommended to collaborate with teachers in educating children.

A. part                                     B. cooperate                            C. separate                   D. disagree

Mark the letter A,B,C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) OPPOSITE  in meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.

Question 21:  We managed to get to school in time despite the heavy rain.

A. earlier than a particular moment                                        B. later than expected            

C. early enough to do something                                            D. as long as expected

Question 22: It is important to create a daily routine so as to improve your work-life balance today.

A. a situation in which two or more things are not treated the same

B. a state that things are of equal weight or force

C. a state that things are of importance

D. a situation that things change frequently in amount


Read the following passage and mark the letter A,B,C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct word and phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks.

   Having a healthy breakfast every day is very important, especially (23) ______________teenagers. It can give you an energy boost in the morning and improve your focus. If you (24) ______________a lot of time in the morning, this breakfast recipe should be perfect for you. Banana muffin is a very simple recipe. All you need is a (25) ______________common ingredients and a microwave. First, prepare three tablespoons of whole wheat flour, a little bit of baking powder and cinnamon.  Put them in a cup then add two tablespoons of milk and honey. Smash half a banana then (26) ______________ it with the mixture. Pop the cup in the microwave for one minute and the quick (27) ______________breakfast is ready for you. You can also prepare the banana muffin cup beforehand, but remember to keep it in the refrigerator.

Question 23: A. at                              B. with                        C. to                            D. for

Question 24: A. haven’t had              B. didn’t have             C. don’t have               D. won’t have

Question 25: A. few                           B. lot                           C. little                         D. lots

Question 26: A. blend                        B. grind                       C. slice                                    D. chop

Question 27: A. health                       B. healthy                    C. healthiness              D. healthily


Read the following passage and mark the letter A,B,C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to the following questions.

   Fish is an important part in Japanese eating habit. Despite a small population, Japanese people consume more than 10 % of the world 's fish. Fish features in Japanese signature dishes. Being an island nation, a country surrounded by water, Japan has a booming fishing industry. Eating fish is not only affordable but also good for the economy in general. Furthermore, Japanese people eat fish for health related reasons as fish is one of the healthiest foods in the world. According to many studies, eating fish is good for your brain, your eyes and reducing the risk of heart diseases. This is why Japan is among the countries that have the highest life expectancy. It is also one of the few developed countries with low rate of cancer.

Question 28: How much fish of the world do Japanese people consume?

A. More than 10 %                                                                 B. less than 10%                    

C. Exactly 10 %                                                                      D. Nearly 10 %

Question 29: What does an island nation mean?

A. A country has a booming fish industry.    

B. A country where people consume a lot of fish.

C. A country surrounded by water.                

D. A country where people live on the water’s surface.

Question 30: What are the advantages of eating fish?

A.    It is affordable and good for the economy in general.                 

B.     It can treat cancer.            

C.     It is good for people's health.                   

D.    Both A and C.

Question 31: How is eating fish good for your health?

A.    It is good for your brain, your eyes and reducing the risk of heart diseases.       

B.     It is good for your skin, your blood and reducing the risk of heart diseases.

C.     It is good for your skin, your blood and reducing the risk of lung diseases.       

D.    It is good for your brain, your eyes and reducing the risk of lung diseases.       

Question 32: Why is Japan among the countries that have the highest life expectancy?

A.    Because Japan is an island nation

B.     Because Japanese people eat much fish

C.     Because Japanese fish is better than other countries

D.    Because Japanese people rarely get sick


WRITING: (2.0 points)

Finish the second sentences so that it has a similar meaning to the first one, beginning with the given words.

Question 33: We started writing to each other eight years ago.

You have_________________________________________________________________

Question 34: They use cars and trucks to carry food to market.

Cars and trucks_____________________________________________________________

Question 35: “Who wrote this letter?” said the teacher.

The teacher asked___________________________________________________________

Question 36: My mother no longer cooked for me since I married my wife.

My mother used____________________________________________________________


Combine two sentences into a new one using the given words in brackets. Do  not change the given words in any ways.

Question 37: He is intelligent. He doesn't do well at school. (Although)


Question 38: I prefer to go out for a meal. I really don’t want to eat at home. (would rather)


Question 39: Mariah sings well. She writes good songs, too. (both….and)


Question 40:  You learn harder or you will fail the exam. (If)
