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1. My Geography class is ……………. than my Math class.
A. as boring                                                                           C. the most boring
B. the least boring                                                                D. more boring
2. My sister, together with her two children, ........... to Hawaii at the moment. 
A. flies                       B. fly                          C. is flying                 D. are flying
3. A holiday by the mountains is ………………. than a holiday in the sea.
A. gooder                                                                               C. better
B. More good                                                                        D. well
4. The City Committee ........... trying to make the final decision about the matter. 
A. is                            B. are                          C. be                           D. am 
5. Many people believe that Quang Hai is not…………… as many famous football players in the world
A. most talented                                                                   C. more talented
B. talented                                                                             D. so/as talented
6. A hundred pounds ........... too expensive for that shirt! 
A. is                            B. are                          C. be                           D. have been 
7. Petrol is twice………………………….it was a few years ago
A. more expensive than                                                      C. as expensive
B. the most expensive                                                         D. as expensive as
8. The Japanese ........... believed to be very self-respected. 
A. is                            B. are                          C. have                       D. has 
9. Of all suggestions, her ideas were …………………………..
A. less practical than                                                           C. as practical as
B. more practical than                                                         D. the least practical
10. Above the fireplaces .......... a portrait of Lenin. 
A. is                            B. are                          C. be                           D. to be 
11. There wasn't …............. snow last night
A. many                                                                                 C. few
B. much                                                                                 D. a great deal of
12 The study of languages … very interesting. 
A. is                            B. are                          C. am                          D. to be
13. He had spent …...........time writing an essay about his childhood.
A. a large number of                                                            C. a few
B. a great deal of                                                                  D. Many
14. Jim as well as I … always busy doing English homework. 
A. be                           B. am                          C. is                            D. are 
15. At the beginning, everybody spoke English very quickly, and I couldn't understand …........., but now things are easier
A. much                                                                                 C. a great deal of
B. many                                                                                 D. a lot of
16. Both of the girls … pretty, but neither of them.......intelligent.
A. are/are                   B. are/is                      C. is/is                        D. is/are 
17. He is very rich. He has ….......... money in the bank
A. a great deal of                                                                  C. a large number of
B. many                                                                                 D. few
18. Everybody … trying to do their best at present 
A. have been             B. to be                      C. are                          D. is 
19. There were too ….........different nationalities in my class and we had to speak English
A. a lot of                                                                              C. some
B. much                                                                                 D. many
20. One of the girls who … working in this department … my niece. 
A. is/being                 B. is/are                      C. is/is                        D. was/were 
21. We _______ Dorothy since last Saturday.
A. don’t see                                          B. haven’t seen                      
C. didn’t see                                         D. hadn’t seen
22. There … lots of snow in the garden 
A. are                         B. is                            C. am                          D. have been 
23. The train ______ half an hour ago.
A. has been leaving                              B. left             
C. has left                                             D. had left
24. Mr. John accompanied by several members of the committee………. proposed some changes of the rules. 
A. is                            B. are                          C. have                       D. has 
25. My sister ________ for you since yesterday.
A. is looking                                         B. was looking                       
C. has been looking                              D. looked
26. What he told you………. to be of no importance 
A. seems                    B. seem                      C. must seem                         D. have seemed 
27. He has been selling motorbikes ________.
A. ten years ago                                    B. since ten years       
C. for ten years ago                               D. for ten years
28. The number of the months in a year …………twelve 
A. was                        B. were                       C. are                          D. is 
29. Christopher Columbus _______ American more than 500 years ago.
A. discovered                                        B. has discovered   
C. had discovered                                 D. had been discovering
30. The United Nations … its headquarters in New York city 
A. have                       B. having                   C. has                         D. to have 
31. I’ll come and see you before I _______ for the States.
A. leave                                                 B. will leave   
C. have left                                            D. shall leave
32. Only after the bus _______ for a few miles did Jane realize she was on the wrong route.
A. was running                                      B. had run         
C. has run                                              D. runs
33. He will take the dog out for a walk as soon as he ______ dinner.
A. finish                                                B. finishes      
C. will finish                                         D. finishing
34. As soon as I _______ a good look at the designs, I _______ them back to you.
A. have had/ sent                                    B. have had/ will send
C. have/ send                                         D. will have/ send
35. Mr Pike _______ for this company for more than thirty years, and he intends to stay here until he _______.
A. worked/retires                                  B. works/is retiring
C. has worked/retires                            D. is working/will retire
36. Only after she _______ from a severe illness did she realize the importance of good health.
A. would recover                                  B. has recovered          
C. had recovered                                   D. was recovering
37. I wanted to say goodbye to Jerry, but he _______ when I arrived.
A. was already left                                B. already left
C. had already been leaving                 D. had already left
38. Mr. Brown bought this car five years ago.
A. Mr. Brown started to buy this car for five years.
B. It has been five years when Mr. Brown has bought this car.
C. Mr. Brown has had this car for five years.
D. It is five years ago since Mr. Brown has bought this car.
39. When I _______ to the airport, I realized that I _______ my passport at home.
A. got/had left                                      B. got/left
C. had got/had left                               D. got/was left
40. Eight years ago we started writing to each other.
A. We have rarely written to each other for eight years.
B. Eight years is a long time for us to write to each other.
C. We wrote to each other eight years ago.
D. We have been writing to each other for eight years.