Học tại trường Chưa có thông tin
Đến từ Bến Tre , Chưa có thông tin
Số lượng câu hỏi 48
Số lượng câu trả lời 54
Điểm GP 0
Điểm SP 17

Người theo dõi (1)

Sarah Tran

Đang theo dõi (0)

Câu trả lời:

1.' I didn't say anything at the meeting last week' ( he said)

=>he said that he hadn't said anything at the meeting the week before

2. This letter has need opened ( she told me)

=>she told me that that letter had need opened

3. ' In 50 years' time we will probally be living on mars ( tom said)

=>tom said that In 50 years' time they would probally be living on mars

4. I hope we will build a city out at the sea ( mi said)

=> mi said that she hoped they would build a city out at the sea

5. 'My wish is(đề sai want) to be come a young inventor'( son told us)

=>son told us that his wish wanted to be come a young inventor


.1' Long is a student ' she said Long

=>she said that Long was a student

2 'My parents are very well' Minh said

=> Minh said that his parents were very good
3 'I can speak English ' he said
=>he said that he could speak English
4 Charles said ' I'm living in London now'

=>Charles said that she was living in London then.
5 He told us ' You are my best friend s'

=>He told us that we were our best friend s'
5 He told us ' You are my best friend s'
=>He told us that we were our best friend s'
6 she said 'I will answer the phone ''
=>she said that she would answer the phone
7 He sad to his friends ' I must go home now'
=>He said to his friends that he had to go home then
8 He said ' I can't go out after 8pm'
=>He said that he couldn't go out after 8pm
9 She said to me ' I will come and see you as soon as I can'
=>She said to me that she would come and see me as soon as she could
10 Susan said 'My sister is coming to see me next week '
=>Susan said that her sister wass coming to see her the following week
1 Rachel asked me' What's your name ?'
=> Rachel asked me what my name was
2 She asked me 'Where are you living ?'
=>She asked me where I was living
3 She asked him 'What hobbies do you like ?'
=>She asked him What hobbies he liked
4 My mother asked me ' What are you doing now ?'
My mother asked me what I was doing then
5 Peter asked me 'Where will teach next mouth ?'
=>Peter asked me where would teach the following month
6 They asked the assisstant 'How much is the shirt ?'
=>They asked the assisstant How much the shirt was
7 'What subject do you find the most difficul ?' My mother asked
My mother asked me what subject I found the most difficul
8 Where can I buy a phone card in this city ?' He asked
He asked me where he could buy a phone card in that city
9 'Where is my umbrella ?' she asked
she asked me where her umbrella was
10 'How are you ' Martin asked us

Martin asked us how we were