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III. Choose the best answer A, B, C, D to complete the sentence.

12. Fossil fuels are very common in our society but they _________ the environment.

A. renew                                 B. provide                               C. waste                      D. pollute

13. In the ancient world, people __________long distances just on foot.

A. travel                                  B. used to travel                      C. traveling                 D. use to traveling

14. The athlete completed the race _________ his pain.

A. despite                                B. although                             C. nevertheless            D. without

15. _________ is this table made of? It’s made of wood.

A. How                                   B. What                                   C. Whom                    D. Which

16. My favorite singer __________ at 7 p.m. tomorrow. I will spend time for his show.

A. performs                             B. will performing                   C. is performed           D. will be performed

17. My grandfather __________ after by my sister when I am not home.

A. will look                             B. will be looked                     C. looks                       D. will be looking

18. I know Louis is _________ friend. He’s also a friend of_________.

A. your - my                            B. your - I                               C. your - mine             D. yours – mine

19. She has ____________ patience than her coworker.

A. less                                     B. fewer                                  C. little                        D. few

20. David and James will be learning Japanese at this time next week, __________?

A. won’t they                          B. will he                     C. aren’t they              D. does he