Học tại trường Chưa có thông tin
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 She finally decided (quit)……………………..her present job and (look)………………..for another one.

 They wasted a whole afternoon (try)……………………to repair the bike.

 His doctor advised him (give up)……………………….(jog)……………………

 I advise you (start)……………………..(look)……………………….for a flat at once.

 She likes her children (go)…………………….to the dentist every six months.

They don’t allow (smoke)…………..in the auditorium (phòng thính giả). They don’t want (risk)………….it on fire.

 They permitted us (get)……………………..across this area.

 He was allowed not (smoke)…………………..

 Jack was allowed (renew)…………………..his student visa.

 Pat told us (not wait)……………………….for her.

 Liz encouraged me (throw away)………………..my old running shoes and (buy)……………………a new pair .

 In the fairy tale, the wolf threatened (eat)…………………..a girl named Little Red Riding Hood.

 I avoided (tell)…………………….Mary the truth because I knew she would (be)……………angry.

Alex broke the antique vase. I’m sure he didn’t mean (do)…………………it.

Ted managed (change)………………………my mind.

 Julie finally admitted (be)…………………….responsible his name before.

She keeps (promise)……………………….(visit)………………….us, but she never does.

1.    I would rather (live)…………………….in the countryside.

2.    You can (leave)...............  your dog with us if you don't (want)................... to take  him with  you.

3.    Last week I went to my daughter’s soccer game. I enjoyed watching the children (play)……….….. soccer.

4.    I would like (have)……………………….look at your new car.

5.    He expected her (invite)......................................him to her birthday party.

6.    We don’t plan (leave)…………………………until next month.

7.    He made us (wait) ................... for hours.

8.    I heard them (talk)………………………..in the next room.

9.    He let her (use)……………………….his cellphone.

10.  We must (send) .................................... him a telegram.

11.  He agreed (travel)……………………..with his classmates.

12.  The customs officer made him (open)……………………the briefcase.

13.  She hopes (receive)……………………..a reply within a few days.

14.  The teacher asked her students (come)…………………………..to class in time.

15.  This lesson is too difficult (understand)…………………………..

16.  There is no one (talk)…………………………..

17.  It took me two hours (prepare)…………………………..me lessons.

18.  Why did you refuse (give)…………………………..us the information?

19.  It is wonderful (see)…………………………..our old friends again.

Mr. Steinberg offered (drive)…………………………..us to the train station